Today News
  • Iran-U.S. 2022-12-03 11:39

    By Fatemeh Saberi

    American miscalculation and Iran’s upper hand 

    "The policy of escalating tension to reduce tension" is a wrong policy that United States usually adopts toward Iran.

  • Israel shunned at Qatar World Cup 2022-12-02 21:37

    By Martin Love

    Retribution is coming…

    Enlightened Americans were sad to see the Iranian soccer team underdogs 1 to the U.S. team. (For too long, since the ouster of Mossadegh by the CIA and the Brits in the early 1950s, the U.S. has maligned and tried to control Iran.) Sportsmanship seemed to have prevailed at the end of the match, however, with some of the opposed team members giving hugs to each other. That single goal made by the U.S. was an instance of luck even though the Iranians did not mount a particularly notable offense. But who is really losing this year and going forward: The West and particularly the United States. As an American, it may be hard to say it, but it’s deserved.

  • Alice Weidel 2022-11-29 23:56

    By Pascal Najadi

    Alice Weidel: The new hope for Germany

    Germany is currently walking into the biggest socio-economic crisis since WW2. But there is a new North Star on the horizon and her name is Dr. Alice Weidel. She is a young and dynamic banker and economist that also speaks Mandarin. Alice leads the German conservative AfD party with courage and cleverness to new heights. 

  • Hossein Askari 2022-11-28 11:05

    By Hossein Askari

    There’s corruption and there’s corruption—the Al-Sauds take the cake

    Does Saudi Arabia’s constitution condone corruption and murder?

    Let’s admit it upfront. Corruption is everywhere in the world. In the United States, big time donors give big bucks or “dark money” to politicians to legislate and change laws in their favor. Still we are lucky in the United States that we can call out corruption and face no prison term and dismemberment. This is far from the case in Saudi Arabia, where such criticism of the Al-Sauds, the ruling tribe, could lead to your death or land you in jail.

  • Zhang Yuan, Professor, The Middle East Studies Institute of Shanghai International Studies University, China 2022-11-27 09:55

    By Professor Yuan Zhang

    External conflicts revise the view of war in the Middle East

    Throughout human history, major international wars have not only caused dramatic short-term fluctuations in interstate relations, but have also had a long and profound impact on the way non-combatant states view war. The Russia-Ukraine conflict is rapidly changing the global geopolitics and the world political and economic order.

  • Guardian 2022-11-20 10:47

    By Fatemeh Saberi

    What is all this anger for?

    TEHRAN- Since September 2022, the Guardian newspaper has been covering one-sided and untrue news of the protests in Iran surrounding the death of Mahsa Amini.

  • Netanyahu and Biden 2022-11-11 19:47

    By Mojtaba Babaei

    Netanyahu and Biden's foreign policy

    TEHRAN- U.S. foreign policy is bipartisan for supporting Israel, but Democrats are less influenced by their allies than Republican rivals. 

  • Mid-term elections in US 2022-11-06 11:24

    By Abbas Sarvestani

    Mid-term elections in US under shadow of unprecedented political violence 

    Attack against Nancy Pelosi's husband on October 28, once again turned the discussion of political violence into the headlines of the world's media. In general, political violence in most of the modern societies is the result of social tensions, which develop due to different reasons: Ideology, religious and ethnic conflicts, political conflicts between different groups of elites, economic conditions and the concept of relative deprivation.

  • Arman Ali Verdi 2022-11-06 11:12

    By Fatemeh Saberi

    “Engineering Operation”: 40 years later

    TEHRAN- Arman Ali Verdi was a young student of religious studies who was kidnapped in the evening of October 26 during riots in the Ekbatan residential complex in west Tehran, and was brutally martyred. His martyrdom once again brought to mind the crimes of the Mujaheddin Khalq Organization (MKO) in assassinating people who were aligned or interested in the Islamic Republic system in the 1980s. 

  • Hossein Askari 2022-10-29 16:01

    By Hossein Askari

    Saudi energy minister’s threat and blackmail must be SLAMMED

    TEHRAN- On October 25, Reuters reported “Saudi Arabia’s energy minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said on Tuesday [October 25] that some countries were using their emergency stocks to manipulate markets when their purpose should be to mitigate any shortages of supply … “It is my profound duty to make clear to the world that losing (releasing) emergency stocks may be painful in the months to come,” the Saudi minister told the Future Initiative Investment (FII) conference in Riyadh.

  • Ukraine war 2022-10-26 11:01

    By Pascal Najadi

    The whys and whats of Ukraine crisis

    Ukraine war solvable with common sense

    We are today facing an avoidable crisis between the United States and Russia that was predictable, deliberate, but easily solvable with common sense.

  • Ukraine war 2022-10-23 12:03

    By Pascal Najadi

    Ukraine war threatens the entire world

    Contrary to the current belief that either Ukraine or Russia could win this war, reality will show us that global destruction is likely the result in case of a one-sided victory. 

  • Russia-Ukraine war 2022-09-28 20:56

    By Pascal Najadi

    To save world peace, it is urgent for Switzerland to become neutral again

    For those who don't know it yet or haven't realized it, we are on the brink of nuclear war. It is no longer a question of blaming but of acting lucidly and fighting for peace in order to obtain a cease-fire in Ukraine. We cannot go to sleep now, because this may be our last chance.

