Today News
  • S-400 air defense missile systems 2022-01-12 10:55

    By Dost Muhammad Barrech

    Sanctioning India under CAATSA

    Moscow has started supplying New Delhi with S-400 air defense missile systems said Dmitry Shugayev, the head of the Russian military cooperation agency. S-400 air defense missile systems deal between Russian and India worth around U.S.$5.5 billion was signed in 2018 for five long-range surface-to-air missile systems, that New Delhi believes are crucial to counter China.

  • Dr. Abduljalil al-Singace 2022-01-10 13:49

    By Sondoss Al Asaad

    Leading prisoner of conscience facing slow death in Bahrain 

    This week marks the 6th month of Bahraini prisoner of conscience Dr. Abduljalil al-Singace’s hunger-striking in protest of the treatment of the political prisoners at the notorious Central Jau Prison, where he is serving a life sentence over his peaceful role in Bahrain's 2011 pro-democracy uprising. Meanwhile, there is serious concern over his life; so what is Bahrain government waiting for to immediately release him?

  • Hojjatoleslam Ahmad Hossein Sharifi 2022-01-08 11:10

    By Hojjatoleslam Ahmad Hossein Sharifi

    A few words in praise of prominent thinker

    TEHRAN- Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi was not only an objective model of Islamic ethics in terms of individual and social life, but also he is also scientifically considered one of the greatest moral and ethical theorists in the Islamic world.

  • Sheikh Abbas Ali Shameli 2022-01-08 11:09

    By Samaneh Nourizadeh

    Ayatollah Mesbah’s solutions for bringing Islamic Humanities into daily life

    TEHRAN – Sheikh Abbas Ali Shameli, who is one of Ayatollah Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi’s students and has received his Ph.D. in Culture and Values in Education from McGill University in Canada, throws light on his teacher’s activities out of Iran.

  • Amir Abdollahian Bayramov 2021-12-26 21:54

    By Mojtaba Rouzbahani

    Iran FM visit to Baku promises success of government’s strategic policy

    The intensive but fruitful visit by Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian to the Republic of Azerbaijan, which was warmly welcomed by the officials of that country, opens a new page in the history of relations between the two brotherly and Muslim neighboring countries.

  • Afghanistan: OIC emerging dilemma 2021-12-17 18:21

    By Dost Muhammad Barrech

    Afghanistan: OIC emerging dilemma

    TEHRAN - December 19, 2021, is going to be a monumental day for Afghanistan in its perilous situation. Pakistan on that particular day will host a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) foreign ministers on Afghanistan aimed at addressing exacerbating and egregious humanitarian crisis in war-torn Afghanistan.

  • America the land of opportunities or a place of shattered dreams? 2021-12-17 17:37

    By Hussein Pabarja

    America the land of opportunities or a place of shattered dreams?

    The United States' infrastructure is in disarray, with broken seawalls and flooded housing developments in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

  • Stephen Hoadley 2021-12-17 17:34

    By Ramin Etesam

    U.S. needs to keep friendly ties with Arab states in rivalry with Iran: professor 

    TEHRAN – A professor of international relations says it is in the U.S. interest to support Arab states to keep energy prices low and contain Iran.

  • The Big Bang of Lebanon 2021/12/03

    By A. Bassam

    The Big Bang of Lebanon

    TEHRAN - During the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1989), the first time Lebanon suffered from the collapse of its Lira was when the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) departed the country in 1982, after the Israeli invasion. The Lebanese lira’s price fell from 3 to 3000 against the American dollar in one go. However, at that time no one felt that the Lebanese existence as an independent state was in jeopardy.

  • Ambassador Rahim Hayat Qureshi 2021/11/27

    By Rahim Hayat Qureshi

    ECO, Into the Future Together

    TEHRAN - In 1964, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey came together and formed the Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD). It was a visionary initiative as the regional economic groupings were not in fashion. At a time, when the world was bereft of global and regional vision and shared solutions, RCD called for effective multilateralism at the regional level and played its part as a pivotal coordinating Organization. The idea was to convert historical affinity and brotherhood among the three countries into a well-defined multilateral platform. It was envisioned that the primary focus would be on promotion of economy through trade and connectivity as well as further strengthening of the cultural bonds. Over the past four decades, ECO’s voice in regional affairs has attained distinct significance.

