Majlis Speaker Stresses Need for Unity Among Muslims

June 14, 2001 - 0:0
TEHRAN Majlis Speaker Mahdi Karrubi stressed the need for unity, solidarity and cooperation among Muslim states to devise a mechanism to prevent violation of the world Muslims' rights in a meeting with Algerian Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowment Bouabdellah Ghlamallah on Wednesday.

Karrubi called for Iran-Algeria cooperation at regional and international levels.

He condemned the brutal crimes of the Zionist regime of Israel and its cold-blooded massacre of the oppressed and defenseless Palestinian people, especially women and children.

He called on the world of Islam to utilize their extensive facilities to support intifada and said it will be an important factor for stopping Israeli assaults and restoring the Palestinian people's rights.

Ghlamallah for his part referred to constructive talks between the Iranian and Algerian presidents as well as the constructive steps taken for expansion of Tehran-Algiers ties in line with the interests of the two countries.

He said President Mohammad Khatami's idea of dialogue among civilizations and cultures is a proper means for convergence of countries.