Today News
  • school children massacred at Robb Elementary School 2022-05-28 21:27

    By Professor Mahmood Monshipouri

    America’s unending gun violence

    A pervasive gun culture, deeply rooted in some parts of the United States and reinforced by culture wars and problematic gun safety measures touted by Republican Representatives and Senators, has manifested yet another horrific mass killing.  

  • NATO 2022-05-25 18:41

    By Morteza Karimi

    Will Turkey block Finland, Sweden NATO bid? 

    TEHRAN - Despite opposing bids by Sweden and Finland to join NATO, Turkey will try to control the level of tension with other member states because the country is well familiar with its economic weaknesses. 

  • China-Russia 2022-05-16 09:39

    By Dost Muhammad Barrech

    China’s foreseen dilemma in Ukraine war

    The ongoing war in Ukraine triggered by Russia has started a fascinating debate among the experts; viewing the Russian military operations in Ukraine will alter the complexion of international politics, and posing a grave challenge to the Western democratic values.

  • A challenge called ISIS to the Taliban government 2022/05/11

    By Said Maisam Moosavi

    A challenge called ISIS to the Taliban government

    During Ramadan a powerful blast struck a mosque in western Kabul, killing at least 10 people and wounding 20, officials said. The incident happened amid a spate of attacks on Afghan places of worship and civilian targets.

  • Qassem Soleimani 2022/05/10

    By Sondoss Al Asaad

    Martyr Qassem Soleimani and his role in Islamic awakening toward the Palestinian cause

     “We don't sleep for one night unless we think of eliminating our enemies.  We will continue our endeavors for the victory of the Palestinian resistance day and night, for its victory, until the earth, sky, and sea become hell for the Zionists,” stresses Martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, who believed in the cause of Al-Quds, sacrificed on its fronts, paid the tax of perseverance in its path, and suffered from the scourge of the siege and international brutal sanctions for its sake.

  • Amir-Abdollahian 2022-04-27 18:46

    By Hossein Amir-Abdollahian Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran 

    Quds Day manifests humanity and sacred resistance

    The World Quds Day coincides with the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan. It was designated as Quds Day on 7 August 1979 on the initiative of Imam Khomeini (May his soul rest in peace) to support the Palestinian cause and nation and mark a new stage of solidarity with the people of Palestine.

  • Russia is a main gas exporter to Europe 2022-04-11 21:06

    By Chris Cook

    Russia and a Gas Standard

    The key question addressed by the COP26 conference in Glasgow, Scotland in November 2021 as with previous COP conferences was how to finance and deliver transition to a sustainable zero carbon economy. So it was fitting that three years after my last visit to Tehran I should meet one of my Iranian friends in Glasgow during a brief academic visit.

  • Ukraine 2022-03-16 16:01

    By Sarah Khan

    End of dream, return of history

    Russian military assault on Ukraine is debilitating blow to American-led Liberal Leviathan and final nail in the coffin of ‘End of History’ delusions. Western security analysts are incessantly scrutinizing that what led to this preventable catastrophe?

  • Russia-Ukraine 2022-03-09 11:33

    By Salman Parviz

    Russian forces widen offensive on Ukraine

    TEHRAN -- Following the sequence of events before the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, it was clear that trouble was brewing in the region.

  • Hossein Askari 2022-02-13 17:04

    By Professor Hossein Askari

    Iran—America’s manufactured enemy

    TEHRAN- Iran and America were the closest of allies before the Iranian Revolution of 1979, but they are now implacable enemies. How have such allies become such enemies for more than forty years?

  • Russian security interests remain key to its activities in Ukraine 2022-02-07 18:30

    By Vaishali Krishna

    Russian security interests remain key to its activities in Ukraine

    TEHRAN- Once enjoyed the status of a superpower during the Cold War period, Russia of today somehow feels pressure from the U.S.-led West over the Ukraine crisis. Ukraine was part of the Russian empire for centuries before becoming a Soviet republic, and the two neighbours stayed aligned even after the disintegration of the USSR in 1991.

  • Iran football 2022-02-04 12:40

    By Hooman Afazeli

    Football expert says a tough job ahead of Iran in 2022 World Cup

    TEHRAN - Iran national football team had a great run in the 2022 FIFA World Cup qualification. The performance of Dragan Skocic's side were outstanding and in terms of the results and the way we qualified for the World Cup, it was excellent.

  • دربی 97 2022-01-22 13:26

    By Morteza Mohases

    Persepolis, Esteghlal in the league of their own

    TEHRAN - Iranian football community was rocked and surprised by the most significant story with the news that Persepolis and Esteghlal. The teams could be even out of the AFC Champions League (ACL) 2022/23.

  • ZHANG Yuan 2022/01/21

    By Professor Yuan Zhang 

    The strength of a country’s good political system is the governance capacity

    A good political path is a system exploring development that is in line with people’s aspirations. American-style democracy is being widely questioned, and the Capitol Hill riot on January 6, 2021, have intensified these questions.

  • S-400 air defense missile systems 2022-01-12 10:55

    By Dost Muhammad Barrech

    Sanctioning India under CAATSA

    Moscow has started supplying New Delhi with S-400 air defense missile systems said Dmitry Shugayev, the head of the Russian military cooperation agency. S-400 air defense missile systems deal between Russian and India worth around U.S.$5.5 billion was signed in 2018 for five long-range surface-to-air missile systems, that New Delhi believes are crucial to counter China.

  • Dr. Abduljalil al-Singace 2022-01-10 13:49

    By Sondoss Al Asaad

    Leading prisoner of conscience facing slow death in Bahrain 

    This week marks the 6th month of Bahraini prisoner of conscience Dr. Abduljalil al-Singace’s hunger-striking in protest of the treatment of the political prisoners at the notorious Central Jau Prison, where he is serving a life sentence over his peaceful role in Bahrain's 2011 pro-democracy uprising. Meanwhile, there is serious concern over his life; so what is Bahrain government waiting for to immediately release him?

