

  • Driss Addar 2020-12-28 18:15

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    Israel is an advanced garrison for U.S. in the region: Moroccan analyst

    TEHRAN – A Moroccan journalist describes Israel as an “unnatural entity” which is “planted” in the region to represent U.S. interests and cause escalations.

  • بازداشت نوجوان فلسطینی 2020-12-13 12:21

    By Mahmoud El-Yousseph

    Words from readers

    He was 14 years old. You may not have heard about him on your local TV station or in your hometown newspaper.

  • اتحادیه اروپا و رژیم تحریمهای یکجانبه 2020-12-06 11:21

    EU calls for probe into Palestinian teen’s killing by Israel

    The killing of a Palestinian teenager by the Israeli army in the illegally occupied West Bank has been termed a “war crime” and the European Union Delegation to the Palestinians has called for an investigation into the incident.

  • Hazem Qassem 2020-11-25 12:10

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    Hamas advises Saudi Arabia not to stand at Israel’s side 

    Normalization agreements with Israel were a “free gift for Israel to continue its aggression against the Palestinian people,” says Hamas spokesman

    TEHRAN – Hamas spokesman says that the normalization of ties with Israel harms the leadership in countries that support this process, calling on Saudi Arabia not to stand on the enemies’ side.

  • عریقات 2020-11-10 13:03

    Saeb Erekat, longtime negotiator for Palestinians, dies at 65

    Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat passed away due to complications from the novel corona-virus at the age of 65 on Tuesday, November 10, 2020.

  • Strike 2020-10-25 16:32

    Iran calls on Israeli occupiers to end arbitrary detentions

    TEHRAN – Iran’s Foreign Ministry has called on the Tel Aviv regime to stop arbitrarily arresting the Palestinians and free hundreds of them who have been unjustly detained by Israel.

  • صائب عریقات 2020-10-19 22:48

     PLO leader Saeb Erekat in ‘critical’ condition

    Prominent Palestinian leader Saeb Erekat is in a critical condition and his health has deteriorated as he undergoes treatment for COVID-19-related complications, al Jazeera reported. 

  • Edward C. Corrigan 2020-09-22 11:25

    By Amir Mohammad Esmaeili

    Terrorism by West and Israel considered ‘self-defense’, says Canadian lawyer

    “Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims are not allowed the right to resist foreign invaders which is a protected right under International law.”

    TEHRAN - Edward C. Corrigan, a Canadian analyst, and lawyer, says the acts of terrorism committed by the West and its ally Israel are justified as “self-defense”.  “Terrorism conducted by the West, and our ally Israel, is not considered terrorism but “self-defense,” Corrigan tells the Tehran Times.

  • Jews 2020-09-21 11:43

    By Laurent Guyénot

    “New world order pledged to Jews” 80 years ago

    Most Zionist diplomacy takes place in secret, through corruption and blackmail (euphemistically called “lobbying”). But sometimes it is deemed appropriate that some statement be written down by some government representative in support of Zionism. The Goyim who write these statements may think them of little consequence, but Zionists know very well how to capitalize on them.

  • Ebrahim Madhoun 2020-09-20 23:13

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    Bahraini regime’s function is to serve Western powers’ interests: Bahraini activist

    TEHRAN – A Bahraini political activist says the Bahraini regime’s function is to serve the interests of Western powers in the region.

  • Yahia Alhadid 2020-09-16 21:00

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    Riyadh pushed Bahrain, UAE to normalize ties with Israel: human right defender

    TEHRAN – A human rights defender, Yahya Alhadid, predicts that Saudi Arabia will join the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to declare a normalization of ties with the Israeli regime, noting that Riyadh had nodded and backed normalization of ties with Israel by the UAE and Bahrain.

  • Mahmoud al-Rabiei 2020-09-14 20:36

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    Persian Gulf states' hypocrisy is being revealed: Iraqi politician

    TEHRAN – The spokesman of the al-Sadeghoun movement in Iraq says that the normalization of ties between some Arab countries with Israel has revealed these regimes' hypocrisy.

