
  • Talks 2021-03-05 22:54

    Things moving in right direction, French diplomat says of JCPOA

    TEHRAN - Iran has given encouraging signs in recent days about opening informal talks with world powers and the United States, two European diplomats said on Thursday after European powers scrapped plans to criticize Tehran at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), according to Reuters agency.

  • Lavrov 2021-03-05 22:53

    Moscow expresses hope for JCPOA revival in its original form

    Lavrov urges all parties to fully implement their commitments

    TEHRAN - Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, has urged all parties to the 2015 nuclear deal -JCPOA- to fully implement their commitments, hoping for a revival of the deal in its original form, according to Tasnim news agency.

  • Rouhani 2021-03-05 22:53

    Iran will ‘reciprocate action by action,’ Rouhani tells U.S.

    TEHRAN – President Hassan Rouhani of Iran on Thursday urged the U.S. to return to its commitments under the JCPOA, the official name for the 2015 nuclear deal, reiterating Tehran’s position that the Islamic Republic will “reciprocate action by action”.

  • Richard nephew 2021-03-05 22:50

    The West withdrew anti-Iran resolution in exchange for an informal meeting 

    Why is informal meeting so important for the West?

    TEHRAN – Iran and the West have reached a temporary understanding on deescalating tensions, a compromise that if not followed by a goodwill gesture from the United States, would end in failure, bringing the nuclear standoff back to square one.

  • Spox 2021-03-05 16:57

    Iran welcomes withdrawal of resolution at IAEA

    TEHRAN – Iran has welcomed a Western decision to withdraw a U.S.-backed resolution at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s board of governors that would have censured Iran for allegedly not cooperating enough with the UN nuclear watchdog.

  • Zarif - posturing 2021-03-05 13:49

    Zarif utterly rejects JCPOA renegotiation

    TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Thursday once again strongly ruled out any renegotiation of the 2015 nuclear deal and called for stopping “posturing”.

  • Rouhani 2021-03-03 19:11

    Iran, France presidents hold telephone conversation on nuclear deal

    TEHRAN – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke by phone with his French counterpart Emanuel Macron late on Tuesday to discuss a range of issues including the situation around the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

  • UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Than 2021-03-03 18:58

    Guterres, Qatar FM hold talks on JCPOA

    TEHRAN - In a phone conversation on Tuesday, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres spoke with Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani discussing the 2015 nuclear deal – JCPOA - between Iran and 5+1 nations as well as Doha's efforts to revive the agreement.

  • Projection a political weapon for Washington in nuclear talks 2021-03-03 15:11

    By Azin Sahabi

    Projection a political weapon for Washington in nuclear talks

    TEHRAN-  In one of its latest commentaries, RAND Corporation, one of the top U.S. think tanks, has argued that Biden’s administration cannot turn back the clock on the Iran nuclear deal. 

  • Diako Hosseini 2021-03-02 21:43

    ‘Resolution or statement will be interpreted as a negative signal to Iran’

    TEHRAN - Diako Hosseini, director of the World Studies Program at the Presidential Center for Strategic Studies, says any statement or resolution by the IAEA Board of Governors will send a negative signal to Iran, according to IRNA news agency.

  • Rabiee 2021-03-02 21:43

    Iran calls verbal support for diplomacy ‘hypocritical’

    TEHRAN - Ali Rabiei, the Iranian government spokesperson, says Washington’s verbal backing for diplomacy is nothing but “hypocritical rhetoric” as long as it has not lifted the sanctions on Iran, according to Tasnim news agency.

  • Biden 2021-03-02 21:42

    Blame game doesn’t work to revive Iran nuclear deal: Guardian

    TEHRAN - Biden may inadvertently achieve what Trump couldn’t. He is destroying the Iran deal, Obama’s main foreign policy achievement, according the Guardian, a British newspaper.

  • JCPOA 2021-03-02 21:41

    Iran warns IAEA against adopting resolution

    TEHRAN – Several Iranian officials have warned the UN nuclear watchdog as well as the West against adopting a resolution against Iran at the session of the International Atomic Energy Agency's Board of Governors.

  • Biden 2021-03-02 21:26

    Biden hires Architect of Sanctions to revive a deal meant to lift sanctions

    Joint Comprehensive Plan of Sanctions 

    TEHRAN – The White House has taken a range of measures that run counter to Joe Biden’s promises to rekindle diplomacy with Tehran after four years of Trump’s harsh rhetoric against the Islamic Republic.

