Today News
  • Iran-Saudi 2021/09/19

    By Abir Bassam

    Saudis pursue Washington’s goals in talks with Iran

    It is not an easy task to start a new relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia, though in politics everything is possible.

  • Zakaria Zubeidi 2021/09/15

    By Martin Love

    As the U.S. “empire” frays, there is Zubeidi and his colleagues…

    It has been reported that Zakaria Zubeidi, one of the four of six escapees from maximum security Gilboa Prison in the West Bank who was recaptured by Zionist thugs, has been admitted to an ICU at an Israeli hospital after repeated rounds of torture that included breaking one of his legs and then hanging him upside down by his broken leg, among other atrocities.

  • Friedrich Kratochwil 2021/09/14

    By Friedrich Kratochwil

    Ruminations about the fall of Kabul

    The hasty retreat of the U.S. from Afghanistan and the re-establishment of Taliban rule in Kabul are certainly events that justify further critical reflection. But such a reflection is neither helped by attempts to prophesize about “the future” of the world, of the West, the East or whatever, nor is it as simple as connecting, for example two past events and draw a straight line which presumably discloses where we are going, as the narrative line “from Saigon to Kabul” suggests. For one, yes, Vietnam was a defeat of U.S. policies, as is the “loss” of Afghanistan, and here the undeniable disaster of the hasty and nearly irresponsible withdrawal will provide ample room for criticism, but the “meaning” of the event will probably remain contested.

  • Andrew Korybko 2021/08/31

    By Andrew Korybko

    Ten lessons to be learned from the U.S. disastrous war on Afghanistan

    The U.S. panicked retreat from Afghanistan following the Taliban's complete takeover of the country leaves many lessons to be learned from America's longest-ever war.

  • U.S. empire disintegrating 2021/08/28

    By Martin Love

    The U.S. empire is slowly disintegrating…

    Anyone in America with eyes to see and read and ears to hear cannot honestly conclude anything but that the in decline. Its leaders during the past 30 years at least have presumed a kind of negative “activism” across the globe is good policy, but now the chickens as they say are coming home to roost and blowback is apparent most everywhere, but for now especially so in Afghanistan.

  • Lebanon 2021/08/27

    By Abir Bassam

    What about our way of life?

    When French citizens were attacked and stabbed in Nice by terrorists, the European community was in enormous fear.

  • Taliban Pakistan 2021/08/24

    By Mobeen Jafar Mir

    Recent wave of terror attacks in Pakistan is a litmus test for Islamabad-Beijing ties

    A recent report published by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has alarmed both Islamabad and Beijing. The report confirms the presence of 6,000 insurgents of the banned militant group Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in Afghanistan. 

  • تصاویری از پیشروی طالبان در افغانستان 2021-08-17 16:13

    By Mahmood Monshipouri

    The unwinnable war in Afghanistan: What is left to learn?

    Long known as the “Graveyard of Empires,” Afghanistan has been vehemently inhospitable to outside intervention. The lessons that should be learned from the legion of failed outside attempts to conquer Afghanistan are varied and many and yet none have been taken deeply to heart by U.S. military strategists in recent decades. 

  • Ship 2021/08/11

    By Abir Bassam

    The maritime attacks in Oman Gulf; what lies behind the bushes

    On the 30th of July, Yediot Aharonot reported an attack on the “Israeli” Ship “Mercer Street”, an oil tanker.

  • Jair Bolsonaro 2021/08/07

    Brazil's Bolsonaro is in the fight for his political life 

    The self-styled Donald Trump of Brazil is following similar tactics that led to the former American president failing to secure a second term in office. 

  • Shah Mahmoud Qureshi 2021/08/06

    By Shah Mahmoud Qureshi

    Just solution of Jammu and Kashmir dispute is indispensable for peace in South Asia

    Our government came into office in 2018, focused on fulfilling the promise of delivering Naya Pakistan to our voters. We wanted to provide education, jobs, and better health care by leveraging our connectivity infrastructure to foster regional trade and investment. We knew that this would require a peaceful neighborhood.

  • Martin Love 2021/08/05

    By Martin Love

    America is still headed for a material collapse eventually…

    Some Americans, but far too few, want to know how Barack Obama gets to plan his upcoming 60th birthday bash this month on his 30-acre oceanfront estate on the island of Martha’s Vineyard off the coast of Massachusetts.

  • lebanon 2021/07/31

    By Abir Bassam

    Is a new war on Lebanon in the offing?

    On the 23rd of this month, there was a report about the Lebanese financial crisis on CNN. When the anchor asked the CNN reporter in Lebanon about the means to fix the problem in Lebanon the reporter said that Lebanon needs to radically change its politicians. The reporters said they are corrupt.

  • Macron 2021/07/27

    Macron’s Polynesia trip clouded in controversy over France’s nuclear weapons tests

    French President, Emmanuel Macron, has kicked off his first official trip to French Polynesia where residents of the more than 100 Islands will be eager to confront him.