  • Palestine 2020-09-14 18:24

    Referendum is fair solution to Palestine crisis: embassy

    TEHRAN – Iran’s embassy in Japan said in a tweet on Monday that holding a referendum in Palestine is a fair solution to restore the rights of Palestinians.

  • Khaled 2020/09/14

    By Khalid Qaddoumi

    Normalization between some Arab governments and ‘Israel’: Facts and figures 

    The term itself says that something is not "normal". It needs to be normalized, or something that was a taboo is converted into permissible. This is the situation of the relations between Arabs and "Israel" since the Palestinians' catastrophe (Nakba) in 1948 when the "Israeli" occupation started. Hence, no doubt this topic is controversial and paradoxical.

  • Hossein Amir Abdollahian 2020-09-06 18:18

    Advisor sees Palestinians’ vigilance as chief reason behind failure of ‘deal of century’

    TEHRAN - A senior foreign policy advisor to the Iranian parliament speaker has said that vigilance and resistance by the Palestinians are the chief reasons behind the defeat of the so-called “deal of the century”.

  • Only kneeling on Palestinians’ neck has been normalized, Zarif says 2020-09-02 20:28

    Only kneeling on Palestinians’ neck has been normalized, Zarif says

    TEHRAN – Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said that the only thing that has been normalized is “kneeling on the Palestinians’ neck”.

  • Khalil Nasrallah 2020-09-01 23:59

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    UAE wants to open economic route with the West through Israeli gate: Lebanese analyst

    TEHRAN – Khalil Nasrallah, a Lebanese analyst, believes that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia are planning to establish an economic route to expand trade ties with the West through “the Israeli gate”. 

  • Markus Fiedler 2020-08-26 17:49

    By Zahra Mirzafarjouyan

    German expert describes US, Israel as today's oppressors

    TEHRAN – Referring to Imam Hussein's uprising against the oppressor ruler of his time, Dr. Markus Fiedler described the US and Zionist regime as two oppressors of today's world.

  • Amin Hoteit 2020-08-18 10:25

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    UAE has shown it is a base for Israel: Lebanese strategist 

    TEHRAN – A Lebanese strategic analyst is of the view that the UAE has proven to be a base for the Zionist regime to protect Israel's interests in the region.

  • Abir bassam 2020/08/17

    By Abir Bassam

    Abraham Accord: Another historical betrayal

    We live a series of historical betrayals since the Arab revolution in 1916. The British betrayal brought the Saudi clan into power. Compromises brought the other monarchies in the (Persian) Gulf countries. Even more, betrayals were enforced on the Arabs by their own leaders in Camp David,

  • Zarif 2020-08-16 16:10

    Zarif reaffirms support for Palestine amid UAE-Israel treacherous rapprochement

    TEHRAN – Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif telephoned his Palestinian Authority counterpart Riyad al-Maliki late on Saturday to reaffirm Iran’s commitment to backing the Palestinians in their struggle against the Zionist regime.

  • Palestine 2020-07-19 20:04

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    If not for the Arab collusion, the annexation plan would not have been passed: Palestinian expert

    TEHRAN – A Palestinian analyst believes that the Arab collusion provided an opportunity for Israel to take advantage of some influential Arab countries to take steps toward the annexation of the occupied West Bank.

  • Robert Sapolsky 2020-07-15 10:37

    By Mohammad Homaeefar

    Racism, inequality, and conflict: an interview with Prof. Robert Sapolsky

    Earlier this month, I conducted an interview with Dr. Robert Sapolsky, a professor of biological sciences at Stanford University, to discuss different issues such as racism, economic inequality, and partisan polarization. He was very generous with his time and provided us with in-depth analyses of such fundamental issues.

