Today News
  • توافق ایران و چین 2021-04-04 10:07

    By Martin Love

    Huge whiffs of desperation in Washington now…

    How grand that China and Iran have finally formalized, after several years of waiting, a 25 year (and likely more) “strategic agreement” that’s going to encompass not just trade and economies, but also cultural, educational, medical and other spheres, too.

  • ZHANG Yuan 2021/04/03

    By Professor Zhang Yuan

    Staggered cooperation in a competitive environment between major powers

    In the high-level strategic dialogue between China and the U.S. in Anchorage, Alaska, which ended on March 19, China and the United States showed a very frank and full of difference attitude.

  • Biden MIC 2021/03/26

    By Martin Love

    Biden ain’t cutting it so far…

    On the surface, one might find it disturbing to have to read rumblings that the U.S. is in the too-long process of losing its empire and its privileges and hegemony and even the dollar as a viable and respected reserve currency. But the rumblings are probably true to some degree since they are popping up randomly like clichés and clichés always contain an element of truth or else they’d never have become such.

  • Abayomi Azikiwe 2021/03/14

    By Abayomi Azikiwe

    The U.S. system could very well collapse if reforms are not instituted immediately

    The U.S. has been experiencing various social developments in recent years. There were several factors which have led to the existing social crisis in the U.S. The failure of the capitalist system to provide adequate jobs, incomes and amenities to tens of millions of people while the ruling class is becoming wealthier,

  • David Schultz 2021-03-09 15:43

    By Reza Moshfegh 

    Derek Chauvin trial an important test for America: Hamline University professor 

    TEHRAN - A professor from Hamline University says that the trial of Derek Chauvin is a big test for America to hold police responsible. 

  • Biden old man 2021-03-09 10:54

    By Martin Love

    It’s a wonder Iran has not ditched the JCPOA…

    Old man Joe Biden is showing a lack of fresh thinking more than anyone suspected he would, given his campaign promises, and this so soon in his own bizarre presidency. Some of his best promises have turned to dust.

  • Biden 2021-03-08 14:24

    By Batoul Sbeity

    Changing strategies: From Trump to Biden

    Although it may seem from the outset that the first major military action of the Biden administration in eastern Syria signals an escalation from the side of the U.S., the reality is that it is a strike in the direction of American compromise. 

  • Andrew Korybko 2021/02/28

    By Andrew Korybko

    Iran has an integral role to play in Russian-South Asian connectivity

    Iran is geostrategically positioned to play an integral role in Russian-South Asian connectivity. President Putin told the Valdai Club during its annual meeting in October 2019 that “there is one more prospective route, the Arctic – Siberia – Asia.

  • Iran Russia 2021/02/22

    By Mohammad Hadi Shamkhani

    Why there is no news of extending 20-year agreement between Iran and Russia

    Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif confirmed in August that Iran is willing to extend the 20-year agreement with Russia. The 20-year agreement ends in March 2021. 

  • Iran - US 2021/02/21

    By Professor Fan Hongda

    Prospect of the U.S.-Iran relations beyond manufactured scare

    U.S. State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said in a statement on February 18: “The United States would accept an invitation from the European Union High Representative to attend a meeting of the P5+1 and Iran to discuss a diplomatic way forward on Iran's nuclear program.”

  • Bernard Lewis 2021/02/20

    By Abir Bassam

    We need to scratch our back on our own

    In an article I published on the Tehran Times a few months ago under the title “Waiting for the American Godot”, I wrote that electing Joe Biden will not bring any changes to the American policy in the region. 

  • Jalaluddin Rahmat 2021/02/19

    By Afifah Ahmed

    Jalaluddin Rahmat founded modern Sufism

    On Monday afternoon, I received a short message from a friend of mine containing sad news that Jalaluddin Rahmat had passed away.

  • راهپیمایی ماشینی 22 بهمن در بابل 2021/02/15

    By Batool Subeiti

    Ten rays for the dawn of a nation

    The Islamic Republic is the identity of Iran. Indeed, the world acknowledges religion as a system of governance for the individual. It is seen as a way to organise an individual’s life.

  • Covid 19 2021-02-15 11:01

    By Pourya Nabipour

    Corona pandemic: Realism limitation in solving 21st century security threats and the need for new ap

    TEHRAN- Today, most serious threats of the 21st century are not ones we can protect ourselves by using armies or advanced weapons. Indeed, the popularity of extreme-right politics, unilateralism based on nationalism and COVID-19 are threatening the world’s post-war security architecture. 

  • Joe Biden 2021-02-14 08:52

    By Martin Love

    Iran may be more “democratic” than the U.S. nowadays…

    Can it be more evident than it now is: that U.S. foreign policy is not “for” the U.S. or its citizens but for the Zionists.

  • Andrew Korybko 2021/02/13

    By Andrew Korybko

    Iranian-Azerbaijani relations will strengthen after Nagorno-Karabakh's liberation

    Ms. Rafiga Mammadzadeh, a journalist with Azerbaijan's popular Axar online media outlet, recently interviewed the Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mr. Seyed Abbas Mousavi about the prospects for bilateral cooperation after Nagorno-Karabakh's liberation.

