State-run organizations obliged to recruit persons with disabilities

TEHRAN — As per an article of the bill on rights of persons with disabilities Majlis (the Iranian parliament) has mandated state-run organizations to recruit persons with disabilities.
The article specifies that some 30 percent of the posts in state-run organizations must be allocated to physically challenged people.
While hammering out the general outlines of the bill on the rights of persons with disabilities the MPs have adopted the article to enhance these vulnerable groups’ employment chances.
According to labor minister Ali Rabiei some 1.5 million individuals suffer multiple disabilities nationwide, ISNA reported on December 6.
“Unfortunately, in most cases disabilities is closely interrelated with poverty especially in border regions. They usually face barriers to participate fully in the society,” Rabiei explained.
According to World Health Organization more than 1 billion persons in the world have some form of disability. This corresponds to about 15% of the world's population. Some 110-190 million people have very significant difficulties in functioning. People with disabilities are more likely to be unemployed than non-disabled people.
As indicated by the World report on disability (WRD) people with disabilities are more likely to be unemployed than non-disabled people as the employment rate of people with disabilities (44%) is slightly over half that for people without disabilities (75%).
The report further state that while national governments are expected to take on the most significant role, other actors can make important contributions. The report makes concrete recommendations on how United Nations agencies, disabled people’s organizations, service providers, academic institutions, the private sector, communities and people with disabilities themselves can help improve the situation.