Joe Biden


  • Joe Biden 2022-08-23 21:48

    'You don’t need to be anti-American not to want to be fooled twice'

    Biden missed the chance to rejoin JCPOA swiftly via executive order: analysis

    TEHRAN - In a commentary on August 22 published on the Responsible Statecraft website, Eldar Mamedov, a political adviser for the Social Democrats in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (EP), says U.S. President Joe Biden missed the opportunity to quickly rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal (JCPOA) through a presidential executive order.

  • Europe’s hellish winter is loading 2022-08-23 20:06

    Europe’s hellish winter is loading

    TEHRAN — While Europe strives to prepare for the next freezing winter, the U.S. has effectively taken the solution to this impending crisis hostage.

  • Kanaani 2022-08-22 21:53

    Iran: U.S. has not responded to our proposal yet

    TEHRAN — Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman says that the negotiations for reviving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is still ongoing.

  • Ukraine-U.S. 2022-08-21 22:03

    Does Iran sponsor terrorism and U.S. democracy?!

    New U.S. military package to Ukraine utterly hypocritical

    TEHRAN — While the United States is teetering on its feet to feed the poor and reduce fuel prices, Washington on Friday introduced a new $775 million military aid package for Ukraine.

  • Robert Malley 2022-08-19 22:12

    Washington should take the deal on the table

    TEHRAN— While Iran committed to the deadline set by the European Union and sent its concluding decision to the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Monday, the United States has not yet announced what its response will be.

  • Afghanistan 2022-08-14 21:28

    Afghanistan crisis rooted in reliance on U.S.

    TEHRAN— August 15, 2021 marks a turning point in Afghanistan, as the Taliban took over the city of Kabul and overthrew a corrupt president, named Ashraf Ghani who relied heavily on the United States.

  • Iran-U.S. 2022-08-10 22:07

    Biden administration will extend sanctions waiver on civil nuclear activities: report

    TEHRAN— A State Department spokesperson confirmed to Al-Monitor that the Biden administration has told Congress that it has renewed a sanctions exemption allowing foreign cooperation on some of Iran's civilian nuclear projects.

  • Hossein Taeb 2022-08-05 16:26

    Iran’s drone capabilities amazed U.S.

    Advisor to IRGC chief: Enemy is fighting hybrid war

    TEHRAN— An advisor to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Commander-in-chief says that the enemies are fighting a hybrid war nowadays.

  • Biden Brings as much shame to Americans as MBS brings to Muslims 2022-08-03 11:56

    By Hossein Askari

    Biden Brings as much shame to Americans as MBS brings to Muslims

    Muslims the world over must shun Mohammad bin Salman and members of the al-Saud tribe. They must demand that Saudi Arabia relinquish its control over Islam’s two holiest places in Mecca and Medina and place management of the two sites under the stewardship of all Muslim countries.

  • al-Qaeda leader al-Zawahiri 2022-08-02 11:56

    Biden says al-Qaeda leader al-Zawahiri killed in airstrike in Afghanistan

    U.S. President Joe Biden said in a report aired on TV on Monday that al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has been killed in a CIA drone strike on a residential area in Kabul, Afghanistan's capital.

  • Biden 2022-08-01 22:18

    Biden’s blackmailing brings Iran to nuclear threshold

    TEHRAN — Although the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is not officially dead yet, the internationally recognized agreement endorsed by the United Nations Security Council is now in a state of coma, chiefly due to the political confusion of U.S. President Joe Biden.

  • U.S. economy 2022-07-29 16:40

    Biden faces headache as U.S. economy enters “recession” 

    The U.S. economy has officially shrunk for two consecutive quarters which technically signals the start of a recession. The news is making headlines across the states, its a major setback for President Joe Biden’s administration and has left Americans asking where their money is being spent.

  • Giorgio Cafiero 2022-07-29 13:17

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    Arabs see ties with Moscow beneficial despite U.S. pressure: GSA chief

    TEHRAN - Giorgio Cafiero, chief executive officer of Gulf State Analytics (GSA), says that all Arab states have realized that maintaining partnerships with Moscow still serves their interests despite the U.S. pressure.

  • Jeddah summit 2022-07-26 21:36

    Biden found no takers for his message in Jeddah summit: commentary

    TEHRAN - In a commentary on July 21, Wilson Center said President Joe Biden found no listeners in his July 16 summit with the leaders of the Persian Gulf Arab countries along with Egypt, Jordan and Iraq.

  • biden 2022-07-26 11:13

    Biden’s most costly blunder was failure to return to Iran nuclear accord: JHU professor

    TEHRAN - A professor of government at Johns Hopkins University says U.S. President Joe Biden’s “most costly blunder” in his visit to West Asia (Middle East) on July 13-16 “was his failure to return to the Iran nuclear accord.”