  • Atlantic Council 2021-03-02 11:43

    By Azin Sahabi

    Atlantic Council: A compartmentalized approach at the talks

    TEHRAN- While the Biden administration explores ways to reengage Iran over its nuclear program, the Atlantic Council, has shed light on the issue from various aspects. 

  • Spox 2021-03-01 21:31

    Iran rejects EU talks offer, says U.S. must first lift sanctions 

    TEHRAN – Iran once again rejected an offer by the European Union to engage in direct talks with the United States over the 2015 nuclear deal, underlining that Washington should lift sanctions before any kind of talks can go ahead. 

  • Biden 2021-03-01 17:43

    ‘Time not right’ for nuclear deal talks, Iran says

    TEHRAN - Iran has rejected the suggestion to negotiate directly with the United States in an informal meeting proposed by Europeans to revive the JCPOA that former President Donald Trump quit nearly three years ago.

  • JCPOA parties 2021-03-01 16:56

    Experts urge Iran, U.S. to find modus vivendi

    TEHRAN- In an article in The National Interest, two experts offer solutions how to make the Iran nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, “durable”.

  • Iran may face new wave of COVID-19, Rouhani warns 2021-03-01 16:31

    Rouhani says Iran has succeeded to neutralize sanctions

    TEHRAN – President Hassan Rouhani says his administration has succeeded to neutralize sanctions by supplying essential goods for the people, according to Iran Press.

  • freeze for freeze 2021-03-01 12:02

    By Azin Sahabi

    CSIS: Issue linkage to secure Iran’s commitment

    TEHRAN- ​​​​​​​ The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the number one think tank in the United States across all fields in 2019, conducts policy studies and strategic analyses of political, economic, and security issues throughout the world. It publishes numerous reports about the Islamic Republic of Iran as a permanent key area of focus for the U.S. 

  • JCPOA 2021-02-28 22:06

    Things to do in Washington when the JCPOA is dead

    TEHRAN – The United States is reportedly planning to get the UN nuclear watchdog’s Board of Governors to adopt a resolution criticizing Iran for reducing nuclear commitments with a 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and major world powers.

  • Ambassador 2021-02-28 18:49

    Iran not interested in escalation with U.S.: ambassador

    TEHRAN – Iran has no interest in escalating tensions with the United States, Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations Majid Takht-Ravanchi has said. 

  • John Colarusso 2021-02-28 15:07

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    Engaging Iran will serve America’s interests in West Asia: ex-White House adviser

    TEHRAN – Pointing to the role of some regional actors in West Asia to hinder a revival the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, an American academic and former advisor to the White House on Russian affairs believes that engaging Iran will serve the interests of the United States in West Asia. 

  • Hemmati 2021-02-27 18:31

    Foreign Policy advises Biden admin to include Iranian central bank in negotiations

    TEHRAN – Removing sanctions will be central to reviving the nuclear deal, Foreign Policy magazine suggests.

  • Qataro FM 2021-02-27 16:30

    Qatari FM meets E3 ambassadors to discuss JCPOA

    TEHRAN – Qatari Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani met with the ambassadors of the three European countries that are signatories to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

  • Biden Netanyahu 2021-02-27 11:40

    By Azin Sahabi

    AFPC: Messengers of Israeli officials to U.S.

    TEHRAN- Tehran started the enforcement of Iran’s parliamentary law regarding suspending the implementation of the Additional Protocol to the NPT on February 23. Called “Strategic Action to Lift Sanctions and Protect the Interest of Iranian Nation”, the law obligates the Iranian government to stop implementing some nuclear commitments.

  • Zarif 2021-02-26 22:48

    U.S. behavior has not changed, Zarif says

    TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has castigated the new U.S. administration for not changing tack on Iran, urging the White House to remove the cause that forced Iran to reduce its nuclear commitments.

  • US flag 2021-02-26 22:43

    Biden shows U.S. true colors

    TEHRAN – The new U.S. administration has followed in the footsteps of its predecessor in terms of continuing economic pressure on Iran and pursuing destabilizing activities in the region.

  • Biden 2021-02-26 18:22

    U.S. admits “maximum pressure” policy on Iran failed

    TEHRAN - The Biden administration has acknowledged that Trump's “maximum pressure” policy against Iran has ended in failure, while Biden has not indicated he intends to redress the former president's wrongs, according to Press TV.

  • Biden 2021-02-26 17:21

    The National Interest says U.S. has signaled its willingness to negotiate with Iran

    TEHRAN - The Biden administration has already taken several steps that Tehran will view as an indication that President Joe Biden is very keen to avoid a confrontation and is eager to negotiate, according to the National Interest.