

  • Saeed Khatibzadeh 2022-05-15 21:43

    Foreign Ministry official pays tribute to Palestinian journalist

    TEHRAN— Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman visited the Palestinian embassy in Tehran on Sunday and signed the memorial book of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh killed by Israeli occupation forces.

  • Nakba Day 2022-05-15 21:40

    Next Nakba Day could be the day occupiers leave Palestine

    TEHRAN — May 15 marks Nakba Day, also known as the Day of Palestinian Catastrophe. It is the day that comprised the destruction of Palestinian society and homeland in 1948, and the permanent displacement of a majority of the Palestinian people.

  • Procession 2022-05-15 20:07

    Nakba Day: 74 years of repression

    TEHRAN – Thousands of Palestinians took to the streets in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank as well as other parts of the world to remember a disaster that took place decades ago and never really came to an end. 

  • Raisi-Qatari emir 2022-05-14 21:55

    Israeli atrocities will only cause public hatred: Iran's president

    TEHRAN- Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi has underscored that the crimes by Israel, such as the recent assassination a Palestinian journalist, will by no means bring security for the regime, rather will simply increase public disapproval.

  • UN 2022-05-14 21:35

    Iran urges UN to act urgently as Israel assassinates Palestinian journalist 

    TEHRAN – Mohammad Reza Sahraei, adviser to the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations, has condemned the assassination of Shirin Abu Akleh, the Palestinian journalist and Al-Jazeera correspondent, and called on the organization, especially the UN Security Council, to take urgent action to end the Israeli crimes.

  • Israelis attacking Shireen Abu Akleh Casket 2022-05-14 20:49

    Afraid of a casket, let alone the truth

    TEHRAN— On Friday, 54 seconds of a disturbing footage shocked the whole world. During the funeral procession for Shireen Abu Akleh, a veteran journalist who worked for Al Jazeera, Israeli police forces attacked the mourners and tried to take the Palestinian flag off of her casket.

  • Palestine 2022-05-14 20:48

    Iran calls on Muslim states to halt Israeli occupation, atrocities

    TEHRAN - In a statement issued on the occasion of Nakba Day, which commemorates the illegal Zionist regime of Israel, Iran's Foreign Ministry noted that the only option to ensure Palestinian rights is for governments and Muslim nations to embrace resistance against the occupiers.

  • Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah 2022-05-14 18:19

    Seyyed Nasrallah: Abu Aqleh’s faith most powerful message 

    The Secretary-General of Hezbollah has said Shireen Abu Aqleh’s Christian faith sent the strongest message after the veteran al-Jazeera journalist’s murder at the hands of Israeli regime forces. 

  • Amir Abdollahian-Qatar 2022-05-13 22:07

    Iran FM commemorates memory of Al Jazeera journalist

    TEHRAN — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian on Thursday commemorated the memory of Al Jazeera correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh who was killed by the Zionist regime of Israel in the occupied territories on Wednesday morning.

  • Amir-Abdollahian 2022-05-13 22:05

    People won’t tolerate normalization with Israel, Iran FM says

    TEHRAN - Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian has reminded Lebanon's Culture Minister Mohammad Wissam al-Mortada that normalizing relations with Israel would never be tolerated by the people of the region.

  • Shireen Abu Akleh 2022-05-13 21:34

    Systemic killing of journalists: An Israeli trend

    TEHRAN — After killing the veteran Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, the Israeli authorities have resorted to their old habit of distorting the truth by claiming that the brutal killing was unintentional.

  • Pro-Palestine protests 2022-05-13 21:34

    Iranian journalists, activists condemn Israeli killing of Palestinian correspondent

    TEHRAN — On Thursday afternoon, a group of journalists and political activists staged a demonstration in front of the Palestinian embassy in Tehran to express sympathy for Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian journalist who was brutally shot in the head by the Israeli snipers.

  • Meeting 2022-05-13 18:17

    Ayatollah Khamenei meets emir of Qatar, urges Arab action on Palestine

    TEHRAN – It is necessary that Arab states pay more attention to Palestine, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said on Thursday while receiving Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar. 

  • Shireen Abu-Akleh 2022-05-11 21:04

    State terrorism

    TEHRAN— Early on Wednesday, Al-Jazeera reported on its Telegram channel that Israeli forces had attacked the Jenin camp and surrounded a house in al-Jabriyat neighborhood.

