Wealth, Cause of False Pride!
Some are heavy-hearted and are experiencing great suffering, while others are thirsty for the people's blood, those gluttons who are exploiting people, proud of themselves in different ways.
***** Funeral or Wedding? ***** There was a new, clean car decorated with beautiful flowers and black ribbon, followed by some other new cars that were also decorated.
Several people were filming the event. Don't make a mistake. It is not a wedding ceremony. The deceased's picture is glued on the car's window! Thank God they don't honk! Oh! When our local 70-year-old bootblack died, the neighbors bought palm leaves for his funeral ceremony.
***** Day, Evening and Night Dress ***** Couples were shopping for clothes for their wedding day, evening, and night. After hours, they finally choose the most expensive ones. They are far from understanding the meaning of patched trousers! ****** Prince and Beggar! ****** Living in the best conditions, with the best facilities doesn't make him learn his lesson. His parent's dream that he will pass his courses with an average grade of 15, but it is a hard task for him. Finally, he was able to climb this peak. His gift was a very expensive piano and a trip to Kish Island. On the other hand, the rural boy asks his father to send him to school. He had been the school's top student, but his father needs him to work. Their hungry stomachs must be full. Mr. Malek-Mahmoudi, a sociologist, said in this regard, "All of us know that there are divers manners of living for different strata in our society. The fact that people belong to various social levels makes their lives different."
He concluded by saying that if rich people cause social difficulties by flaunting their wealth through conspicuous consumption, then officials should deal with their repulsive behavior, even if healing the spiritual wounds is impossible.