By Najah Mohammad Ali

The religious and moral duty of Muslim nations

March 5, 2025 - 22:0
Muslims should resist and denounce traitors and agents of the enemies of Islam

LONDON – The Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) said: "Whoever among you sees a wrong should change it with their hand; if they cannot, then with their tongue; if they cannot, then with their heart, and that is the weakest level of faith."

This noble saying highlights a fundamental principle in combating corruption and deviation: every believer has a duty to stand against wrongdoings and strive to correct them to the best of their ability.
In our time, one of the ugliest and most dangerous wrongs is the act of treason and serving the enemies of Islam. Those who place themselves at the service of foreigners and act as hidden tools and soldiers within the Islamic community are not only betraying Islam and Muslims but also aiding the power and dominance of the enemies over Islamic lands. These individuals are, in truth, enabling the enemies' crimes against the Islamic community.

Denouncing polytheists: a Quranic and religious principle

One of the fundamental principles of Islam is the denunciation of polytheists and the enemies of God. The Holy Quran clearly expresses this truth in Surah At-Tawbah:

"An announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage that Allah and His Messenger are disassociated from the polytheists…" (Surah At-Tawbah, Verse 3)

This verse clearly declares that Allah and His Messenger are disassociated from the polytheists, and this denunciation must be ingrained within the Islamic community. One manifestation of this principle is the ceremony of denouncing the polytheists during Hajj, which Imam Khomeini (RAH) revived.

The importance of the ceremony of denouncing polytheists and traitors

Imam Khomeini always emphasized that denouncing the polytheists is a religious and political duty. He proclaimed that Muslims must strengthen their unity alongside the rituals of Hajj with the slogan of denouncing polytheists and distance themselves from the enemies of Islam and their agents.

This ceremony, held as a rally during Hajj, faced severe attacks and suppression by American agents and traitors to the Islamic world. They well understood that if Muslims unite and stand against global arrogance and its internal agents, the dominance of foreigners over the Islamic world would end. Hence, they attempted to stop this movement with the massacre of pilgrims and suppression of the denunciation ceremony. However, Imam Khomeini's message remains alive, and the Islamic community must continue this path.

Betraying Islam and collaborating with the enemies of Muslims can manifest in various forms. Below are some of them.

Political treason: Some politicians and officials serve the plans of foreigners instead of defending the interests of the Islamic community and implement their policies in Islamic lands.

Cultural treason: Those who strive to promote Western and non-Islamic values in Muslim societies, distancing the nations from their Islamic identity.

Security and espionage treason: Individuals who provide important and vital information about Islamic countries to the enemies and help them in their sinister plans against the Islamic community.

Religious treason: Those who wear the garb of religion but distort religious thoughts and teachings and steer Muslims towards dependence on foreign powers.

How Muslims should react

According to the noble hadith of the Prophet (PBUH), we must not remain indifferent to this great wrong. It is the duty of Muslims to confront these traitors and reveal their true nature.

Practical confrontation: The Islamic community must employ independent policies, security, and cultural measures, and strengthen their economic and military foundations to prevent the infiltration of traitors and agents. Islamic governments must also deal firmly with these groups, impose severe penalties on traitors, and support Islamic resistance.

Verbal confrontation: Scholars, thinkers, and Islamic media have a duty to educate the people about the danger posed by the agents of enemies and to expose their true faces to everyone. No one should be afraid to speak the truth.

Heartfelt confrontation: If someone lacks the ability for practical and verbal confrontation, they must at least harbor aversion towards them in their heart and not hold affection and companionship with them. This is the weakest level of faith.

A true Muslim does not remain silent in the face of oppression, corruption, and treason. Today, as the Islamic world faces numerous challenges from its enemies, our most important duty is to separate our ranks from the agents and traitors and stand against their influence.

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