Today News
  • Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi 2020-03-02 16:15

    By Ramin Hosseinabadian

    Iraqi parliament confidence vote to Allawi cabinet shrouded in ambiguity

    TEHRAN – Repeated postponement of a special session of the Iraqi parliament to give confidence vote to Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi's cabinet occurs amid Washington’s attempts to create a political vacuum in Iraq.

  • Diego Vida 2020-03-01 15:16

    By Diego Vida

    Coronavirus pandemic shows just another business scam worldwide

    ITALY, Rome - The name of Coronavirus was born last century to classify in Asia the breathing disease as the Pneumonia as well. Since 150 years ago the Pneumonia was almost impossible to cure because the antibiotic didn't exist yet. After a century with the production of antibiotics, it finally became possible to cure Pneumonia.

  • Recep Tayyip Erdogan 2020-03-01 10:22

    By fatemeh Salehi

    The Idlib battle shows Turkey’s real face

    Current developments in Idlib province in northwestern Syria are obviously a series of violations of international law and the United Nations Security Council resolutions by the Turkish troops and officials as the world is witnessing a double-standard policy by Ankara toward the crisis in that part of the war-hit Syria.

  • U.S. 2020-02-28 16:41

    By Martin Love

    America is not immune

    NORTH CAROLINA - One of the more absurd claims is the assertion by a kook rabbi in Israel (where there are many of the same ilk) that the coronavirus (Covid 19) that is sweeping across the world won’t halt creating its trail of devastation and dislocation until the so-called “third temple” is built in East Jerusalem, presumably atop the rubble of a destroyed al-Aqsa mosque and the Qubba al-Sakra. This rabbi, one Aryeh Lipo, a “religious studies” teacher who is a Likudist, apparently gave a lesson on the Haram esh-Sharif with a bunch of other unwelcome Zionists saying a “third temple” is a powerful cure for the coronavirus pandemic which now even Iran is struggling to corral and eliminate.

  • Trump 2020-02-25 12:02

    By Ramin Hossein Abadian

    Trump seeks to dominate Syria’s oil route

    The U.S. government's moves to seize Syria's oil and gas resources and deprive Damascus of its revenues have increased as Syrians have confronted U.S. troops.

  • Gig economy 2020-02-24 12:21

    By Alireza Farahmand

    Gig economy, a real assist for small businesses

    A “gig” economy, otherwise called a freelance economy that has an independent workforce, helps small businesses and independent contractors succeed. Obviously, it is difficult for small businesses to compete against large corporations which have economies of scale, but a gig economy can be a tremendous aid for small businesses and individuals and sharpen their competitive postures. The gig economy also opens up a global marketplace for independent contractors to expand their customer base nationally and internationally. Online outsourcing has proven to be a transformative medium in the global economy.

  • Benjamin Netanyahou 2020-02-24 11:32

    Fragile security and domestic distrust overshadow the Zionist regime

    The 13th international conference of the Zionist Institute for National Security Studies was attended by a number of Israeli and world political and military experts and decision makers. The attendees believed that in the light of the fragile Middle East situation, there were several major threats to Israel:

  • Donald Trump 2020-02-23 11:03

    By MohammadReza Farahzadi

    Can Democrats compete with Republican billionaires?

    Iran, Trump’s Achilles heel in the 2020 election

    TEHRAN - Trump is at the helm of the $35 billion American cabinet, which has been backing by Wall Street and the lobbying of U.S. corporations in the oil, pharmaceutical and weapons sectors. Trump is the first impeached U.S. president to run in the next election.

  • U.S.-NATO 2020-02-22 10:09

    By Hanif Ghaffari

    Continuous presence under the banner of NATO: A new American trick for survival

    TEHRAN - Since the passage of the resolution on the expulsion of foreign troops by the Iraqi parliament, the U.S. has strongly reacted in political, social and security aspects and is trying to avoid any form of enforcement.

  • Nasser Kandil 2020-02-21 15:47

    By Nasser Kandil

    Celebration of parliamentary elections in Iran

    AL-BINAA - Iran after the assassination of Soleimani celebrates the commemoration of the revolution and the preparation for the parliamentary elections.

  • NATO 2020-02-19 13:45

    By Ramin Hosseinabadian

    Does NATO respond positively to the Turkish supererogation?

    Turkey is once again turning to the West, while over the past two years, it had been distancing from the West and trying to collaborate with Russia due the success of the Astana peace process on the Syrian conflict.

  • Recep Tayyip Erdogan 2020-02-18 14:23

    By Ramin Hosseinabadian

    Secret of Turkish-backed terrorist movements in Idlib

    Tensions between Ankara and Damascus have escalated in recent days. The main cause of heightened tensions between the two sides is a series of widespread and rapid advances by the Syrian forces in the fight against Takfiri terrorists in northwest Syria. This developments are not in Turkey’s favor at all.

  • Munich Security Conference 2020-02-17 12:10

    By Maryam Khormaei

    A look at the slogan of the 2020 Munich Security Conference

    “Westlessness” so short, so simple

    The Munich Security Conference began on Friday with the opening speech by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and continued till Sunday.

  • Trump 2020-02-16 13:33

    By Tohid Raeisi

    How Trump has violated Iranian human rights

    While in 2015 the U.S. Mission to the United Nations (USUN) had requested that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and its annexes be circulated as a document of the Security Council, three years later the Trump administration claimed the JCPOA is a political agreement and unilaterally withdrew from it. Since that time, the U.S. has launched a wave of economic sanctions against the Iranian people.

  • Martin Love 2020-02-15 11:01

    By Martin Love

    Black swans if not dangerous raptors are everywhere

    NORTH CAROLINA - One has to be cynical about the primaries run by the Democratic Party to choose a nominee to challenge President Donald Trump next November.