  • leader / Hamas 2020-07-06 11:51

    Ayatollah Khamenei: Iran will spare no effort in backing Palestinians

    TEHRAN - In response to a letter by Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has reiterated that Iran will “spare no effort” in backing the oppressed Palestinians against the Zionist regime of Israel.

  • Amal Wahdan, a Palestinian activist 2020-06-23 10:45

    By Amir Mohammad Esmaeili

    West Bank annexation plan is a 21st century apartheid with Trump’s approval: Amal Wahdan

    TEHRAN - Amal Wahdan, a Palestinian activist who has been campaigning for the liberation of Palestine, tells the Tehran Times that the plan by Israel to annex the West Bank is a “new apartheid” that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “would not dare” to implement without the “approval of Donald Trump and his circle”.

  • Menorah 2020-06-22 15:15

    By Diego Vida

    The Hebraism untold

    The Zionist regime is the real cause of the destabilization in West Asia as the Palestinians claim since they started to lose their land after the invasion of the French Zionists during the world war 1 right after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. This process of occupation was intended to create the puppet state of Israel.

  • Ghaani 2020-06-21 18:34

    Quds Force says to stand by Palestinian resistance

    TEHRAN — General Esmail Ghaani has said his IRGC Quds Force will stand by the Palestinian resistance movement the same way that martyr Qassem Soleimani did.  

  • Israeli colonial projects in West Bank and Jerusalem 2020-06-14 18:28

    Israeli colonial projects in West Bank and Jerusalem

    Israel has its roots in a colonial project that has modernized its face but continues to subject Palestinians to military occupation, land dispossession and unequal rights. 72 years after its establishment, the wounds of the Nakba are still open, as Israel prohibits over five million refugees the right of return - while guaranteeing citizenship to anyone who can demonstrate Jewish ancestry. According to Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, the forced displacement of Palestinians amounts to ethnic cleansing. “The tale of Palestine from the beginning until today is a simple story of colonialism and dispossession, yet the world treats it as a multifaceted and complex story — hard to understand and even harder to solve”, affirms Pappe in the 2015 book On Palestine, co-written with American scholar Noam Chomsky. The treaties partitioned the West Bank into three areas: Area A under Palestinian Authority (PA) control, Area B under joint Israeli-Palestinian administration, and area C, run by Israel. The accords, which should have paved the way for the creation of a Palestinian state, instead led to increased Israeli presence in the territory through the expansion of Zionist settlements.  Scholar Edward Said has pointed out that Palestinian leaders had effectively given up the right to self-determination in most of the West Bank’s territory in exchange for Israel’s acknowledgement of the PA, and referred to the agreement as “an instrument of Palestinian surrender, a Palestinian Versailles”. Oslo’s failure is particularly evident in area C, a scarcely populated district comprising more than 60% of the West Bank and most of the territory’s natural resources, where Israel retains exclusive control over law enforcement, planning, and construction. Moreover, Israeli forces are in charge of all borders within and around the West Bank. These arrangements, which have been repeatedly condemned as attempts to de facto annex area C, begin to scratch the surface of what the Israeli occupation looks like today.

  • Greta Berlin 2020-06-14 11:53

    By Greta Berlin

    June 6, 1976......

    Where did the years go? And why has life become worse for the Palestinians? America is one month short of celebrating 200 years of independence and Palestinians are nine years into Israel occupying the rest of their land. I sit at my window seat in Chicago on a sunny June afternoon and remember the day I became a Palestinian.

  • Mick Napier is a founder member of Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, a campaigner against the crimes of the UK government, and a commentator on current affairs with specific reference to Palestine and West Asia. 2020-06-12 18:23

    By Mick Napier

    Netanyahu's latest land grab

    Israel is now openly planning the incorporation of a huge chunk of the Palestinian West Bank into Israel. As usual, the Zionist project seizes the maximum amount of land while excluding the maximum number of Palestinians, who will be herded into areas and denied citizenship.