Today News
  • Iran’s missile program 2019-12-10 11:21

    By Javad Heirannia

    Is Iran’s missile program inconsistent with Resolution 2231?

    France, Britain, and Germany sent a letter to the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on December 4 in which they claimed that some of Iran’s ballistic missile activities are inconsistent with the UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

  • Adel Abdul Mahdi 2019-12-09 12:04

    By Ramin Hossein Abadian

    Finding a replacement for Adel Abdul Mahdi

    Under the Iraqi constitution, the president must ask the grand coalition in the parliament to nominate a new candidate, which usually takes some time.

  • Effects of U.S. sanctions on Iranian citizens' health security 2019-12-08 13:56

    By Hamed Khani

    Effects of U.S. sanctions on Iranian citizens' health security

    1. Problem statement Sanctions are one of the punitive measures in international relations that have a lot of meanings. Sanction can be defined as cutting or restricting business and political ties as punitive action by one or more governments against a country that has violated international law. 

  • Post-modern slavery 2019-12-08 10:47

    By Azadeh Abbaszadeh

    Post-modern slavery: fetal chromosomal slavery

    Just think about it. Several years ago, right here on Earth, people were sold at auctions and forcibly employed in fields and mines. Many were chained to prevent fleeing, and whipping was the most common punishment for their smallest mistakes. All of these were only because of the color of their skin, just because they were black.

  • Pakistan-Iran border 2019-12-07 11:42

    By Quayyum Raja

    My observations and experience in Iran

    KASHMIR - The cost of an air ticket from Lahore to Mashad was around 38000 rupees in March 2019, but as soon as Imran Khan came into power in Pakistan, the price of the same ticket jumped up to 70 000. I did not want to pay so much money. So, I decided to go by road. Everyone who heard of it warned me that the journey by road from Pakistan to Iran was very dangerous.

  • Mahshahr 2019-12-06 11:13

    The truth about the incident in Mahshahr

    TEHRAN: What happened during the recent incidents in Mahshahr is distorted and widely circulated in the opposition media outlets. The incident represents some important points that can be examined from several aspects.

  • Strait of Hormuz 2019-12-04 11:08

    By Maryam Khormaei

    Why Germany turned its back on parallel coalitions in Strait of Hormuz

    Germany recently announced it will not join the French-led mission in the Strait of Hormuz. This is while, not long ago, Berlin’s lack of support for Paris’s position on “the brain death of NATO” became a hot issue.

  • Mohsen Zanganeh 2019-12-03 10:01

    By Mohsen Zanganeh

    Failed attempt of engineering a ‘crisis’ in Iran 

    TEHRAN - For over a year now, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been grappling with severe economic crisis following the unilateral withdrawal of the U.S. from the 2015 nuclear deal and re-imposition of crippling economic sanctions. The failure of the European Union to uphold its commitments under the deal have made matters worse.

  • Algeria 2019-12-02 13:16

    By Hana Saada

    "No to foreign interference": Algerians dissipating disaccord in face of European Parliament’s resolution

    ALGERIA - Algeria, "free and sovereign "in its decisions, accepts no interference or diktat and submits to no bargaining whoever the parties," this is how responded Algeria’s lieutenant general, chief of Staff of the People's National Army, to the non-binding resolution, adopted by the European Parliament, on Thursday, November 28, 2019 on the so-called the grim reality of human rights in Algeria, calling on the North African country to put an end to the criminalization of dissent, arbitrary arrests, and violations of minority rights.

  • Iran’s consulate in Najaf 2019-12-01 11:36

    By Ramin Hossein Abadian

    What scenario has infiltrators started in Iraq?

    Iraq has recently witnessed many incidents, one of which is attack on the Iranian consulate in Najaf by rioters. The latest reports indicate that the rioters were not natives of Najaf.

