Inaction of Arab Leaders Treacherous to Palestinian Cause

October 23, 2000 - 0:0
The much publicized two-day Arab summit ended in Egypt yesterday with only a simple condemnation and without considering strong measures to punish the Zionist regime for the massacre of over 122 Palestinians in the occupied territories in the past three weeks.
No wonder the Zionist Prime Minister Ehud Barak welcomed the inaction and lack of concern of the Arab leaders and described their callous attitude toward the Palestinian cause as the victory of wisdom'! The fact is that at the Arab Summit, some satellites of the U.S.
on top of them Egypt betrayed the oppressed Palestinians by refusing to go beyond empty words.
The Arab leaders could have considered the severance of diplomatic and economic relations with the Zionist regime and countries supporting it to show their protest against the massacre of innocent Palestinians. But except Tunisia, no other Arab country broke its ties with Tel Aviv. This passive attitude is indeed a cause of great shame and disgrace. The Libyan representative at the summit adopted the most appropriate stance on the issue by leaving the summit on its very first day.
Although the Arab leaders promised to extend financial assistance to the Palestinians up to the amount of one billion dollars, what the oppressed Palestinians urgently need now is not money, but pressure from the Arab countries on the Zionist regime to stop massacre of oppressed Palestinians and comply with the UN resolutions.
The Arab leaders also asked the UN War Crimes Tribunal to try Israel for the massacre of the Palestinians. But they ignored the fact that the Zionist regime has no respect for the international law and world bodies.
For instance, although at the end of Sharm el-Sheikh Summit, it was decided that a UN inquiry commission under supervision of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan should look into the recent massacre of Palestinians, the Zionist officials later announced that they would not cooperate with the commission.
From the empty words of Arab leaders at their summit, the Palestinian people have now reached the conclusion that they should no longer pin any hopes on the leaders of Arab countries, but they should seek help from Muslim nations across the world and continue their struggle against the Zionist occupiers until they liberate their homeland.
The Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who hosted the summit and used his influence to prevent concrete measures against the Zionist occupiers, should realize that he will soon have to pay for his betrayal of the Palestinians, as his predecessor did the same and met his nemesis.