  • Children's world tied up with coronavirus 2021-11-20 16:18

    By Faranak Bakhtiari

    Children's world tied up with coronavirus

    TEHRAN – World Children's Day has been different over the last two years due to the prevalence of coronavirus, by imposing mandatory restrictions on them, causing many changes in social relations, education, and hobbies.

  • Martin Love 2021-11-14 21:56

    By Martin Love

    A view from the peanut gallery in the U.S.

    Few outside Iran’s government probably know exactly what the country’s leaders are primed to focus on around the alleged upcoming resumption of the JCPOA negotiations in Vienna. But a couple of smart commentators outside Iran in West Asia have claimed this past week that Iran will focus almost exclusively on trying to get the U.S. sanctions lifted so that it can again resume exporting oil widely.

  • Chang Hua, the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Tehran 2021/11/14

    By Chang Hua, Ambassador of China to Iran

    Brilliance comes from struggle, the future arises from the past

        The 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) convened its sixth plenary session in Be?ing from November 8 to 11, 2021. At the session, the Central Committee considered and adopted the Resolution on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century.

  • زاینده رود 2021-11-14 14:47

    By M.A. Saki

    Tough decisions needed to revive Zayandehrud

    President Ebrahim Raisi has tasked Presidential Center for Strategic Studies director Mohammad Sadeq Khayyatian to start scientific studies on reviving Zayandehrud River, ISNA reported on Saturday.

  • One year in office: U.S. elections show letdown in Biden 2021-11-08 18:00

    By Ramin Mazaheri

    One year in office: U.S. elections show letdown in Biden

    In speaking with Iranian immigrants to the US, I always hear a couple of refrains repeatedly: 1) Why Democrats do not criticize their own politicians when they do the exact things they criticize Republicans for? 2) When Republicans get into office, at least, they actually do things they say they want to do; Democrats never do.

  • How India views AUKUS 2021/11/02

    By Dost Muhammad Barrech

    How India views AUKUS

    TEHRAN - The inking of the AUKUS, a trilateral security pact among Australia, the UK and the U.S. on September 15, 2021, with an effort to counter China in the Asia-Pacific without Indian inclusion has taken back many experts. The AUKUS for the first time will be building nuclear-powered submarines; Canberra will be using technologies provided by Washington.

  • What if we go back to 1975? 2021-10-31 17:02

    By Abir Bassam

    What if we go back to 1975?

    TEHRAN - After the Tayouneh massacre, the issue of granting a general amnesty to a convicted war criminal in Lebanon is in question once again. Such a terrible incident makes the person wonder about what was going on in Samir Geagea’s mind, the head of the Lebanese Forces [LFP], to commit such a crime on the 14th of October. The crime brought back into the Lebanese people consciousness the history of Geagea and his Forces, and what kind of future awaits Lebanon, since the attitude towards the “others” is almost back on the surface.

  • energy crisis 2021-10-30 15:53

    By Salman Parviz

    Global energy shortages as we head out of pandemic

    TEHRAN - Unprecedented global energy crisis has suffocated nations like Lebanon and brought about the prospect of a long, cold, and crazy winter for many European countries.

  • U.S. decline 2021-10-24 23:17

    By Martin Love

    Weep or not, America is beginning to hurt seriously…

    In the U.S. there are signs of decadence almost everywhere nowadays. In the debasement of the dollar, in militarism, in the paucity of honesty and ethics, in mainstream media propaganda and even in educational standards and one could go on. The list unfolds like an ocean crossing tsunami.

  • After Tayouneh, Hezbollah: Will it restrain itself? Or will it compel himself? 2021-10-16 18:53

    By A. Bassam

    After Tayouneh crime, will Hezbollah restrain itself? 

    TEHRAN - When Hamlet, the Danish prince, discovered by chance that his father was killed by his uncle, he was confused and puzzled. Hamlet is the main character in one of Shakespeare’s plays, which was named after him. At that moment, the moment of truth, Hamlet changed and became a man with responsibilities. However, he was completely drained by the fact that his mother was involved in the conspiracy and she was married to his uncle, the killer.

  • black bear 2021-10-16 10:47

    By Jamshid Parchizadeh

    Prolonged drought may increase Asiatic black bear-human encounters in Iran

    Iran is facing its worst drought in 50 years which has resulted in water shortages for humans and wildlife species. With drought going on, animal species including the Asiatic black bear have had to leave protected areas for other places where they can find food and water resources (e.g. within or around human populated areas), which can result in encounters between black bears and humans.

