Role of Toys in Children Growth
Another expert, Ms. Atefeh Rezaei, points out that through playing games children learn how to talk, think, behave with others and how to learn the rules related to social behavioral patterns. Each game has some inner rules and regulations that the child must comply with. Therefore, he or she learns to respect the rules of the game and also learns to adapt himself with these laws. It is through these games that the social emotions and elevated feelings of children flourish and the child gets into the habit of abidance by the law, mutual respect, cooperation and hard work.
She stresses that the children like to play in the vicinity of their parents, however, children never want to be ordered by them. Parents should allow their children to test and discover different issues during their games. They should manage their plays on their own. Parents should allow their children to choose their own toys and should guide their children based on the age of the child and the type of the toys the child has.
During games, the child takes the first steps for playing his future individual and social roles.
Although some parents think of games as pure entertainment, they provide a serious picture of life for them and toys are the tools of life in the opinion of the children.
On the other hand, based on the psychological findings, the first six years of life are the fundamental years for the growth and flourishing of the talents of the children.
A toyshop owner, Seyed Reza Doustar believes that toys highly influence the spirit of children.
Unfortunately children are not interested in traditional toys anymore and they want to buy dolls, made of cartoon figures. Robots are the toys children find interesting nowadays.
In fact, children are not aware of the latent impacts of toys. They are only after playing games and do not know that playing with toys intrigues their curiosity, creativity and form their social character. We should also familiarize children with the traditional games of Iran. We can not go to cultural war with foreign toys, only by making Dara and Sara toys.