Tehran, Moscow agree to expand aviation cooperation

TEHRAN – Iranian Deputy Minister of Transport and head of the Civil Aviation Organization, Hossein Pourfarzaneh, met in Moscow with Dmitry Yadrov, Russia’s Deputy Minister of Transport and head of Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency.
According to a statement from Iran’s embassy in Moscow on Wednesday, the visit aimed to strengthen aviation cooperation between the two countries and advance the implementation of a bilateral agreement on flight standards and airworthiness, as well as the Iran-Russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty.
Under the agreement, both sides will recognize each other’s aviation standards, paving the way for Iranian companies to expand their exports of technical and engineering services to Russia.
Also on Tuesday, Kazem Jalali, Iran’s ambassador to Russia, hosted the Iranian delegation accompanying Pourfarzaenh, during which both sides discussed ways to enhance Iran-Russia cooperation in the aviation sector.
Accoridng to Jalali, the agreement on air transport cooperation between Iran and Russia, covering aviation and flight standards, has now entered the implementation phase.
Earlier that day, Pourfarzaneh, who led the Iranian delegation to Russia, met with Patashkin, Russia’s deputy transport minister for aviation, to discuss aviation-related matters, including flight standardization.
During the two-hour meeting, attended by senior aviation officials from both countries, the parties followed up on upgrading a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on airworthiness—originally signed in December—into a formal agreement. Plans were made to expand this cooperation at higher levels.
It was also agreed that flight safety and airworthiness matters would be pursued through Russia’s deputy transport minister for aviation to elevate the MOU to a more substantial and operational level.
Additionally, both sides discussed coordinating their positions in international aviation organizations and aligning aviation standards as part of their broader cooperation efforts.
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