  • Yemen crises 2019-11-30 11:00

    By Yusuf Abdullahi

    Yemen: Urgent need to end genocide and ensure justice done

    NIGERIA/ KADUNA - In the name of Allah Who states "And think not that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only gives them respite till the day on which the eyes will fixedly stare" Q14:42

  • Foreign minister of Bahrain  Manama dialogue 2019-11-28 17:49

    By Ramin Hossein Abadian

    What happened at the IISS Manama dialogue?

    TEHRAN - Bahrain has long been a place for holding meetings that follow the goals of the U.S. and the Zionist regime. The Al Khalifa family also is keenly serving the U.S. and the Israel.

  • Trump Media US 2019-11-28 17:38

    By Martin Love

    Little to no intelligence at the top of the U.S. media and government

    NORTH CAROLINA - The tippy top of the U.S. journalism food chain is arguably The New York Times, and the best known “journalists” at the Times are probably the names most readers have seen for decades such as columnist Thomas Friedman. Friedman, and some of his colleagues at this strongly Zionist oriented newspaper (allegedly the paper of record whatever that means exactly when it is supposed to mean the most accurate and honest, but it has never been so) are well paid writers (or maybe shills) who consider themselves “intellectuals” of a sort, except that they are not very bright and are propagandists for the most part.

  • Israel - France 2019-11-25 13:38

    By Ramin Hossein Abadian

    Paris seeking to hide support for terror in Syria through accusations

    The French government urged Iran on Wednesday to refrain from destabilizing actions in Syria.

  • Donald trump - Benjamin Netanyahu 2019-11-23 11:03

    By Fatemeh Salehi

    Washington’s controversial support for Tel Aviv: Finishing deal of the century puzzle

    U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s recent stance in which he backed Israel’s settlements in the West Bank faced global backlash. The stance once again shows Washington’s dictatorial character in the region.

  • Trump- Netanyahu 2019-11-23 10:07

    By Ramin Hossein Abadian

    Trump’s special services to Netanyahu: From recognizing al-Quds as Israel’s capital to backing settlements

    U.S. President Donald Trump has offered more special services to the Zionist regime and Benjamin Netanyahu in particular

  • Donald Trump -  Mike Pompeo 2019-11-22 14:20

    By Martin Love

    U.S. stupidity is usually, as now, followed by worse stupidity

    NORTH CAROLINA - It is enough to make a rational, sentient person ill to witness Mike Pompeo telling Iranians he is “with” them, as he did again recently. Excuse me but I hope Iranians are not so deluded to imagine for a second that the U.S. government under Trump gives a gnat’s ass about their welfare. And yes, the U.S. is cheerleading the apparent outbreak of protests in Iran, allegedly over the price hikes in the cost of Iranian gas to consumers.

  • Mike Pompeo 2019-11-20 12:05

    By Yuram Abdullah Weiler

    Pompeo’s hatred of Iran arises from his deep-rooted Islamophobia

    Peaceful protests broke out in cities across Iran on Saturday following a decision by the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company (NIOPDC) to raise fuel prices. The price hike is an attempt by officials to recoup revenue lost as a result of US economic sanctions unilaterally and illegally re-imposed on Iran’s petroleum sector. Funds so generated would be used for additional subsidies to help some 18 million Iranian families experiencing extreme economic hardship.

  • Trump-Erdogan 2019-11-17 13:40

    By Hossein Amiri

    White House-Ak Saray relations: From close friendship to conflict of interests

    Relations between the U.S. Turkey have strained since the failed July 2016 coup in Turkey. Now, the most important reasons for the tension is Washington's strong opposition to Turkey's plan to buy S-400 missile system from Russia and Turkish military invasion into northern Syria.

  • coup in Bolivia 2019-11-16 10:43

    By Hanif Ghaffari

    Consequences of the Trump coup in Bolivia

    The recent US government coup in Bolivia will have severe consequences for Washington and its allies. This coup will not only weaken socialism and anti-imperialism in Central America and South America, but will also strengthen the opposition of the United States in Latin America.