  • Hojjatoleslam Ahmad Hossein Sharifi 2022-01-08 11:10

    By Hojjatoleslam Ahmad Hossein Sharifi

    A few words in praise of prominent thinker

    TEHRAN- Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi was not only an objective model of Islamic ethics in terms of individual and social life, but also he is also scientifically considered one of the greatest moral and ethical theorists in the Islamic world.

  • Sheikh Abbas Ali Shameli 2022-01-08 11:09

    By Samaneh Nourizadeh

    Ayatollah Mesbah’s solutions for bringing Islamic Humanities into daily life

    TEHRAN – Sheikh Abbas Ali Shameli, who is one of Ayatollah Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi’s students and has received his Ph.D. in Culture and Values in Education from McGill University in Canada, throws light on his teacher’s activities out of Iran.

  • Amir Abdollahian Bayramov 2021-12-26 21:54

    By Mojtaba Rouzbahani

    Iran FM visit to Baku promises success of government’s strategic policy

    The intensive but fruitful visit by Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian to the Republic of Azerbaijan, which was warmly welcomed by the officials of that country, opens a new page in the history of relations between the two brotherly and Muslim neighboring countries.

  • Afghanistan: OIC emerging dilemma 2021-12-17 18:21

    By Dost Muhammad Barrech

    Afghanistan: OIC emerging dilemma

    TEHRAN - December 19, 2021, is going to be a monumental day for Afghanistan in its perilous situation. Pakistan on that particular day will host a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) foreign ministers on Afghanistan aimed at addressing exacerbating and egregious humanitarian crisis in war-torn Afghanistan.

  • America the land of opportunities or a place of shattered dreams? 2021-12-17 17:37

    By Hussein Pabarja

    America the land of opportunities or a place of shattered dreams?

    The United States' infrastructure is in disarray, with broken seawalls and flooded housing developments in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

  • Stephen Hoadley 2021-12-17 17:34

    By Ramin Etesam

    U.S. needs to keep friendly ties with Arab states in rivalry with Iran: professor 

    TEHRAN – A professor of international relations says it is in the U.S. interest to support Arab states to keep energy prices low and contain Iran.

  • The Big Bang of Lebanon 2021/12/03

    By A. Bassam

    The Big Bang of Lebanon

    TEHRAN - During the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1989), the first time Lebanon suffered from the collapse of its Lira was when the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) departed the country in 1982, after the Israeli invasion. The Lebanese lira’s price fell from 3 to 3000 against the American dollar in one go. However, at that time no one felt that the Lebanese existence as an independent state was in jeopardy.

  • Ambassador Rahim Hayat Qureshi 2021/11/27

    By Rahim Hayat Qureshi

    ECO, Into the Future Together

    TEHRAN - In 1964, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey came together and formed the Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD). It was a visionary initiative as the regional economic groupings were not in fashion. At a time, when the world was bereft of global and regional vision and shared solutions, RCD called for effective multilateralism at the regional level and played its part as a pivotal coordinating Organization. The idea was to convert historical affinity and brotherhood among the three countries into a well-defined multilateral platform. It was envisioned that the primary focus would be on promotion of economy through trade and connectivity as well as further strengthening of the cultural bonds. Over the past four decades, ECO’s voice in regional affairs has attained distinct significance.

  • Children's world tied up with coronavirus 2021-11-20 16:18

    By Faranak Bakhtiari

    Children's world tied up with coronavirus

    TEHRAN – World Children's Day has been different over the last two years due to the prevalence of coronavirus, by imposing mandatory restrictions on them, causing many changes in social relations, education, and hobbies.

  • Martin Love 2021-11-14 21:56

    By Martin Love

    A view from the peanut gallery in the U.S.

    Few outside Iran’s government probably know exactly what the country’s leaders are primed to focus on around the alleged upcoming resumption of the JCPOA negotiations in Vienna. But a couple of smart commentators outside Iran in West Asia have claimed this past week that Iran will focus almost exclusively on trying to get the U.S. sanctions lifted so that it can again resume exporting oil widely.

  • Chang Hua, the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Tehran 2021/11/14

    By Chang Hua, Ambassador of China to Iran

    Brilliance comes from struggle, the future arises from the past

        The 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) convened its sixth plenary session in Be?ing from November 8 to 11, 2021. At the session, the Central Committee considered and adopted the Resolution on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century.

  • زاینده رود 2021-11-14 14:47

    By M.A. Saki

    Tough decisions needed to revive Zayandehrud

    President Ebrahim Raisi has tasked Presidential Center for Strategic Studies director Mohammad Sadeq Khayyatian to start scientific studies on reviving Zayandehrud River, ISNA reported on Saturday.

  • One year in office: U.S. elections show letdown in Biden 2021-11-08 18:00

    By Ramin Mazaheri

    One year in office: U.S. elections show letdown in Biden

    In speaking with Iranian immigrants to the US, I always hear a couple of refrains repeatedly: 1) Why Democrats do not criticize their own politicians when they do the exact things they criticize Republicans for? 2) When Republicans get into office, at least, they actually do things they say they want to do; Democrats never do.

  • How India views AUKUS 2021/11/02

    By Dost Muhammad Barrech

    How India views AUKUS

    TEHRAN - The inking of the AUKUS, a trilateral security pact among Australia, the UK and the U.S. on September 15, 2021, with an effort to counter China in the Asia-Pacific without Indian inclusion has taken back many experts. The AUKUS for the first time will be building nuclear-powered submarines; Canberra will be using technologies provided by Washington.