Saudi Arabia


  • Abdulaziz Ahmad al-Bakir 2018-11-02 13:04

    By Mohammad Fatemizadeh 

    ‘Smart’ missiles can change the region’s struggle for power 

    TEHRAN - Yemeni army forces, supported by allied fighters from Popular Committees, have achieved much in the past four years in their resistance against the Saudis crimes. On Sunday, Brigadier Yahya Saree, spokesman of Yemeni Armed Forces and Popular Committees addressed last week’s military operations and missile tests prior to unveiling Badr P-1 missile.

  • Mohammed bin Salman 2018-10-30 15:38

    By Ryan Costello & Sina Toossi

    Mohammed bin Salman is the next Saddam Hussein

    In the 1980s, the United States embraced a brutal Middle Eastern tyrant simply because he opposed Iran. Washington should not repeat the same mistake today.

  • سردار پاشا محمدی 2018-10-28 20:06

    ‘Saudi’s designating IRGC as terrorist, catering to demand of global arrogance’

    TEHRAN – A senior Basij official has slammed the designation of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) and its Quds Force commander, Major General Qassem Soleimani, as terrorist by the Saudi and Bahraini regimes.

  • Moscow visit aimed to resolve Yemen crisis: Jaberi Ansari 2018-10-27 04:32

    Moscow visit aimed to resolve Yemen crisis: Jaberi Ansari

    TEHRAN – Hossein Jaberi Ansari, a senior assistant to the Iranian foreign minister, has said the aim of his recent visit to Moscow was to find ways to put an end to the Saudi-led war on Yemen.

  • javani 2018-10-26 23:22

    IRGC is forerunner in fighting terrorism: Yadollah Javani

    TEHRAN - Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is the forerunner in fighting terrorists, IRGC Deputy Commander for Political Affairs Brigadier General Yadollah Javani has said.

  • saudi spy 2018-10-26 20:36

    Saudi spy met with Team Trump about taking down Iran

    General Ahmed al-Assiri, the Saudi intelligence chief taking the fall for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, hobnobbed in New York with Michael Flynn and other members of the transition team shortly before Trump’s inauguration. The topic of their discussion: regime change in Iran.

  •  Marvin Zonis 2018-10-26 13:02

    By Payman Yazdani

    Riyadh likely to double anti-Iran policies after Khashoggi death: Prof. Zonis

    TEHRAN - Marvin Zonis says President Trump is unlikely to maintain a strong response to the Saudi murder of Jamal Khashoggi and Saudi Arabia will likely double its anti_Iran policies to divert attention.

  • Rauf Mammadov 2018-10-26 12:55

    By Payman Yazdani

    Khashoggi scandal not to affect U.S.-Saudi cooperation against Iran: Mammadov

    TEHRAN - Energy scholar at the Middle East Institute says as Washington and Riyadh share the same strategic goals against Iran, Saudi Arabia will continue to remain loyal to her pledge to offset the lost volumes from Iran.   

  • Nader Entessar 2018-10-26 12:24

    By Payman Yazdani

    U.S. won’t put game-changing pressure on Riyadh: Prof. Entessar

    TEHRAN - Referring to weak reaction of Trump to brutal death of Khashoggi, Nader Entessar says U.S. President will not put game-changing pressure on Saudi regime because of its possible political and economic consequences.  

  • Zarif: Global response to Khashoggi’s murder ‘late yet strong’ 2018-10-25 14:53

    Zarif: Global response to Khashoggi’s murder ‘late yet strong’

    TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said the international community’s response to the killing of a prominent Saudi journalist and critic was “late yet strong”, Mehr reported on Wednesday.

  • ‘Saudi anger at IRGC intended to distract attention from Khashoggi’s murder’ 2018-10-24 21:03

    ‘Saudi anger at IRGC intended to distract attention from Khashoggi’s murder’

    TEHRAN – An IRGC official said on Wednesday that Saudi Arabia and Bahrain had added the IRGC to their terrorism lists to deflect the global attention from the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, the journalist whose disappearance after entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul has provoked international outrage.

  • Osman Faruk Logoglu 2018-10-24 09:12

    By Payman Yazdani

    Khashoggi case won't affect Saudi destructive regional policy: Logoglu

    TEHRAN - A senior member of Turkey’s CHP says at the end of the day Trump will express his satisfaction with Saudi Arabia over Khashoggi case and there will be no changes to Saudi destabilizing regional policy led by Prince Bin Salman.

  • Ex-envoy predicts U.S. will remove MBS 2018-10-24 08:13

    Ex-envoy predicts U.S. will remove MBS

    TEHRAN – U.S. prefers a calm and stable Saudi Arabia and therefore it will remove Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman from power, a former Iranian ambassador to Riyadh has said.

  • Mohammed bin Salman 2018-10-23 15:43

    Khashoggi’s 'severed fingers taken to Saudi crown prince as macabre trophy'

    Murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi's severed fingers were taken back to Saudi Arabia and presented to the kingdom's ruling crown prince, it is claimed.

  • Hossein Askari 2018-10-23 11:03

    By Javad Heirannia

    Could good come out of the Khashoggi tragedy?

    TEHRAN – Professor Hossein Askari, an expert on Saudi Arabia who also teaches international business at the George Washington University, believes that “More and more people are witnessing the horror show inside Saudi Arabia and especially in Yemen.”

  • Saudi Arabia 2018-10-23 10:55

    By Martin Love

    So many questions, so few answers so far

    NORTH CAROLINA - It’s a bit of an imaginative stretch, if not a preposterous one, but there may be some reason to think that the murder of Jamal Khashoggi might set the stage for positive changes.

