Today News
  • poland 2020-12-15 13:36

    By Ramin Mehmanparast

    Economic Diplomacy: Poland can be Iran’s gateway to Europe

    TEHRAN - European countries have great capacities for economic cooperation with Iran, and while Iran can have a serious participation in supplying Europe’s energy needs, it would also be possible for the country to benefit from such relations for attracting investment and transferring technical knowledge and supplying its required machinery.

  • Wrong state 2020-12-08 18:04

    By Batool Subeiti

    The wrong calculations for the Wrong State

    Netanyahu recently listed his ‘achievements’ of the week, from them mentioning the strengthened relations between Israel (the Wrong State) and the Arab states, in addition to other ‘achievements’ he couldn't mention openly.

  • Heiko Maas 2020-12-05 21:11

    By Martin Love

    The U.S. and allies have done little but inflame West Asia…

    Heiko Maas, Germany’s foreign minister, must be crazy, literally. Or just a blind twit, like so many others in the “Western” establishment of lily-white bigots, racists and Christian imperialists.  

  • Fakhrizadeh 2020-11-30 12:01

    By Martin Love

    An assassination has made a dark Mideast darker than ever…

    Joe Biden’s up and coming “climate” czar John Kerry has claimed the reason Russia came to Syria’s aid several years ago was because ISIS was threatening Damascus. And he also more or less admitted to the U.S. role assisting ISIS because the U.S. thought Syria might thus be brought to the negotiating table. But what has been most elusive in this carnage, a decade long in Syria that continues with Zionist strikes on Syria that have gone unchallenged by the U.S. and the EU, is an adequate explanation as to why Syria under popular Assad ever constituted a real threat to anyone in the Middle East (West Asia). Was it a threat because Syria has long hoped that the Golan would be returned to Syria? Not likely. Or that Syria has long condemned Israeli apartheid and land theft? Not likely.

  • stephen Lendman 2020/11/30

    By Stephen Lendman

    Saudi Arabia’s abominable human rights record

    Like the U.S., Israel, and other rogue states, the Saudis operate by their own rules in flagrant violation of international laws, norms, and standards. It’s the world’s head-chopping/public whippings capital. Anyone can be targeted for exercising free expression, human rights activism, or other forms of dissent against despotic rule.

  • ترامپ و بایدن 2020/11/28

    By Tehran Times' correspondent from Washington

    Celebrating Thanksgiving 2020

    On November 26th, many millions of American families tried to maintain a semblance of normalcy and tradition by observing the holiday commonly known as Thanksgiving. Various versions of the “first Thanksgiving” story continue to be taught in popular culture all over the U.S., with varying degrees of accuracy—mostly very little.

  • china-US 2020/11/27

    By Chris Ogden

    Implications of the U.S. election on U.S.-China relations

    The last four years have been one of the most tumultuous periods in modern China-U.S. relations. U.S. President Donald Trump has been the critical catalyst of this upheaval as he has oscillated between presenting China as a valued partner in international affairs, to it being a pariah that needs to be ever more constrained.

  • Trump Biden 2020/11/25

    By Martin Love

    Does Biden have the wisdom to be better than Trump? …

    Biden will be better. Biden will be better, goes the mantra not just among most Democrats in the U.S., but among any person who manages to generate a reasonable thought and perspective about world and national U.S. affairs. To be a U.S. citizen these days with half a brain is like riding a dangerous roller coaster and gripping a safety bar with white knuckles, and the same can probably be said for decent souls anywhere in the world, including Iranians.

  • Syria 2020/11/24

    By Abir Bassam

    Syria: The complicated scene

    It is a dirty war that has been going on in Syria, Libya, and Yemen. Almost nine and a half tragic years have passed. The three countries were subjected to all kinds of terror and brutally destroyed. Actually, what has been going on is a world war! All weapons were used and tested and many countries were involved.

  • civil war 2020/11/21

    By Sonja van den Ende  

    The U.S. is on the brink of a civil war

    The President of the U.S. is just a puppet of the deep-state

    The U.S. election is far from over, even though, the Western MSM (regular media) was quick to announce that Joe Biden won the election. President Trump promised his voters, that he will fight until it becomes clear, that according to him a massive ‘fraud’ has been conducted by the Democrats and therefore, as he, Trump, calls it the deep-state, will not recognize the outcome.

  • Anthony Tucker-Jones 2020/11/16

    By Anthony Tucker-Jones

    The troubled summer: The U.S. is teetering on the brink of renewed violence

    There were very real fears of widespread unrest and politically motivated violence in the run-up to the U.S. election on 3 November.

  • Seymur Mammadov 2020-11-14 17:46

    By Seymur Mammadov

    Iran-Azerbaijan relations in the post- Karabakh war period

    TEHRAN – Despite ups and downs in Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan relations, the two countries' relations have entered a new, dynamic, and promising stage of development in recent years.

  • Ian Greenhalgh 2020/11/12

    By Ian Greenhalgh

    Europe's terror problem is not Islamic

    Europe has been experiencing a wave of 'Islamic' terrorism for many years now, with the recent attacks in Austria and France being just the latest examples.

  • Abayomi Azikiwe 2020/11/10

    By Abayomi Azikiwe

    Trump defeated at the polls by mass sentiment

    Trump will not leave office without a legal and political challenge to his electoral defeat

    All the major United States-based corporate news networks finally called the national presidential elections in favor of former Vice President Joe Biden on Saturday morning, November 7.