  • درگیری در طرابلس لبنان 2021/02/06

    By Abir Bassam    

    Tripoli riots: The third step to topple Lebanon

     A few days ago, one of my friend’s comments attracted my attention. He said: “America loves Lebanon, as much as Juha loves his stepmother”. Juha is an authentic Arab character, who is known for his exceptional anecdotes that grew as parables in people’s perceptions. He was an exceptional figure in the Arabic culture. 

  • Abir bassam 2021/02/02

    By Abir Bassam    

    Biden and the sweet legacy of Trump

    Many have written about the heavy legacy that Donald Trump has left for his successor Joe Biden. However, if we read well about the role the deep system plays in the U.S., it will be difficult to actually believe that. Trump, the clown, came for the purpose of rewriting the international agreements, which America had signed during Barak Obama’s presidency (2008- 2016).

  • Kiss 2021-02-01 21:51

    By Martin Love

    America has not been helping itself …

    It’s easy to get the impression that the people most set upon in the world now, really as never before, are the seven million or so people trapped in divided cantons inside historic Palestine with no civil rights, no vote, no official empathy and no resources to speak of except “samud”, an Arabic term for something like gutsy endurance in the face of pain.

  • Munir A Saeid 2021/02/01

    By Munir A Saeed

    Sometimes it takes a volcano to start the healing 

    Let me start by saying something some may consider outrageous.  One day, not long from now, many may look back on the four years of Donald Trump’s presidency and consider it to be not just the worst choice Americans made, but, ironically, the best thing that happened to America and the world. Why? The U.S. needed Donald Trump to save it from itself. 

  • Indonesia studying case of Iranian ship independently  2021-02-01 15:14

    By Mohammad Javdan

    Indonesia studying case of Iranian ship independently 

    On January 25, the Indonesian Coast Guard announced that it had seized two Iranian and Panamanian-flagged tankers in its territorial waters and intends to release both ships by the end of the week if there is no solid evidence. Now, it is a good opportunity to examine all the developments surrounding this event.

  • Biden 2021/01/25

    By Rakib Al Hasan

    New U.S. administration: Challenges and opportunities

    Joe Biden has been elected as the new president of the United States in a victory. Trump's defeat has brought global relief.

  • Abir bassam 2021/01/24

    By Abir Bassam

    Lebanon and the vexatious politics

    We still remember the "demonstrations" that dominated the streets of Beirut on October 17, 2019. It began as an attempt for political and economic reforms.

  • Hossein Dehghani is Iran's Ambassador to Belgium 2021-01-20 11:54

    By Amb. G. Hossein Dehghani

    JCPOA implementation amid a tug of war between rhetoric and facts

    The man behind the insurrection at home and disarray abroad!

  • Ian Greenhalgh 2021-01-19 15:47

    By Ian Greenhalgh

    How should we remember General Soleimani?

    It is true that often, one can better assess a person by who their enemies were than by who were their friends. If we apply this maxim to the late General Qassem Soleimani, sadly assassinated by U.S. airstrike in January 2020, we see clearly that his enemies were the United States, Israel, and their allies in West Asia – Saudi Arabia and the Arab States.

  • Walt Peretto 2021-01-19 14:47

    By Walt Peretto

    General Soleimani: Fighting globalism in the trenches

    General Qassem Soleimani was the leader in the field for Iran’s effort to rid West Asia and North Africa of the scourge of terrorism. Soleimani achieved major successes against Western-backed mercenary groups in Syria and Iraq. This ended when Soleimani was assassinated in a drone attack on January 3, 2020, on the orders of U.S. President Donald Trump. Officially, this assassination was lauded by Israel and the Saudi proxy government in Yemen.

  • Kevin Barrett 2021/01/19

    By Dr. Kevin Barrett

    General Qassem Soleimani: Iconic martyr of the century

    “Due to his legendary courage, General Soleimani was loved and admired by nearly everyone, including many of his enemies”

    TEHRAN- The previous century (20th c.e., 14th h.) featured innumerable martyrs. But only a few of their names have been chiseled prominently into the tablets of world history. Mahatma Gandhi, John and Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Sayyid Qutb were all murdered for standing up against evil. None were saints, much less prophets or imams. All led imperfect lives and had personal as well as intellectual flaws. Yet each became emblematic of a different facet of the struggle for God and the good against the forces of Satan that dominate the so-called modern world.

  • Amal Wahdan 2021/01/13

    By Amal Wahdan

    General Soleimani’s legacy: Unifying the Arab resistance against imperialism and hegemony

    Today, the masses of the resistance movements in the region are commemorating the first anniversary of the martyrdom of General Qassem Soleimani and his companion Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. 

  • Munir A Saeed 2021/01/13

    By Munir A. Saeed 

    No ETs here, only Americans 

    Recently I dug out an old document I wanted to read again. I fished it out from under a pile of other old material I had printed and saved. Perhaps for posterity.

  • Capitol Hill 2021/01/11

    By Abir Bassam

    The American riots: A vertical trench in process 

    On Wednesday evening, it was not the first time that Americans poured into the streets in protest. However, a long time has not passed since the world has witnessed that rioters and demonstrators assaulted the symbol of American democracy: The Capitol.