Today News
  • Osman Faruk Loğoğlu 2023-02-21 22:11

    By Payman yazdani

    Quake to affect Turkey's domestic policy, economy, Turkish politician says

    TEHRAN– Faruk Logoglu says the devastating earthquake will have a lasting impact on the country's economy, adding that the quake also has already impacted the upcoming presidential and parliamentary election.

  • Nasser Kanaani 2023-02-12 21:54

    By Mehran Shamsuddin

    Failure of INSTEX indicative of European non-compliance with JCPOA: spokesman

    TEHRAN – Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, has commented on the quiet shutdown of a European mechanism that was devised to mitigate the impact of U.S. sanctions on Iran.

  • Charles Taliaferro 2023-02-06 22:09

    By Zahra Mirzafarjouyan

    Islam, world religions support human rights, dignity: Prof. Taliaferro

    TEHRAN – American philosopher professor Charles Taliaferro says Islam and other world religions offer support for human rights and respect for human dignity.

  • Brian Berletic 2023-02-05 20:52

    By Zahra Mirzafarjouyan

    American geopolitical expert: Potential US-China conflict to devastate global economy

    TEHRAN – Brian Berletic says potential US-led conflict with China would include sanctions, disrupt global trade and set back the global economy in ways many times more devastating than the current conflict in Ukraine.

  • Sukhoi Su-35 2023-01-23 19:45

    Tehran Times discusses in an interview with a military expert:

    What effect does receiving Su-35 have on Iran's air power and regional equations?

    TEHRAN- The Islamic Republic of Iran will soon receive a full squadron of Sukhoi Su-35 fighter planes from Russia, a move that is certain to further enrage the West as Tehran and Moscow are strengthening their defense and economic collaboration in defiance of Western comprehensive sanctions and draconian measures.

  • Colombian writer Angelica Maria Rojas 2023-01-03 19:11

    By Fatemeh Khezri

    Colombian writer: Gen. Soleimani more than a mere military commander

    TEHRAN- “My Uncle Soleimani”, authored by Mohammad-Ali Jaberi, is about General Qassam Soleimani. The book has 20 stories that provide readers with a very in-depth look into General Soleimani’s personality and encourage young readers to view him as a role model.

  • Mustafa Shoghi 2023-01-03 18:55

    By Fatameh Khezri

    Doc depicts final three days of General Soleimani’s life

    TEHRAN- “72 Hours” is a documentary about the last three days of General Qassem Soleimani’s life, directed by Mustafa Shoghi and produced by Mahdi Motahar in 2021. 

  • Robert Fantina, an American-Canadian peace and social activist 2023-01-03 18:07

    By Mohammad Hassan Nikbin

    The principles Gen. Soleimani stood for are alive:  peace activist

    ‘General Soleimani was known as a strong opponent of terrorism’

    TEHRAN - Robert Fantina, an American-Canadian peace and social activist, tells the Tehran Times that says General Soleimani was assassinated in a terrorist attack “but the principles he stood for are” are alive.

  • Hamidreza Moghadamfar 2023-01-03 13:57

    Gen. Soleimani was selfless, honest and truthful: Moghadamfar

    TEHRAN – The personality of Lt. Gen. Qassem Soleimani was filled with selflessness, honesty, and truthfulness and this was the secret behind his popularity, says Hamidreza Moghadamfar, chief of the popular headquarters tasked to mark the third anniversary of the legendary commander’s assassination. 

  • Caleb Maupin, a writer, journalist and political analyst 2022-12-21 19:40

    By Somayeh Ebrahim Khalili

     Author: U.S. outrage about human rights is selective

    TEHRAN - "Iran should not hesitate to demand accountability for all the politically-motivated disinformation and fake news that has been unleashed by the USA and its allies targeting Iran" Caleb Maupin, a writer, journalist and political analyst, tells Tehran Times.

  • Jeremy Kuzmarov 2022-12-20 12:51

    By Somayeh Ebrahim Khalili

    Disgust towards Israel reflective of world public opinion: historian 

    ‘The support for the Palestinians is not hard to discern’

    TEHRAN - Jeremy Kuzmarov, who specializes in U.S. foreign policy and modern U.S. history, says the “disgust of many countries towards Israel is reflective of the world public opinion” against Israeli rulers who have committed many crimes against Palestinians.

  • Mehmet Öğütçü 2022-12-18 11:22

    By Zahra Mirzafarjouyan

    London Energy Club Chairman: U.S. push for allies to side 'US or China' can hardly work

    TEHRAN– Commenting on growing China-Persian Gulf states ties, the Chairman of the London Energy Club says Washington’s push for its allies to make a white and black choice to side “either with us or the Chinese” can hardly work.

  • Professor Hossein Askari 2022-12-13 20:52

    By M.A. Saki

    Xi sees opening to reduce U.S. presence in Persian Gulf: professor

    TEHRAN – Hossein Askari, a professor emeritus of business and international affairs at George Washington University, sees the high-profile visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Saudi Arabia as effort to “reduce the power and presence of the United States in the Persian Gulf” by capitalizing on the “rocky relationship” between U.S. President Joe Biden and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS).

  • Scott Bennett 2022-11-29 10:36

    By Mohammad Hassan Nikbin

    Scott Bennett: The West plans to set off conflicts inside Iran

    TEHRAN - Scott Bennet, a former U.S Army Special operations officer, says certain Western countries are seeking to replicate Afghanistan and Iraq in Iran by creating chaos to break up the country and pillage its resources.

