Iran, Tunisia pledge to enhance tourism co-op

December 14, 2015 - 0:0

TEHRAN – Iran and Tunisia have signed an agreement to enhance cooperation in the sphere of tourism.

Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicraft Organization director Masoud Soltanifar signed the agreement with Tunisia’s Tourism Minister Salma Elloumi Rekik during a meeting in Tunis on Saturday.

The two countries boast a variety of tourist attractions and this agreement would pave the way for further cooperation, Elloumi Rekik said during the event.

According to the agreement, the two sides will hold joint courses on tourism training and marketing and also some mutual investments in the tourism industry.

“Regarding to its historical and religious background, Tunisia is a great destination for Iranian tourists,” she added.

She said that direct flights between the two countries will be also established in the near future.

“Tunisia is ready to hold carpet exhibitions to promote Persian carpet and also urge some workshops for learning carpet weaving in our country,” Elloumi Rekik added.

She proposed holding joint exhibition of hotel equipment and supply in the future.

Soltanifar, who travelled to Tunisia with a delegation of officials and some directors of the private sector, also paid a visit to Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi on Saturday.

During the visit, Soltanifar on behalf of President Hassan Rouhani invited Essebsi to visit Iran.

He talked about further cooperation between the two countries in different fields, and tourism in particular.