Single Iranian women can file for adoption
TEHRAN — Iran’s Welfare Organization has eased adoption laws as baby girls are now available for adoption for single women aged 30 and over.
As per a law adopted in 2013 three groups can file for adoption, first parents with no child at all, women age over 30 who choose to stay single and parents who have child or children of their own but prefer to adopt a child as well, Mohammad Nafariyeh, an official with Iran’s Welfare Organization said, YJC reported.
But as the parents with no child have priority over single women the process might take longer than normal, Nafariyeh added.
Not having any criminal records, being physically and mentally healthy, financially self-sufficient, and religious are of the terms and conditions that single women should meet to adopt a child, he explained.
Most single women are looking for baby girls aging 5 to 6 or in some cases 16, the official said, adding, some even file for children suffering health conditions.
Adoption social workers will visit the adopted children twice a year to ensure their safety and good living conditions, he pointed.
He further explained that in case a single women who has previously adopted a child decide to marry the Welfare Organization will do a thorough background check on the adoptive father-to-be.