

  • NATO summit 2023-07-11 21:29

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    U.S. cluster bombs cloud NATO summit

    Supply of cluster bombs to Ukraine concerns U.S. allies 

    TEHRAN- Even before the NATO summit kicked off on Tuesday in Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital, there was a grave issue at hand.

  • Joe Biden 2023-07-10 19:08

    Inside Occupied Palestine:

    U.S. president calls Israeli government “the most extremist”

     In an interview with CNN on Sunday, U.S. President Joe Biden made some unprecedented and controversial remarks regarding Israel which triggered a variety of reactions inside and outside Israel.

  • Israel 2023-07-10 18:59

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    Netanyahu’s dilemma on both fronts

    Israel faces strong challenges from the resistance and from within

    TEHRAN - The cabinet of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has failed to distract its domestic audience by invading Jenin earlier this week as tens of thousands of Israelis poured into the streets on Sunday in the occupied Palestinian territories for the 27th week in a row since January.

  • European diplomats 2023-07-09 10:48

    Inside Occupied Palestine: 

    Political Show 

     As the passivity of the international community regarding Israel’s endless crimes continues, more and more useless political shows appear in the global atmosphere every day.

  • Abolfazl Amouei 2023-07-07 21:58

    Parliaments of Islamic states should decisively act against Israel, MP says

    TEHRAN – Iranian lawmaker Abolfazl Amouei has called on the parliaments of the Islamic countries to discuss the desecration of the holy Quran and Israel’s attack against the Jenin camp in their next meeting. 

  • West Bank 2023-07-07 21:57

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    West Bank migraine haunts Israel

    TEHRAN - Israel’s latest full-scale invasion on Jenin which it dubbed "House and Garden" is no more but new and rather useless terminology which it used on this occasion to indiscriminately attack Jenin in the occupied West Bank and its refugee camp.

  • Palestine 2023-07-06 00:08

    Inside occupied Palestine, on July 5, 2023

    After two days of brutal invasion and multiple war crimes, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) withdrew from the sieged camp of Jenin. A variety of videos started circulating on social media showing traces of Israeli soldiers’ blood on the streets of Jenin.

  • Israel failed on strategic level 2023-07-05 23:59

    Withdrawal from Jenin

    Israel failed on strategic level

    TEHRAN- The Israeli army has announced the end of its two-day raid and the withdrawal of all its soldiers from the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank.

  • Qaani 2023-07-05 21:09

    Quds force chief hails Palestinian youths’ resistance against Israel

    “Palestinian youths strike Zionists in the face”

    TEHRAN- Brigadier General Esmail Qaani, the commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force, has praised the Palestinian youths’ valiant resistance against the full force of the Zionist regime’s military in a camp in the West Bank city of Jenin.

  • Ammar al-Hakim 2023-07-05 08:18

    Iraq's Hakim Calls for Action to Stop Zionist Regime's Crimes in Jenin

    Leader of Iraq's National Wisdom Movement, Seyed Ammar al-Hakim, has strongly condemned the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Jenin and called for immediate international intervention to prevent further atrocities against the Palestinian people in the city and camp.

  • Jenin 2023-07-04 22:43

    Resort to force is the only option left for Palestinians, Iran says

    TEHRAN- Iran has said that the only way the Palestinians could defeat Israel would be by force, as the regime keeps up its relentless assault on the occupied West Bank city of Jenin.

  • Jenin under Israeli attack 2023-07-03 21:48

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Jenin: Fort of resistance; Israel kneels here

    TEHRAN – The occupation regime’s forces launched air attacks and ground raids, killing at least eight Palestinians in the largest military operation in the West Bank city of Jenin in 20 years.

  • The humiliated occupiers 2023-06-22 00:00

    The humiliated occupiers

    Israel humiliated by Jenin fighters’ steely determination

    TEHRAN – With Israeli forces and settlers intensifying their campaign of terror against Palestinians in the West Bank, the situation in the Palestinian-occupied territories seems to be heading toward intensified resistance. 

  • Leader 2023-06-21 23:28

    Surrounding of Zionist forces in Jenin heralds full victory for Palestinians: Leader

    TEHRAN- Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says the sense of responsibility of the young and faithful Palestinian generation and their individual and collective presence on the battlefield is a very important issue.

  • Bloody Monday in Jenin 2023-06-20 21:10

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Israel resorts to Apache helicopters in brutal Jenin raid

    TEHRAN- Palestinians bravely defend the occupied Jenin refugee camp after an Israeli military invasion ended with 5 martyrs and injury of 8 Israeli troops. 

  • Tehran papers 2023-06-19 21:46


    Why Riyadh changed the path 

    Hamshahri wrote in a note about Riyadh's reproachment with Tehran and said: Saudi Arabia, after suffering heavy political, security and economic losses, concluded that America's humiliating and blackmailing attitude had cost the kingdom greatly.