  • Martin Love 2019-11-13 14:35

    By Martin Love

    The coup in Bolivia shines yet more dark light on America

    NORTH CAROLINA - Just when one might have thought things geopolitical might be about to turn for the better, which means the worldwide geopolitical nightmare engineered by the U.S. and Trump and all the rest of the mob in Washington might fade a bit, it just gets worse.

  • Donald Trump 2019-11-12 11:09

    By Hamed Khani

    Consequences of U.S. formal exit from Paris climate pact: More isolation globally

    TEHRAN - The U.S. has formally begun to exit the Paris climate agreement. Regardless of whether or not the Paris Agreement is legally binding, the U.S. has committed to cut 26-28% of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 from 2005 levels, and donate three billion dollars to poor countries by 2020.

  • Iran-U.S. 2019-11-10 14:58

    By Yuram Abdullah Weiler

    Hitting brick walls: Iran brooks another year of U.S. economic terrorism

    “We have now, for a full year, tried to find banks that are able and willing to transfer money from donors to support our work for Afghan refugees and disaster victims in Iran, but we are hitting brick walls on every side.” —Secretary-General of the Norwegian Refugee Council Jan Egeland

  • Martin Love 2019-11-09 10:44

    By Martin Love

    Iran actually is managing misfortune with aplomb

    Recent reports claim the U.S. is constructing a couple military bases or outposts in or near Syrian oil fields around Deir ez-Zor in far eastern Syria. It’s hard to imagine anything more absurd or arrogant or, for that matter, illegal. It’s not only illegal but stealing Syria’s oil is nothing but raw, in-your-face theft, and if anyone EVER thought the U.S. was in ANY foreign lands to bring good tidings, democracy, respect for human rights that includes alleged women’s rights, then this crass move ought to once and for all time rip the cover off any assertions to the contrary about what the so-called “empire’s” true intentions are.

  • Ayatollah Ali Sistani 2019-11-04 11:12

    By Fatemeh Salehi

    Roadmap by religious authority for Iraq’s political future

    TEHRAN - Ayatollah Ali Sistani’s last statement on Friday about recent developments in Iraq sends several messages. The grand ayatollah warned in his statement that the current situation in Iraq may drag the country into chaos.

  • Donald Trump - Nancy Pelosi 2019-11-03 12:18

    By Javad Heirannia

    Democrats take a gamble on Trump’s impeachment

    TEHRAN - Despite all ups and downs, Democrats finally brought impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump to the House of Representatives, a move which made Trump’s prediction come true.

  • Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi 2019-11-02 14:02

    By Ramin Hossein Abadian

    Intensifying pressure on Abdul Mahdi to resign

    Domestic and foreign pressure for ousting Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi appear to have increased more than ever.

  • Syria’s oil fields 2019-11-01 14:56

    By Martin Love

    A short rant after a personal visit to Syria

    NORTH CAROLINA - So, is there some kind of looming military confrontation between Russia and the United States in eastern Syria around Syria’s oil fields, which the U.S. in a pirate role has more or less claimed as its own and seems to be all about looting the oil there?

  • Chang Hua, Chinese Ambassador to Iran 2019-10-21 10:56

    By Chang Hua, Chinese Ambassador to Iran

    The CIIE: A gorgeous chorus of integrated world economy

    TEHRAN - The 2nd China International Import Expo (CIIE) will be held in Shanghai, China from November 5th to 10th. Iran will participate in Country Exhibition, Business Exhibition and Hongqiao International Economic Forum (HIEF). Here, I would like to introduce the CIIE to Iranian friends.

  • Turkey 2019-10-20 12:36

    By Yuram Abdullah Weiler

    “Strategically brilliant” sellout: Trump’s betrayal of the Kurds

    “At last the world knows America as the savior of the world!”  —U.S. president Woodrow Wilson