  • Palestine 2022-07-23 18:33

    Palestinian lives ignored by Biden

    The U.S. President’s first trip to the occupied territories in West Asia took place as the Israeli regime and its settlers attacked, killed, violated the rights of Palestinians, and expanded their illegal settlements away from the public eye.

  • Munir A Saeed 2022/07/23

    By Munir Saeed

    No red carpet for America’s return 

    The Jeddah summit, requested by the U.S., should have been Joe Biden’s show. “America is back”. Instead, it was a spectacle that showed America as a spent force desperately trying to stay relevant. Biden’s arrival to the region was probably comparable to Biden’s departure from Afghanistan. 

  • Biden visit to Saudi Arabia 2022-07-23 11:34

    Iran, Russia, and China keep cementing ties with Arabs as U.S. favors Israel, arms producers: author

    TEHRAN - In a commentary published by Responsible Statecraft on July 19, Rami G. Khouri, a columnist, author, and director of Global Engagement at the American University of Beirut, says due to the U.S. policies which favor Israel and American arms manufacturers, Arab countries are seeking to strengthen their ties with Iran, Russia and China. 

  • Mark Dankof 2022-07-20 12:03

    By Ramin Etesam

    Biden achieved nothing in changing oil prices: ex-Senate candidate

    TEHRAN - A former U.S. Senate candidate is of the opinion that Joe Biden failed to make any achievement during his visit to Riyadh when it comes to oil prices.

  • Raisi-Putin 2022-07-19 23:30

    New world order

    TEHRAN — Becoming a diplomatic hub on Tuesday, Tehran witnessed the coming and going of the presidents of two key players in the world, Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and Vladimir Putin of Russia.

  • Jeddah summit 2022-07-19 21:13

    ‘Ceasefire in Yemen actually owes a lot to the Iranian-Saudi dialogue’

    Not all Arabs want to line up against Iran: Johns Hopkins University professor

    TEHRAN - A professor of Johns Hopkins University says all Arab states don’t like to align against Iran as the U.S. wishes.

  • Jeddah summit 2022-07-18 21:21

    Biden: Failure after failure

    TEHRAN— Joe Biden made his first trip to the region with a number of objectives in mind. From creating a coalition against Iran to kissing the Saudi ring in order to boost oil production. Nonetheless, the tour was a complete failure. Here's why:

  • Biden-MBS 2022-07-16 20:57

    From “pariah” to “strategic partnership”

    TEHRAN— “Khashoggi was in fact murdered and dismembered, and I believe in the order of the Crown Prince, and I would make it very clear. We were not going to, in fact, sell more weapons to them. We were gonna, in fact, make them pay the price and make them, in fact, a pariah that they are.”

  • Gaza 2022-07-16 18:23

    Delusional Israel bombs Gaza after Biden trip 

    If there was ever evidence needed that the trips of American politicians to Israel bring nothing but insecurity to the region, then the regime’s bombardment of the besieged Palestinian Gaza Strip is evidence of that.

  • Anwar Gargash 2022-07-15 21:36

    UAE’s Gargash calls Middle East NATO a "theoretical" concept

    UAE top advisor: Abu Dhabi plans to send ambassador to Tehran

    TEHRAN — The UAE is planning to send an ambassador to Tehran in order to repair relations with Iran, according to the president's diplomatic adviser, who also stated that a confrontational attitude toward Iran was not something Abu Dhabi supported.

  • Abolfazl Shekarchi 2022-07-15 21:36

    Biden, Lapid suffer from hallucinations: Iranian Armed Forces spokesman

    TEHRAN— A senior military official has issued a blunt warning to the United States, advising President Joe Biden to review the past.

  • Diplomat 2022-07-15 21:34

    Simultaneous visits of Biden and Putin to region evoke West-East confrontation: diplomat

    TEHRAN – An Iranian diplomat has said that the simultaneous visits of the presidents of the United States and Russia to the West Asia region conjure up images of West-East confrontation.

  • Biden 2022-07-15 21:33

    Biden trip to region casts doubt over U.S. commitment to diplomacy

    TEHRAN – During his visit to Israel, U.S. President Joe Biden did little to rein in his hosts’ belligerence toward Iran and spoke in such a way as to signal Washington’s readiness to use force against Iran. 

  • Joe Biden and Mahmoud Abbas shake hands 2022-07-15 20:33

    West Asia won’t achieve stability without resolving Palestinian crisis: analysis

    TEHRAN - In a commentary published on Wednesday, it was suggested that “the Middle East will not achieve peace and stability without resolving the Palestinian crisis.”

  • Biden 2022-07-15 16:26

    Biden’s desperate trip to Israel 

    Perhaps it wasn’t a coincidence that Joe Biden delayed his first trip to West Asia since taking office until now. The challenges facing the U.S. President back home, it appears, have become too much to handle. Biden took another leaf out of Trump’s book and hit the same note in his meeting with Israeli leaders in the occupied Palestinian territories.