  • Recep Tayyip Erdogan 2021/10/13

    By Abir Bassam

    Safar Barlek of the 21st Century: Erdogan the New Caliph

    Since the American’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, it became clear that everyone is holding his breath. That is exactly what Recep Tayyip Erdogan is doing these days. Ten years have passed since his war on Syria; however, he has, so far, reached zero accomplishments towards his 2023 dreams. As a matter of fact, Erdogan is in the worst position ever. His dream of becoming the new Ottoman Caliph began to fade away.

  • Communication managers serve as ambassadors of urban diplomacy 2021-10-11 17:45

    By Sepehr Pashaei Khameneh

    Communication managers serve as ambassadors of urban diplomacy

    Currently, cities have a vital role to play in worldwide relations including politics, social issues, culture, and economics, and their governance has evolved significantly from its conventional form in recent decades, ushering in a new phase of the system of government.

  • Pandora papers 2021-10-09 12:10

    By John Wight

    Pandora Papers expose greed, Assange exposed war crimes. Assange should not be in prison

    The only surprise when it comes to the Pandora Papers revelations, exposing the scale of the greed and corruption of various world leaders, political figures and officials in hoarding obscene amounts of cash in offshore tax havens, is that anyone should be surprised.

  • Andrew Korybko 2021/09/27

    By Andrew Korybko

    The U.S' recalibration towards the Asia-Pacific might stabilize West Asia

    TEHRAN- America is visibly in the process of geostrategically recalibrating its focus towards the Asia-Pacific as evidenced by several relevant developments that will impact West Asian affairs. First, U.S. President Joe Biden remained committed to his predecessor's decision to militarily withdraw from Afghanistan. He then announced that combat troops will depart from Iraq by the end of the year, which is being done in accordance with the will of that country's parliament. Finally, the American leader withdrew Patriot air defense systems from Saudi Arabia.

  • Rodney Shakespeare 2021-09-27 17:05

    By Prof. Rodney Shakespeare

    A monster mulls its options

    There has long been a monster roaming West Asia. Its evil breath poisons the atmosphere and, every now and then, it launches an attack to remind everybody that it is big and powerful. Above all, in order to support Zionism, it is anti-democratic and its name is America. Yet, despite the fun, it has wrecking lives in West Asia, America wants to cause even more misery and is mulling its options. Thus, it is looking towards East Asia, in particular, towards Taiwan with the chance of creating mayhem.

  • The U.S. withdrawing from West Asia is a new chapter for the region 2021-09-27 14:46

    By Paul Larudee

    The U.S. withdrawing from West Asia is a new chapter for the region

    TEHRAN- Is the US departure from Afghanistan a victory? A cause for celebration? Certainly, for the Taliban it is. They are the ones who sacrificed their blood for 20 years to make it happen. It is also a victory for all resistance against imperialism in the same way that the victory of Vietnamese showed that the greatest imperialist power could be defeated.

  • Arbaeen Pilgrimage 2021-09-27 00:40

    By Myles Hoenig 

    The tables are turning against the U.S. presence in West Asia 

    TEHRAN- It’s always gratifying to see the bully being beaten, getting his comeuppance, or stood up to by those he has been harassing, humiliating, hurting, intimidating for so long. Sometimes that’s all it takes. The most aggressive bully in West Asia and much of the world is the United States. It goes where it wants and does what it pleases.

  • Arbaeen 2021-09-27 00:35

    By Sonja van den Ende

    The revenge of West Asia for the assassination of General Soleimani 

    TEHRAN- Do we still remember the coward and brutal assassination of General Qassim Soleimani? Iran said they would take revenge on this barbaric act and the world was waiting for an answer, but to the disappointment of many in the Western world, this revenge was delayed and many thought it was just words, but they were mistaken.  

  • Dariush Sajjadi 2021-09-26 06:44

    By Dariush Sajjadi

    Mortal wound

    On Tuesday, September 11, 20 years ago, at 7 a.m. in the western United States, I received a phone call from a friend informing me of a suicide attack on a tower in Manhattan, New York. The story became the subject of significant changes in the world. The most obvious was the U.S. military campaign in West Asia under the pretext of the global fight against terrorism.