  • Jamal Khashooggi and Turkish President Erdogan 2018-10-23 10:36

    By Payman Yazdani

    Erdogan’s multiple goals in Khashoggi case

    TEHRAN - Disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul created a wave of reactions against Saudi young Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s suppressive policies. Despite early denials, worldwide reactions finally forced the Saudi rulers to acknowledge the death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the critic of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman policies in the country’s consulate.

  • Riyadh's childish narrative of Khashoggi’s demise 2018-10-22 11:06

    By Ramin Hossein Abadian

    Riyadh's childish narrative of Khashoggi’s demise

    TEHRAN - Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi, a Saudi journalist, political activist and critic, disappeared about three weeks ago after arriving at the Consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul, Turkey, and no sign of him gas been discovered since then. The Saudi activist never got out of the Saudi consulate alive.

  • abdollahian 2018-10-21 20:36

    ‘Humanitarian situation in Yemen is catastrophic’

    TEHRAN - Hossein Amir Abdollahian, a senior foreign policy advisor to the Iranian parliament speaker, said on Saturday that the humanitarian situation in Yemen is catastrophic.

  • Jamal Khashoggi 2018-10-21 17:06

    Saudi official gives new version of Khashoggi killing: Report

    A senior Saudi Arabian government official has laid out a new version of the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, that in key respects contradicts previous explanations.

  • Trump - Netanyahu 2018-10-21 11:54

    By Martin Love

    Human pigs find pleasure in fights so avoid them when possible

    NORTH CAROLINA - Oddly enough, but not surprisingly, I had a bit of an altercation this past week with one Josh Block on Twitter. I hurled a condemnation at a post of his, and he hurled one back at me and called me an “anti-Semite” and a bit more. To his invective, I did not respond, recalling British play writer George Bernard Shaw who wrote decades ago that tangling with pigs was bound to be unproductive and that pigs actually LIKE a fight, that fighting with them gives them pleasure.

  • ریچارد مورفی 2018-10-21 11:41

    By Javad Heirannia

    Khashoggi's fate introduced debate about human rights values in U.S.-Saudi relations: Murphy

    TEHRAN - Richard W. Murphy, the former U.S. ambassador to Syria and Saudi Arabia, says the basic commitment of the United States to Saudi Arabia as assuring its defense against external aggression in exchange for its working to maintain stability in the global oil market.

  • Jamal Khashoggi 2018-10-21 11:24

    By Syed Zafar Mehdi

    Murder most foul: Saudis admit Khashoggi was killed

    The outpouring of anger and outrage over Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s disappearance and subsequent killing inside Saudi Arabia’s consulate in Turkey is unprecedented. The 60-year-old journalist, who had been critical of Saudi crown prince Mohammad Bin Salman, walked inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2 afternoon to complete paperwork ahead of his marriage. He never came out.

  • Jamal Khashoggi 2018-10-20 16:59

    Saudi Arabia admits Khashoggi killed but claims he died in 'fistfight' 

    Turkish official says investigators will know fate of journalist’s body ‘before long’

    Turkish investigators are likely to find out what happened to the body of Jamal Khashoggi before long, a senior official said on Saturday, after Saudi Arabia admitted for the first time that the journalist had been killed in its Istanbul consulate.

  • Hossein Askari 2018-10-20 10:12

    By Javad Heirannia

     For Why Trump is Attacking Iran as he Defends MBS: Askari

    TEHRAN – Professor Hossein Askari, an expert on Saudi Arabia who also teaches international business at the George Washington University, believes that Trump has to invent something for defending MBS and King Salman to his evangelical base and the millions of other Americans who get their news from Fox.

  • Hossein Askari 2018-10-19 12:23

    By Javad Heirannia

    U.S. has buried its moral compass in the Trump-Kushner-MBS disaster: Askari

    TEHRAN – Professor Hossein Askari, an expert on Saudi Arabia who also teaches international business at the George Washington University, believes that Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and murdered.

  • Pakistan 2018-10-18 09:08

    Pakistan working to locate kidnapped Iranian guards

    TEHRAN - A day after 14 Iranian guards were kidnapped by militants in the border region with Pakistan, Pakistan on Tuesday said its military forces were working closely their counterparts in Iran to trace them.

  • Never proxy war with Saudis: Iranian envoy 2018-10-18 09:07

    Never proxy war with Saudis: Iranian envoy

    TEHRAN – Iran has never entered a proxy war with Saudi Arabia in Syria, Iranian Ambassador to London Hamid Baeidinejad has said, reiterating Tehran’s long-held policy that Iran just helped the legitimate government in Syria to fight Daesh (ISIL).

  • Mike Pompeo- Mohammed bin Salman 2018-10-17 15:33

    MBS’s rampaging anger will not silence questions about Jamal Khashoggi

    Inside his royal palace in Riyadh, Mohammed bin Salman is said to have alternated between dark brooding and rampaging anger in the days after the death of Jamal Khashoggi, as Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, or MBS, as he is widely known, looked for someone to blame for what Turkish officials have said was the journalist’s grisly murder.

  • آرشین ادیب مقدم 2018-10-17 10:56

    By Javad Heirannia

    Mohammad bin Salman resembles Trump: Adib-Moghaddam

    TEHRAN - Professor Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, Chair of the Centre for Iranian Studies at the London Middle East Institute believes that I never saw Mohammad bin Salman as a prudent leader. His approach to politics is ad hoc, coarse and lacks diplomatic skill.