

  • Amir Abdollahian Taliban 2021-12-19 21:13

    First meeting between top Iranian diplomat and Taliban

    TEHRAN— Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian met with the Acting Taliban Foreign Minister Amir Khan Motaqqi on the sidelines of the 17th extraordinary session of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation.

  • Amir Abdollahian 2021-12-19 21:06

    FM: Iran considers sustainable security and political stability in Afghanistan fruitful to region

    TEHRAN— Speaking at the 17th extraordinary session of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian reiterated that Iran supports the formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan.

  • Afghanistan: OIC emerging dilemma 2021-12-17 18:21

    By Dost Muhammad Barrech

    Afghanistan: OIC emerging dilemma

    TEHRAN - December 19, 2021, is going to be a monumental day for Afghanistan in its perilous situation. Pakistan on that particular day will host a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) foreign ministers on Afghanistan aimed at addressing exacerbating and egregious humanitarian crisis in war-torn Afghanistan.

  • U.S. will not punish troops for killing Afghan civilians 2021-12-15 11:06

    U.S. will not punish troops for killing Afghan civilians

    TEHRAN - In a new announcement that is expected to trigger global outcry and push calls for an independent international investigation, the Pentagon says no U.S. military personnel will be held accountable for an August drone strike in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul that killed 10 civilians from the same family, among them seven children.

  • Imran Khan 2021-12-11 21:38

    Looming crisis in Afghanistan directly affecting Pakistan and Iran, PM Khan says

    TEHRAN – Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has criticized a continued freezing of Afghanistan's assets by the United States as the war-hit country is grappling with looming humanitarian crisis, warning that the deterioration of the situation will cause more problems for Pakistan and Iran as Afghanistan’s neighbors, IRNA reported on Thursday.

  • UN Afghan Iran 2021-12-05 21:36

    Iran, UN hold talks on Afghanistan

    TEHRAN – Secretary of Iran's Strategic Council on Foreign Relations Abbas Araghchi met on Sunday with Mette Knudsen, the deputy special representative for Afghanistan in the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).

  • U.S. economy on decline 2021/12/05

    By Martin Love

    In truth the U.S has become a weak and therefore dangerous country…

    Average Americans with any sense of what the U.S. government is doing, especially overseas, are generally horrified withal but have little found power to push change.

  • NRF 2021-12-04 23:24

    EXCLUSIVE: Unraveling truth behind NRF failure in Panjshir: Ahmad Massoud had resorted to US militia

    TEHRAN— An informed source confided to Tehran Times in exclusivity that Ahmad Massoud has met with Erik Prince, founder and head of the Blackwater private militia group in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

  • Qaani 2021-12-03 21:41

    Top commander says U.S.' significant defeat is in Afghanistan

    TEHRAN- Referring to recent developments in the world, the IRGC Quds Force Commander Brigadier General Esmaeil Qaani stressed that the most significant defeat of the United States recently is the defeat in Afghanistan.

  • Mujahid 2021-12-03 21:40

    Taliban Foreign Ministry stresses border problems with Iran will not occur again

    TEHRAN— A spokesman for the Taliban Foreign Ministry has said after the incident with the Iranian border guards in Nimroz province of Afghanistan that the incident was managed and the Taliban officials are trying to prevent such incidents in the future.

  • Tehran considers easing visa rules for Afghan nationals 2021-11-24 20:30

    Tehran considers easing visa rules for Afghan nationals

    TEHRAN – The Foreign Ministry Director-General for West Asia has said that Iran considers easing visa rules for Afghan nationals.

  • Time for the U.S. to really leave Afghanistan alone 2021-11-24 12:30

    Time for the U.S. to really leave Afghanistan alone

  • Humanitarian aid 2021-11-20 21:20

    Iranian humanitarian aid reaches Afghanistan

    TEHRAN — Neda Mohammad Nadim, Commander of Nangarhar Police, on Saturday confirmed that Iran’s humanitarian aid has reached Nangarhar.

  • Special envoy Kazemi Qomi 2021-11-15 17:56

    Iran's special envoy for Afghanistan visits Kabul, says U.S. supports ISIS

    TEHRAN — Iran's special envoy for Afghanistan said on Monday that after the defeat in Afghanistan, the United States is trying to support the ISIS terrorist group, IRNA reported.

  • Afghanistan: From American Strategic Defeat to Regional Integration Platform 2021/11/13

    By Stefano Vernole

    Afghanistan: From American Strategic Defeat to Regional Integration Platform

    TEHRAN - Afghanistan is a strategic defeat for the United States. The U.S.A. has lost credibility towards its international allies, it has failed to prevent the peaceful rise of China nor the renewed foreign leadership of Russia, it is no longer the economic engine of the world and from a geopolitical point of view it risks failing theirs “anaconda strategy”, that is the attempt to suffocate the Eurasian blockade preventing it from reaching the oceans.