  • Bloody Monday in Jenin 2023-06-19 21:21

    Bloody Monday in Jenin: Five killed as Israeli forces raid refugee camp

    Israeli forces have raided the Jenin refugee camp, killing five Palestinians and wounding at least 91. One of the Palestinians killed is a minor.

  • Iranian newspapers 2023-06-18 21:24


    Warm greetings from Riyadh to Tehran

    In a note, Hamshahri wrote about the visit of the Saudi foreign minister to Tehran.

  • Prince Bin Farhan and Ebrahim Raisi 2023-06-17 22:18

    Israel unhappy about Iran-Saudi thaw: Raisi

    Saudi FM extends invitation to Iranian president to visit Riyadh

    TEHRAN – Prince Faisal bin Farhan, the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia, arrived in the Iranian capital in a high-profile visit that is expected to mark the full resumption of diplomatic relations between Tehran and Riyadh.

  • Bloomberg 2023-06-14 21:15

    By Ehsan Etesam

    Bloomberg’s complicated yet simple mindset: Extorting the “Israel-Iran future war” propaganda

    TEHRAN – For those who follow up the news about the escalating hostilities between Iran and Israel, it’s not surprising to see new reports about the doom’s day in different media outlets every day.

  • Israel steps up efforts to derail diplomacy with Iran 2023-06-09 23:37

    By Farmarz Kuhpayeh

    Diplomatic sabotage

    Israel steps up efforts to derail diplomacy with Iran

    TEHRAN – Israel seems to have gotten a whiff of reported diplomatic engagement between Iran and the U.S. And it is apparently trying to prevent that engagement from coming to fruition. 

  • Kanaani 2023-06-06 23:13

    U.S. complicit in Israeli regular atrocities against Palestinians: Foreign Ministry

    TEHRAN - The spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry has denounced the deadly shooting of a Palestinian infant in the occupied West Bank, asserting that the U.S. is also implicated in Israel’s daily cruelty over its unwavering support for the occupying regime.

  • Kanaani 2023-06-05 20:55

    Azeri citizens should be got scared of Israel, not Iran: Foreign Ministry 

    TEHRAN – Iran has reacted to the travel warning issued by the Azerbaijani foreign ministry regarding travel to Iran, saying that the Azerbaijani government should get its citizen scared of Israel, not Iran.

  • Iran's foreign ministry spokesman Kanaani 2023-05-31 13:53

    Israel regional activities not hidden from Iran ‘keen eyes’: Tehran

    TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani has seemingly reacted to the Israeli president’s visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan, saying Israeli activities in the region are not hidden from Iran.

  • Israel 2023-05-29 21:39

    Terrorist team linked to Israel busted in northwest Iran

    TEHRAN - According to a Judiciary official in Iran, 14 members of a “terrorist team” connected to Israel have been detained in West Azerbaijan Province, northwest Iran.

  • روسانه  و نشریات 2023-05-29 21:33

    Tehran Papers

    To what extent does the Taliban dance to the tune of America?

    In its editorial, Kayhan addressed the recent tensions with the Taliban. It said: We will not abandon the main enemy.  The favorable opinion of America, Britain and Israel - behind the scenes of the operation room against Iran - is to destabilize the region and to push the neighboring countries in a conflict with each other, while our strategy has been friendship, cooperation and synergy between countries. 

  • IRGC 2023-05-28 22:08

    Zionists experience daily hits, IRGC general says

    TEHRAN – In a speech at a military event on Saturday, a senior IRGC commander asserted that the Zionist regime’s malicious actions against Iran are met with retaliation on a daily basis.

  • روسانه  و نشریات 2023-05-28 22:00

    Tehran Papers:

    Israel should be afraid

    Vatan-e-Emrooz dedicated its editorial to Iran's new missile test and said: Following the test of the Khorramshahr 4 missile, the Zionists have been greatly frightened. The regime’s media and experts have interpreted the ballistic missile as specifically designed to destroy the usurpers of Quds.

  • Kanaani 2023-05-22 21:42

    Tehran slams Israeli ultra-right minister’s desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque

    TEHRAN- Iran’s Foreign Ministry on Monday denounced the radical Israeli minister’s vandalism of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and urged other nations to retaliate for the provocative act.

  • Kanaani 2023-05-20 20:57

    Iran says the world must be in no doubt about apartheid nature of Israel

    TEHRAN- Iran has vehemently condemned the most recent assault by Israeli settlers on the sacred site of the al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied city of al-Quds, saying the move was a desperate attempt to cover up the Israeli regime’s recent loss to the Palestinian resistance in Gaza.