  • Hossein Askari 2022/09/27

    By Professor Hossein Askari 

    America's foreign policy endangers Iranians, Jews, Israel and wider U.S. interests

    TEHRAN- Not only has Iran become enemy number one in the United States but Americans with Iranian roots are perceived as terrorists, anti-Americans and have become targets of hate and discrimination. So much so that many even deny their Iranian heritage.

  • Switzerland 2022-09-06 12:35

    By Pascal Najadi

    Now Switzerland repositions as WW3 combatant

    Those who cherish Swiss neutrality can kiss it goodbye.

  • Economic sanctions 2022/09/06

    By Hossein Askari

    Economic sanctions are a global curse 

    A world regressing beyond repair

    Political leaders in the United States have touted economic sanctions as being less costly and more humanitarian than wars to affect the objectionable policies of an adversary. I beg to differ.

  • Europe 2022-08-27 11:49

    By Aylin Javadi

    Has Europe actually faced socio-economic drought?

    TEHRAN- This dry summer coupled with Russian gas cuts has put water resources in an alarming situation across Europe.

  • Climate change and challenges 2022-08-26 18:48

    By Mehdi Zare

    Climate change and challenges

    Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns that may be natural but since the middle of the 18th century, the trends have changed. 

  • Iran and Russia 2022-08-08 17:52

    By Dr. Vaishali Krishna*

    Iran and Russia: Moving towards anti-West coalitions

    Having a long history of physical, productive, and socio-political interplay, the relationship between Iran and Russia goes back to 1521 when the first envoy was sent to Russia from Iran by Safavid Shah Ismail I to the Tsar Vasili III.

  • Biden Brings as much shame to Americans as MBS brings to Muslims 2022-08-03 11:56

    By Hossein Askari

    Biden Brings as much shame to Americans as MBS brings to Muslims

    Muslims the world over must shun Mohammad bin Salman and members of the al-Saud tribe. They must demand that Saudi Arabia relinquish its control over Islam’s two holiest places in Mecca and Medina and place management of the two sites under the stewardship of all Muslim countries.

  • Martin Love 2022-08-02 11:30

    By Martin Love

    Maybe, just maybe, real change can happen…

    There seems little cheer about in the US and with its “allies” currently: 

    Climate control seems like it will not happen because maybe it can’t happen and won’t until it’s far too late. Consider that the corrupted World Economic Forum has asserted that the personal ownership of automobiles must be curtailed radically or halted completely. What? The US, to cite one country, is entirely dependent on the automobile.

  • Chinese ambassador to Tehran 2022/07/29

    By Chang Hua, Chinese Ambassador to Iran

    China's economy showing resilience and potentials amid headwinds

    Since the beginning of this year, the increasingly complicated international environment and weakened global economic recovery, as well as sporadic but multiple local outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic caused harsh impacts on China’s economic development.

  • روستاهای سایه خوش و کلاتو در دومین روز پس از زلزله 2022-07-26 18:43

    By Mehdi Zare, professor at Earthquake Prediction Center, IIEES

    Scientific challenge: predicting earthquakes or avoiding them?

    Almost every time, after a large earthquake occurs near a residential area, questions are raised in the media as to "why the event was not anticipated?". 

  • Munir A Saeed 2022/07/23

    By Munir Saeed

    No red carpet for America’s return 

    The Jeddah summit, requested by the U.S., should have been Joe Biden’s show. “America is back”. Instead, it was a spectacle that showed America as a spent force desperately trying to stay relevant. Biden’s arrival to the region was probably comparable to Biden’s departure from Afghanistan. 

  • Hossein Askari 2022-07-15 16:30

    By Hossein Askari

    How to counterbalance sanctions for the future

    Iran was entirely compliant with the nuclear agreement (JCPOA) signed by President Obama and ratified by the United Nations Security Council; nevertheless, Trump tore it up.

  • Mevlut Cavusoglu 2022/07/14

    By Mevlut Cavusoglu, the Foreign Minister of Türkiye

    “Terrorism has no nationality, ethnicity nor religion. FETO threatens humanity as a whole”

    On the evening of July 15, 2016, the “Fethullahist Terrorist Organization” (FETO) launched a bloody coup attempt against the people and the government of my country. Their aim was to establish a radical, fundamentalist regime, loyal only to their ringleader Fetullah Gülen.

  • Palestinian apartheid 2022/06/29

    By Sarah Khan

    Normalization of Palestinian apartheid is new normal

    “The tale of Palestine from the beginning until today is a simple story of colonialism and dispossession, yet the world treats it as a multifaceted and complex story—hard to understand and even harder to solve.” ? Noam Chomsky 

  • Iran nuclear deal 2022-06-08 17:09

    By Prem Anand Mishra

    Limits of U.S. ‘coercive diplomacy': The case of Iran nuclear deal

    The culture of coercive diplomacy as a national security strategy has been the hallmark of U.S. foreign policy as leverage to seek the desired outcome against its perceived enemies and adversaries.

  • Imam Khomeini 2022/06/06

    By Dr. Dina Yulianti

    The balanced foreign policy of Imam Khomeini

    The desire to live as an independent nation is a fundamental aspect owned by many countries on earth. The foreign policies of Indonesia and Iran have a similar doctrine, namely the rejection of domination from any outsiders.

  • US school shooting 2022/06/01

    By Yuram Abdullah Weiler

    U.S. School Shootings: A post-modern form of child sacrifice?

    “Dismissing the idea of child sacrifice stops us seeing the bigger picture.” —Dr. Josephine Quinn of Oxford University [1]