

  • Menorah 2020-06-22 15:15

    By Diego Vida

    The Hebraism untold

    The Zionist regime is the real cause of the destabilization in West Asia as the Palestinians claim since they started to lose their land after the invasion of the French Zionists during the world war 1 right after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. This process of occupation was intended to create the puppet state of Israel.

  • Ghaani 2020-06-21 18:34

    Quds Force says to stand by Palestinian resistance

    TEHRAN — General Esmail Ghaani has said his IRGC Quds Force will stand by the Palestinian resistance movement the same way that martyr Qassem Soleimani did.  

  • Israeli colonial projects in West Bank and Jerusalem 2020-06-14 18:28

    Israeli colonial projects in West Bank and Jerusalem

    Israel has its roots in a colonial project that has modernized its face but continues to subject Palestinians to military occupation, land dispossession and unequal rights. 72 years after its establishment, the wounds of the Nakba are still open, as Israel prohibits over five million refugees the right of return - while guaranteeing citizenship to anyone who can demonstrate Jewish ancestry. According to Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, the forced displacement of Palestinians amounts to ethnic cleansing. “The tale of Palestine from the beginning until today is a simple story of colonialism and dispossession, yet the world treats it as a multifaceted and complex story — hard to understand and even harder to solve”, affirms Pappe in the 2015 book On Palestine, co-written with American scholar Noam Chomsky. The treaties partitioned the West Bank into three areas: Area A under Palestinian Authority (PA) control, Area B under joint Israeli-Palestinian administration, and area C, run by Israel. The accords, which should have paved the way for the creation of a Palestinian state, instead led to increased Israeli presence in the territory through the expansion of Zionist settlements.  Scholar Edward Said has pointed out that Palestinian leaders had effectively given up the right to self-determination in most of the West Bank’s territory in exchange for Israel’s acknowledgement of the PA, and referred to the agreement as “an instrument of Palestinian surrender, a Palestinian Versailles”. Oslo’s failure is particularly evident in area C, a scarcely populated district comprising more than 60% of the West Bank and most of the territory’s natural resources, where Israel retains exclusive control over law enforcement, planning, and construction. Moreover, Israeli forces are in charge of all borders within and around the West Bank. These arrangements, which have been repeatedly condemned as attempts to de facto annex area C, begin to scratch the surface of what the Israeli occupation looks like today.

  • Greta Berlin 2020-06-14 11:53

    By Greta Berlin

    June 6, 1976......

    Where did the years go? And why has life become worse for the Palestinians? America is one month short of celebrating 200 years of independence and Palestinians are nine years into Israel occupying the rest of their land. I sit at my window seat in Chicago on a sunny June afternoon and remember the day I became a Palestinian.

  • Mick Napier is a founder member of Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, a campaigner against the crimes of the UK government, and a commentator on current affairs with specific reference to Palestine and West Asia. 2020-06-12 18:23

    By Mick Napier

    Netanyahu's latest land grab

    Israel is now openly planning the incorporation of a huge chunk of the Palestinian West Bank into Israel. As usual, the Zionist project seizes the maximum amount of land while excluding the maximum number of Palestinians, who will be herded into areas and denied citizenship.

  • Ramadan Abdullah Shallah 2020-06-08 15:59

    Leader extends condolences over demise of Palestine’s Shallah

    TEHRAN - Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has expressed condolences over the demise of former leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement Ramadan Shallah.

  • Nael Abu Odeh is a member of the Political Bureau of the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement 2020-05-25 17:48

    By Nael Abu Odeh

    Quds Day is in hearts of Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims

  • Taher Al-Nono is a member of the political bureau of Hamas 2020-05-25 17:45

    By Taher Al-Nono

    We Palestinians celebrate Quds Day

    On this day, we say to our people and our nation that this year, Quds is in grave danger and faces the threat of Judaization. Al-Aqsa Mosque may be divided by Zionists, but our confidence in our nation is high.

  • By Hani Al-Thawabatah is a leader in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 2020-05-25 17:28

    By Hani Al-Thawabatah

    Quds is the capital of all free people in the world

    Quds Day declared by Imam Khomeini, leader of the Iranian Islamic Revolution, to grant loyalty to Quds and its heritage and the sanctity of the city, which is the capital of the hearts of all free people in the world.

  • International Quds Day 2020-05-21 16:44

    By Mohammad Hossein Niknam

    A Zionism-free world on strategic agenda of International Quds Day

    The decades-old crisis surrounding Palestine is universal. The crisis has not only imposed its negative impacts on the Palestinian geographical territory and the West Asian region, it has also badly affected the entire Islamic world and other world nations.

  • Ahmed Al-Mudallal is the leader of the Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine 2020-05-21 15:32

    By Ahmed Al-Mudallal

    The battle for Quds will not stop

    The Palestinian people will not forget their lands from which they were expelled by the Zionists in 1948. This happened after the occupiers committed massacres against Palestinian inhabitants.

  • palestine 2020-05-21 14:05

    By Salman Parviz

    Quds Day: Reminder of Palestinian struggle

    Originating in Iran with the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini declared the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as Quds Day with the aim of forging unity among the Muslims and Arab nations so that they will unanimously express their backing for the Palestinian nation each year.

  • Palestine 2020-05-20 21:24

    “Deal of century” proposal is play with fire: parliamentary body

    TEHRAN – The International Conference on the Palestinian Intifada of the Iranian Parliament issued a statement on Wednesday saying the so-called “deal of the century” is play with fire.