  • Ali Shamkhani 2021-11-10 21:46

    Shamkhani says Iran is concerned about Daesh activities in Afghanistan

    Iran announces readiness to help alleviate humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan

    TEHRAN — The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) on Wednesday stressed the need for a concerted effort to form an “inclusive government” in Afghanistan and deal with the humanitarian crisis in the Central Asian country, IRNA reported.

  • New shipment of aid from Iran arrives in Kabul 2021-11-10 21:00

    New shipment of aid from Iran arrives in Kabul

    TEHRAN – The eleventh consignment of humanitarian aid of Iran was delivered to Afghanistan on Wednesday.

  • Dialogue 2021-11-09 21:10

     Iran steps up Afghan diplomacy

    TEHRAN – After a short lull in its Afghanistan diplomacy, Iran is once again putting more energy and time into its efforts to bring peace and stability to its easter neighbor, where the Taliban are now grappling with daunting challenges. 

  • Abolfazl Amouei 2021-11-06 21:40

    Taliban will be invited to next meeting of Afghanistan's neighbors

    TEHRAN — A member of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee has announced that the Taliban will be invited to the next meeting of Afghanistan’s neighbors.

  • Mehdi Mahmoudi 2021-11-06 21:40

    Iran expects Europe to act responsibly toward refugees: official

    TEHRAN — The Director General of Foreign Affairs and Immigrants of the Iranian Interior Ministry has said Tehran expects the European countries and the international community in large, including the United Nations, to act responsibly in allocating the necessary fund and provide comprehensive support for Afghan refugees flooding into Iran.

  • Bahador Aminian 2021-11-05 21:09

    Iranian ambassador meets Taliban officials in Ghazni

    TEHRAN — The Iranian ambassador to Kabul has promised that his country is ready to cooperate to reconstruct and restore historical monuments in Ghazni province.

  • U.S. trained Afghan military elites “defect” to Daesh 2021-11-02 17:50

    U.S. trained Afghan military elites “defect” to Daesh

    TEHRAN - In what might be one of the most disastrous outcomes of the anarchic 20 year American occupation of Afghanistan and subsequent chaotic withdrawal; a report suggests former members of the U.S.-trained Afghan intelligence service and elite military units, have joined the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group operating in the country.

  • How India views AUKUS 2021/11/02

    By Dost Muhammad Barrech

    How India views AUKUS

    TEHRAN - The inking of the AUKUS, a trilateral security pact among Australia, the UK and the U.S. on September 15, 2021, with an effort to counter China in the Asia-Pacific without Indian inclusion has taken back many experts. The AUKUS for the first time will be building nuclear-powered submarines; Canberra will be using technologies provided by Washington.

  • At least 20 killed, 43 injured as two bombings hit Kabul's biggest hospital 2021-11-02 15:46

    At least 20 killed, 43 injured as two bombings hit Kabul's biggest hospital

    TEHRAN - Two suicide blasts and the sound of gunfire erupted Tuesday at the main military hospital in Kabul, in an attack that killed at least 20 people and injured dozens more, a doctor and a Taliban official said.

  • Farzad Ramezani Bonesh 2021-10-31 21:33

    Researcher says Afghanistan's neighbors concerned about spread of insecurity

    TEHRAN — Commenting on the strategic goals of neighboring countries regarding the Taliban reign in Afghanistan, a senior researcher on regional issues has said Iran has a “special position and calls for formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan” and generally has adopted a middle ground toward the developments in the Central Asian country.

  • Jafar Haqpanah 2021-10-30 21:05

    Iran is affected more by developments in Afghanistan: expert

    TEHRAN — Jafar Haghpanah, an expert on international affairs, says Iran is more affected by the developments in Afghanistan than any other country.

  • Ahmadullah Wasiq 2021-10-29 22:08

    Taliban: Tehran meeting will serve Afghanistan interests

    TEHRAN — The Taliban have praised the Wednesday meeting of the foreign ministers of six countries neighboring Afghanistan in Tehran, saying it will be in favor of Afghanistan.

  • Shah Mahmood Qureshi 2021-10-29 22:06

    By Ali A. Jenabzadeh

    Rulers fundamentally responsible for Afghan security: Pakistan FM

    TEHRAN – In an exclusive interview with the Tehran Times on Thursday, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said the current rulers in Afghanistan are first and foremost responsible for providing security for Afghan citizens.

  • Fada Hossein Maleki 2021-10-29 19:06

    Tehran Afghan summit a show of strength against U.S., MP says

    TEHRAN – A sitting MP who formerly served as Iran’s ambassador to Afghanistan has assessed the Tehran summit on the developments in Afghanistan as a show of strength by the countries in the region against the United States, saying the collective decisions made in the Tehran summit could be in the interest of the Afghan people and the region.

  • Mahima Duggal 2021-10-29 00:00

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    China’s growing presence in the Indian Ocean changing the geopolitical landscape: researcher

    TEHRAN – An associate research fellow at Institute for Security and Development Policy says that China’s growing influence in the Indian Ocean and its alliance with Pakistan and Afghanistan under Taliban rule would change the geopolitical landscape.