  • Canadian expert on American internal affairs, Arnold August 2022-11-22 18:52

    By Mohammad Hassan Nikbin

    Arnold August: Dems seek political gain by pretending opposition to right-wing fascism

    Americans must choose the “lesser of two evils (Republicans and Democrats)”

    TEHRAN - A Canadian expert on American internal affairs, Arnold August, says the Democrats’ opposition to the “right-wing fascism” is not genuine.  

  • Amirali Abolfath 2022-11-16 22:53

    By Eshrat Mardi

    Change of power in Iran and U.S. has failed to resolve disputes: expert

    TEHRAN – A senior expert on American affairs believes that the disputes between Iran and the U.S. over the 2015 nuclear deal - JCPOA- and tensions in relations are not resolved with a change of power in Tehran and Washington.

  • داریوش سجادی 2022-11-10 08:05

    By Mehran Shamsuddin

    America cannot make a deal with Iran: analyst

    ‘Iran International is Riyadh's political tool’

    TEHRAN – A U.S.-based analyst is of the opinion that talks over the 2015 Iran nuclear deal will not result in an agreement between Tehran and Washington because the Biden administration is unwilling to reach a deal with a revolutionary government in Tehran.

  • Kevin Barret 2022-11-06 21:47

    By Mohammad Hassan Nikbin

    American analyst: Ensuring control over Europe a prime strategic imperative for Washington

    TEHRAN - The European Union is facing a serious and urgent threat in terms of energy supply resulting from the Ukraine war. Since Russia has been an outstanding supplier of gas for Europe, finding a sustainable alternative seems to be really difficult.

  • Iran beach soccer 2022-11-06 20:50

    Iran crowned champions of 2022 Intercontinental Beach Soccer Cup

    TEHRAN – Iran defeated Brazil 2-1 on Sunday to win 2022 Intercontinental Beach Soccer Cup for the fourth time.

  • Reza A’alizadeh, the innovator of the vaccine COVIRAN Barekat 2022-11-05 18:00

    By Faranak Bakhtiari

    COVIRAN, a source of honor for nation

    TEHRAN – Iran was the first country to acquire the knowledge of producing a vaccine against the coronavirus, Reza A’alizadeh, the innovator of the vaccine COVIRAN Barkat, told the Tehran Times in an exclusive interview.

  • Professor 2022-10-15 22:45

    By Saeed Azimi & Saeed Maveddat

    JCPOA revival ensures stability: professor

    TEHRAN – Heinz Gartner, professor of political science at the University of Vienna, has told the Tehran Times that reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal will contribute to stability.

  • Gheis Ghoreishi 2022-10-13 00:55

    By Eshrat Mardi

    Gheis Ghoreishi tells Tehran Times: Hostile media trying to implement Syria-Libya scenario in Iran

    Ghoreishi says Israel, S. Arabia are looking for opportunity to harm Iran from inside 

    TEHRAN —Gheis Ghoreishi, a West Asia and the Arab world analyst, tells the Tehran Times that Western-based media outlets, including Persian-language Iran International, Manato, and Voice of America, are trying to do what they did in Syria and Libya. 

  • Professor Heinz Gartner 2022-10-12 12:07

    By Saeed Azimi & Saeed Maveddat

    Energy crisis additional incentive for EU to become active on JCPOA: Austrian professor

    TEHRAN – A professor of political science at the University of Vienna has said that the current energy crisis in Europe could be an additional incentive for the European Union to play a more active role in the talks in Vienna over reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, officially known as the JCPOA.

  • Iran-China 2022-09-21 09:30

    Iran’s export to China rises 14% in 8 months on year

    TEHRAN- According to the data released by China’s customs administration, the value of Iran’s non-oil exports to China reached $4.946 billion in the first eight months of 2022, registering a 14-percent rise year on year.

  • Pasargadae is more than meets the eye: archaeologist 2022-09-20 00:17

    Pasargadae is more than meets the eye: archaeologist

    TEHRAN—An Iranian archaeologist believes the UNESCO-designated Pasargadae, which began under Cyrus the Great in about 546 BC, was more expanded than what we now perceive from its ruins.

  • It looks like the material remembers its history! 2022-09-05 19:37

    By Mehdi Garshasbi

    It looks like the material remembers its history!

    TEHRAN - Mohammad Samizadeh Nikoo is a last-year Ph.D. student at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. He found that Vanadium Dioxide is a material that is normally insulating (does not conduct electricity), but when it receives a certain electric current, it undergoes a phase transition and becomes a conductor (like copper).

  • Muhammad Tanvir Khan 2022-08-22 19:57

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    World politics moving from the West to the East: academic

    TEHRAN – A senior Pakistani lecturer in the department of politics and international relations at the University of Sialkot says that world politics is shifting from the West to the East as Iran and China show resistance to America’s hegemony.

  • دیدار تیم های فوتبال پرسپولیس و فولاد 2022-08-19 23:23

    Lackluster Persepolis held by Foolad: IPL

    TEHRAN – Persepolis football team were held to a goalless draw against Foolad in Iran Professional League (IPL) on Friday.

  • Seyyed Abbas Mousavi 2022-08-02 17:15

    By Saeed Azimi

    Ambassador: Iran, Azerbaijan are stuck together like “flesh to nails”

    “Iran is ready to build an entire city for Azerbaijan”

    TEHRAN— In an exclusive interview with the Tehran Times, Iran’s ambassador to the Republic of Azerbaijan expresses Iran’s readiness to reconstruct an entire city for the Republic of Azerbaijan in the liberated areas.

  • Dost Muhammad Barrech 2022-07-31 17:04

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    China, Russia and Iran collectively oppose U.S. hegemony: researcher

    TEHRAN – China, Russia and Iran are clearly in one bloc opposing the U.S. hegemony and Washington is seriously unhappy with this coalition, a research associate at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) says.