Back-to-school season, a meaningful event for moms

The smell of autumn is felt. The streets are all astir with the arrival of school days once again.
Children, holding hands of their mother walk toward stores buying school uniforms, bags, books and other supplies.
The children are happy yet worried. Moms are happier and more worried.
The children show their joy and anxiety. Moms show their joy but never reveal their worry. Mothers believe their children should never touch their anxiety.
What will they learn at school? Who would be their teacher? Who would be their classmates? Who would be their close friend? How will they deal with their lessons and homework? What happens on the route to school?
What should I prepare for my kids’ school snacks and foods? How should I help my children in their homework? How can I make them aware about our family rules and its difference with others?
As a mother, I am happy that my child is experiencing what I have experienced many years ago. Maybe I am experiencing my own feeling once more. I am feeling my own emotions in my children’s hearts.
When schools open, I am happy that my children will learn much lessons. They will be more experienced and mature.
For me the school season means more discipline for myself as well as my children. They are not bored anymore and I should not arrange different refreshment programs for them.
Although I should wake up early at the morning, when the sun has not risen yet, and I will be the first person to wake up acting as an alarming clock, I am happy that the daylight is short during the school season and the family will gather early in the evenings.
At school season, the family has its real meaning; the gathering of all members at a warm home in the cold autumn and winter.
Although, like any mother I wish my kids gain many success in their life and reach high educational levels, I promise myself not to make them a tool for compensating what I have not reached in my own life. I promise myself not to make them a tool for show off.
I promise myself to help my children to take pleasure of their childhood and make school days happy days for them instead of days full of stress for marks and grades.
I try my best to grow a happy, healthy, knowledgeable and responsible human being instead of a depressed, unhappy scientist.