  • Hassan Rouhani 2020-05-20 18:13

    President says Quds will not remain in occupation of the tyrants

    Quds will never be forgotten, Rouhani says

    TEHRAN – President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that Quds will never be forgotten and it will be liberated from the tyrants.

  • Palestine 2020-05-20 17:17

    Foreign Ministry likens illegitimate establishment of Israel to Covid1948

    Iran urges Europe to support Palestinians

    TEHRAN – As Israel is planning to annex parts of the West Bank, Iran’s Foreign Ministry has issued a series of tweets urging Europe to “listen to the global conscience” and support the Palestinians.

  • President of the Council for the National Interest Alison Weir 2020-05-19 11:40

    By Payman Yazdani

    US forced by Zionism lobby to assist in establishing Israel despite its will

    TEHRAN– In an interview with Mehr News agency, American thinker Alison Weir said that despite the US officials and nation will, the US was forced to assist in establishing Israel due to pressure of the Zionism lobby.

  • Raisi 2020-05-18 18:00

    Raisi highlights importance of Palestinian cause

    TEHRAN — Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Raisi has underlined the importance of the Palestinian cause and liberation of the holy city of Quds.

  • PLO 2020-05-18 10:32

    The PLO has woken up from a deep sleep, but a little late!

    Most of the Palestinian people, activists and political groups and even the Israeli officials and military have not taken seriously the announcement made by the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) that the organization is resolved to cancel all agreements with Tel Aviv due to the latter's plan to continue annexing large part of the West Bank as the PLO has not quitted any deal with Israel even when the Tel Aviv forces violated the Palestinians' inevitable rights.

  • Refugee 2020-05-18 10:31

    How Palestinian refugees' status has been gradually downgraded by certain Arab countries!

    The Palestinian refugees, residing in certain Arab countries in the West Asia, have in recent years faced irresponsible approach adopted by the hosting governments under different pretexts, including civil war, a situation that has assisted officials in Tel Aviv to intensify plots in the international scenes to undermine urgent attention to plight of the Palestinians.  

  • westbank 2020-05-16 11:17

    Israeli-US policy towards Palestine pays no attention to international law, UN authority

    Israel's insistence on occupying more Palestinian lands in the West Bank as well as the US-planned Deal of the Century have jointly paved the way for the land theft without paying any attention to international law, world public opinion and the UN-approved Fourth Geneva Convention's details. 

  • Nakba Day 2020-05-15 22:19

    World must stand up for Palestinians’ rights: Iran

    TEHRAN – Iran’s Foreign Ministry has urged the world to stand up for the Palestinians’ rights.

  • Zionists regime 2020-05-15 12:51

    'Zionists regime’s parasitic life at risk': expert

    TEHRAN – Iranian political expert on West Asian Affairs Ahmadreza Rouhollahzad says the world powers are coping with economic challenges and the issue has negatively influenced the Zionist regime's economic conditions, which is living a parasitic life.

  • Head of Tehran Jewish Association Homayoun Sameyeh 2020-05-15 12:23

    By Morteza Rahmani

    Zionists in isolation after seven decades

    TEHRAN – Head of Tehran Jewish Association Homayoun Sameyeh says the Zionist regime, despite all its struggles and the supports by some western countries, has not been able to find a fixed global position since its forcible establishment 72 years ago.

  • Firas Al Najim 2020-05-15 11:51

    By Mohammad Ali Haqshenas

    Zionist regime coming close to its end: human rights activist

    TEHRAN – A human rights activist believes that the Zionist regime is coming close to its final day as the world is becoming more aware of the nature of the regime.  

  • stephen Lendman 2020-05-15 11:45

    By Zahra Mirzafarjouyan

    Establishment of Jewish state Western plot to control over region's oil reserves: US analyst

    TEHRAN – An American analyst believes that the establishment of the Jewish state was a Western plot to extend its influence in a part of the world not its own, wanting control over the region’s vast oil reserves.

  • Nasser Abu Sharif 2020-05-13 23:13

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    Imam Khomeini viewed the right path move toward Quds: Islamic Jihad representative 

    Glorifying the International Quds Day, initiated by the founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini in 1979, is an annual event held on the last Friday of Ramadan to express support for the Palestinians and oppose Zionism and Israel. Quds Day is a unique form of a wide-aware campaign against the Israeli occupation of Palestine.  

  • مهدی عزیزی 2020-05-13 22:57

    By Mehdi Azizi

    72 years of misery: History and identity cannot be built like settlements

    TEHRAN – Palestinian will always remember May 14, 1948, which they refer to as Nakba Day (Day of Misery).

  • Ebrahim Raeisi 2020-05-11 17:39

    Judiciary chief predicts new Intifada if Israel annexes West Bank

    TEHRAN - Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Raisi said on Monday that a new Intifada will emerge if the West Bank is annexed to the Palestinian occupied lands by the Israeli regime.

  • Normalization 2020-05-09 11:34

    Which Arab rulers trying hard to remain in power via appeasing Israel?

    Certain Arab rulers, mainly along the southern coast of the Persian Gulf, have resorted to propagating a series of fake historical fables to pave the ground better than ever to normalize relations with Israel to enjoy more supports by the Tel Aviv and its western allies, ignoring the Palestinian cause and even their own people's viewpoints.  

  • westbank 2020-05-03 10:36

    By Mohammad Jafari

    Tel Aviv using COVID-19 crisis to occupy more lands in West Bank

    Both Israeli parties of "Likud" and "Blue and White", regardless of their seeming differences, have a common plan for the West Bank which is nothing but using the novel coronavirus crisis to annex more Palestinian lands.