National handicrafts showroom to open in Tehran

TEHRAN – The Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization plans to establish a national handicrafts showroom in Tehran in a bid to facilitate trade and yet to eliminate brokers.
“The goal of organizing the showroom is to control the market by directly introducing craftspeople to exporters or traders and to exclude brokers,” Mehr quoted CHTHO Deputy Director Bahman Namvar-Motlaq as saying on Sunday.
The center will put on display a lavish patchwork of crafts such as woodwork, illuminated manuscript, miniature, textile printing, enamel, leatherwork, handwoven products, calligraphy, traditional musical instruments, metalwork, and marquetry.
Iranian-made crafts are exported to the European Union, the Persian Gulf countries, and the BRICS states (association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
PHOTO: A file photo depicts vibrant handcrafted vessels that are meticulously inlaid with enamel