Majlis Deputies Call For Bigger Share for Women in Next Cabinet

June 28, 2001 - 0:0
TEHRAN Some 163 Majlis representatives have requested President Khatami to let women secure more posts in his new cabinet. In an open letter read out in the chamber Wednesday, the signatories said, "The time has come for women to contribute to high and medium-level managerial posts under the ageis of their meritocracy."

"We extend our gratitude to his excellency for your rejection of the un-Islamic outlook of considering women as the second gender and clearing the way for women to have self-confidence and promote their capabilities over the past four years," the letter said.

"Thus, we, MPs, request you to put up female ministers in your new cabinet and also urge planning for contribution of women in policy-making affairs," it said.

Women were instrumental in Khatami's landslide victory in 1997 and overwhelming reelection on Friday.

Traditionally sidelined from political power in a male-dominated society, Iranian women have been pushing more in recent years to assert themselves, making modest inroads in Parliament and the government -- both in the hands of reformers.

But the conservative-led Judiciary and presidency are still off-limits to women and there are no women judges. Islamic conservatives say the job is not appropriate for women.

Women make up about 60 percent of university students, but they still make up only a small fraction of the work force.