  • Qassem Soleimani 2022/05/10

    By Sondoss Al Asaad

    Martyr Qassem Soleimani and his role in Islamic awakening toward the Palestinian cause

     “We don't sleep for one night unless we think of eliminating our enemies.  We will continue our endeavors for the victory of the Palestinian resistance day and night, for its victory, until the earth, sky, and sea become hell for the Zionists,” stresses Martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, who believed in the cause of Al-Quds, sacrificed on its fronts, paid the tax of perseverance in its path, and suffered from the scourge of the siege and international brutal sanctions for its sake.

  • Israel 2022-05-09 21:37

    In your head!

    TEHRAN— Battling to provide minimum security for its citizens, the Israeli regime claims it has started the largest military drill in its fake history!

  • Munir A Saeed 2022-05-09 09:28

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    99% of Yemenis support Palestine cause: political analyst

    “Apartheid was practiced in South Africa and the whole world fought against it. Why is it tolerated in Palestine?” 

    TEHRAN – A Yemeni political analyst and activist says that a vast majority of Yemeni people support the Palestinian cause and their rights to liberate their lands.

  • Israel plans 4,000 new settler units 2022-05-08 18:40

    Israel plans 4,000 new settler units 

    Defying international law once again, Israeli occupation authorities plan to build around four thousand new settlement units in two areas across the occupied Palestinian West Bank. 

  • Aboutorabi 2022-05-07 21:48

    Israeli regime under siege by Islamic resistance: top cleric

    TEHRAN- Hojjatoleslam Seyed Mohammad Hassan Aboutorabifard, Tehran's Friday Prayers leader, slammed the Israeli regime for its continued brutality against Palestinians and sacrilege of Al-Aqsa Mosque, saying the Zionists are peppered with the Islamic Resistance Movement.

  • Khatibzadeh 2022-05-07 21:31

    Foreign Ministry: Quds occupiers on verge of decline

    TEHRAN— Iran’s Foreign Ministry has strongly condemned the frequent aggressions of the Israeli regime’s forces on Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, saying that the occupiers of Quds are on the verge of decline.

  • Israel 2022-05-06 21:23

    ‘Never in a thousand years had I thought I’d head this government’

    TEHRAN — In his Thursday remarks, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that he heads a government that he never imagined in a thousand years would have this composition. His remarks were intended to praise his cabinet, but what did he really mean by these words?

  • Qaani 2022-04-30 21:53

    Quds Force chief lauds triumphant flight of drones over occupied lands

    TEHRAN- The chief of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force has hailed successful flights by two unidentified drones over the Israeli-occupied territory, which the Tel Aviv regime attempted to keep hidden.

  • Majid Takht Ravanchi 2022-04-30 21:51

    Iran’s UN envoy: Unilateralism impedes development

    TEHRAN- Majid Takht Ravanchi, the Iranian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, has stated that unilateralism by some global powers has hindered efforts for economic development in underdeveloped countries, reported on Friday.

  • Shamkhani 2022-04-30 21:50

    Sound of Zionists’ bones shattering can be heard: top security official

    TEHRAN— Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) secretary says International Quds Day marches set a milestone in weakening the already desperate Israeli regime, noting that the sound of Zionist regime’s “bones” being shattered is being heard.

  • Ariel settlement 2022-04-30 21:50

    Revolution in the West Bank: Israel unsafer than ever!

    TEHRAN— As we are moving from “stone intifada” to “missile intifada,” things are looking differently for the apartheid regime of Israel, which is on the verge of decline.

  • Raisi 2022-04-30 21:50

    Quds Day demonstrations symbolize solidarity of Islamic Ummah: Raisi

    TEHRAN – Iranian President Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi has said the demonstrations held on the occasion of World Quds Day symbolize the solidarity of the Islamic Ummah with Palestine.

  • Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah 2022-04-30 16:54

    Sayyed Nasrallah on Israeli war games

    The Secretary-General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah has warned Israel against the slightest mistake it may make during the regime’s expected upcoming month-long military drills. 

  • Quds Day 2022-04-29 21:27

    After two years, free-spirited people celebrate approaching decline of apartheid

    TEHRAN — Millions of Iranians from all walks of life marched the streets on the last Friday of Ramadan to mark “International Quds Day”. The massive rallies were intended to highlight the Palestinian cause as the Islamic world’s number one priority.

  • Raisi-Ambassadors 2022-04-29 21:26

    “Internal disputes must be resolved through dialogue”

    Raisi says it’s time for Islamic states to unite

    TEHRAN— Speaking at the gathering of the ambassadors of Islamic countries in Tehran, Iranian President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi stressed the need for unity among Islamic countries. He also criticized normalization with the Israeli regime.

  • Leader 2022-04-29 18:44

    New equation in Palestine

    TEHRAN – In his speech delivered on the occasion of World Quds Day, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei shone a light on a range of regional issues that were sidelined in recent years by some regional and global parties.