  • China US 2021/07/19

    By Dost Muhammad Barrech

    U.S.-China quest for soft power 

    Soft power, arguably, for great powers is as significant as hard power. The tenet of soft power is based on attraction rather than coercion.

  • Russia Lebanon 2021/07/07

    By Abir Bassam

    The Russian bear in Lebanon

    It turned out that the Biden-Putin summit on May 16 has established a wider effect than anyone would expect.

  • Damavand volcano activities: The hazards and opportunities 2021-07-05 16:34

    By Prof Mehdi Zare

    Damavand volcano activities: The hazards and opportunities

    On the first day of summer 2021, an amateur video went viral on social media showing steam coming out of the summit of Damavand volcano (5671m height, 80km NE of Tehran).

  • Thirsty Iran faced with scorching summer 2021-07-05 16:28

    By Sadeq Lavasani

    Thirsty Iran faced with scorching summer

    Iran is ranked among the world’s arid countries with its annual precipitation levels at about one-third of the global average. But this year, significantly lower rainfall means the country is experiencing one of its driest years, if not the driest, in several decades.

  • U.S. strikes PMU positions 2021-06-30 21:52

    By Martin Love

    A roundup: America continues to lurch from bad to worse…

    America has become a malignant power without consequence given the ignorance and malfeasance of those in political power. 

  • Dost Muhammad Barrech 2021/06/30

    By Dost Muhammad Barrech

    The U.S.-China tug–of–war

    The international world order during the Cold War was a bipolar world order dominated by two great powers the U.S. and USSR. USSR remained a formidable threat to the U.S. and the downfall of the former in 1991 culminated in the emergence of the latter as a sole power.

  • Biden -Putin 2021/06/26

    By Abir Bassam

    Biden-Putin summit: A meeting or setting red lines

    No one could be holding its breath expecting important outcomes from the summit between the two presidents: Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin. 

  • Munir A Saeid 2021-06-23 18:40

    Munir A. Saeed

    Cleaning up after Donald Trump

    Interesting to watch how the current negotiations will proceed in Vienna considering the time running out on the outgoing Rouhani administration in Iran. 

  • India 2021/06/19

    By Fatemeh Fazli

    India's Covid-19 crisis dents PM Modi's image

    The devastating Covid-19 crisis in India has irreparably dented the well-crafted image of the country's premier, Narendra Modi, with questions being raised over his style of governance during the pandemic. 

  • ویروس 2021-06-16 17:09

    By Salman Parviz

    Many changes due to pandemic irreversible

    Will the “new normal” bring new opportunities?

    Previously plagues such as the Black Death and the Spanish flu pandemic had huge ramifications for the world afterward. Black Death is the most fatal pandemic recorded in human history from 1346 to 1353. Some 75-200 million people in Euroasia and North Africa and Europe perished.

  • Vienna talks 2021/06/15

    By Abir Bassam

    Vienna talks: A multi-part American series

    Every time the Iranian government takes the decision to raise the enrichment level in its nuclear reactors, the Americans and the Europeans raise their voices. Their objections are repeated like a cracked disc.

  • The rate of women’s participation in the Iranian labor market 2021-06-15 14:03

    By Sheida Mahnam

    The rate of women’s participation in the Iranian labor market

    The women participation rate is obtained by dividing the number of job-seeking women (both employed and unemployed) by the total number of women over the age of 15. Out of 180 countries in the world, only in 10 countries, women’s participation in work is lower than in Iran, and our country has one of the lowest rates of women’s participation in the world.

  • Turkish army 2021/06/12

    Ahmad Abiyat

    Turkey repeating the story of the French cultural occupation in Syria 

    Despite the rapid progress in knowledge and dramatic changes in the globe, countries with expansionist ambitions are still following the path of the colonial era. In the midst of this situation, the countries do not abide by the laws and international norms, carrying their bloody record such as historical crimes.

  • Mark Dankof 2021/06/11

    By Mark Dankof

    U.S. democracy has been in eclipse after Kennedy assassination

    The post-Cold War NATO no longer maintains any pretense of being a defensive alliance 

    American “democracy” in any legitimate sense of the term ended with the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas on November 22nd, 1963.

  • Hamas - the Al-Qassam Brigade 2021/06/08

    By Rakib Al Hasan 

    At the end of Israel-Palestine conflict: The acquisition of Hamas

    After series of devastating Israeli airstrikes for more than 10 days, a ceasefire was declared by both Hamas and the Israeli regime. The fighting cost more than 248 Palestinian lives. It also led to massive destruction of properties in the Gaza strip.

  • Afghanistan 2021/06/07

    By Rakib Al Hasan

    U.S. legacy in Afghanistan: Possible reemergence of terrorist groups

    Afghans don't have festivals or celebrations in mind, but there are fears!