  • Iran marks 41st anniversary of Islamic Revolution 2020-02-14 14:55

    By Syed Zafar Mehdi

    Islamic revolution and legacy of martyrs

    TEHRAN - The night was heavily overcast with snow and cold, but the day started with gentle breeze and bright sunshine. The mood on the streets was cheerful as the occasion was historic and momentous.

  • Najaf bloody riot 2020-02-09 12:32

    By Ramin Hosseinabadian

    Najaf bloody riot instigated by infiltrators

    Late last week, the city of Najaf witnessed the emergence of a bloody riot. The Americans used their utmost efforts to exploit the incident to undermine the Iraqi government and nation.

  • Demonstration against the deal of the century 2020-02-06 17:51

    By Batool Subeiti

    Trump-Netanyahu deal: lose-lose situation

    LONDON - The Liberation movements of the Middle East are changing the face of the world. The reality of the ‘Deal of the Century’ plan, the culmination of what Trump stated was “a long and very arduous 3-year process,” is that America and Israel want it actualised against all the odds of it succeeding.

  • Iran 2020-02-05 14:00

    By Martin Love

    Iran, under extreme pressure? Superb responses so far

    NORTH CAROLINA - To be quite clear, the bizarre creature who came up with the Israel/Palestine “peace” deal (that has been rejected most everywhere) is not very bright, and he is so waxen-looking that he belongs frozen in eternal silence in London’s Madame Tussaud’s museum. Except that he would not be acceptable there, even as a wax effigy, because he has never been good for anything.

  • Deal of Century 2020-01-31 20:25

    By Yuram Abdullah Weiler

    Trump’s peace plan: A realistic solution or a final solution? 

    “A realistic solution would give the Palestinians all the power to govern themselves but not the powers to threaten Israel.” —Peace to Prosperity

  • A pharmacy in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, January 26, 2020. /Xinhua Photo 2020-01-31 15:13

    By Shang-Jin Wei

    Will the coronavirus cause a major growth slowdown in China?

    The panic generated by the new coronavirus, 2019-nCov, which originated in Wuhan, one of China's largest cities and a major domestic transport hub, reminds many of the fear and uncertainty at the peak of the 2003 SARS. China's stock market, after rising for months, has reversed itself in recent days, and global markets have followed suit, apparently reflecting concerns about the coronavirus's impact on the Chinese economy and global growth. Are these worries justified?

  • The “new” Palestine Peace Plan 2020-01-31 14:01

    by Robert David Steele

    Trump Peace Plan – Sheer Genius – Israel Gone by 2022

    TEHRAN - Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), contributes regularly to Tehran Times.

  • Palestine 2020-01-29 19:39

    By Martin Love

    The “Deal of the Century” is DOA, period

    NORTH CAROLINA - So in Washington this week Americans witnessed two criminals, Netanyahu and Trump, putting forth a Mideast “peace” plan where one side, the Palestinians, have no representation at all (nor a hand in crafting the proposals), and which must be a total embarrassment.

  • Damir Nazarov 2020-01-26 17:12

    By Damir Nazarov

    Sacral motive for the murder of the legendary General

    WEST SIBERIA/ TYUMEN - Do you know the story of attempts by Mossad, MI6, and the Central intelligence Agency to find traces of the presence of Imam Mahdi ("peace be upon him") in Iraq? You should read about it. January 3, 2020 in Baghdad, the Americans during an air strike kill the legendary General of the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps - Qassem Soleimani.

  • Trump 2020-01-26 11:13

    By Mohammadreza Farahzadi

    A president’s childish wishes and the lies that damage the American people’s psyche

    “No American or Iraqi lives were lost because of the precautions taken, the dispersal of forces and an early warning system that worked very well,” said Donald Trump in response to Iran’s strong slap by launching missile attack on Ain al-Assad airbase. Regarding the leaked statistics on the casualties of U.S. troops from various sources, Trump has made contradictory remarks.

  • Martin Love 2020-01-24 12:42

    By Martin Love

    Iran’s one strike may have changed Mideast forever

    NORTH CAROLINA - The JCPOA certainly seems to be comatose and dying. Don’t blame Iran. Blame the U.S. first and then the E-3: Germany, France and the U.K. Can it be stated more plainly? No.

  • Fayez Mustafa al-Sarraj 2020-01-24 11:28

    By Salman Parviz

    Quest for peace in Libya

    Summits fail to bring the warring factions to a settlement

    The world witnessed the overthrow and killing of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, eight years after the colonel had eliminated his country’s weapons of mass destruction program, including a decades-old nuclear weapons program.

  • Berlin conference on Libya 2020-01-22 11:05

    By Fatemeh Salehi

    Berlin conference on Libya, a breakthrough or the rivals’ saber-rattling

    TEHRAN - The Berlin conference was held on Sunday to find a solution to put an end to the crisis in Libya. The meeting, which was attended by representatives of 12 countries, ended without achieving any practical breakthrough out of the crisis.

  • Zionist regime 2020-01-21 10:52

    By Ramin Hosseinabadian

    Israeli security officials affirm Tel Aviv’s vulnerability

    TEHRAN - The Zionist regime’s security officials have always affirmed the inefficiency of the Israeli army and the vulnerability of its domestic front against threats by the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance movements.

  • Trump 2020-01-18 10:47

    By Martin Love

    The U.S. now: Widespread thuggery

    NORTH CAROLINA - For those who remember a time when U.S. leaders and especially those in the White House appeared at least nominally dignified and worthy of some respect, the appearance now is one of outright immoral, widespread thuggery and its attendant ills like blackmail and murder, the latter for which Trump may be liable in the International Criminal Court provided Iran presents the case of Soleimani’s assassination along with his comrades’ demise to the court.