Mohammad Mehdi Imanipour Head of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization

Cultural week and six messages

March 3, 2025 - 22:26

TEHRAN-The event known as the "Cultural Week of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Qatar" has ended. The news, documents, and evidence available indicate a remarkable, unprecedented, and widespread reception of this event by Qataris and Iranians living in Doha. 

The widespread presence of Iranian master artists in various fields and the direct presentation of their works, capabilities, and creativity to the audience have conveyed a beautiful and vivid image of the authentic Islamic and Iranian culture and civilization. In addition to special appreciation for the extensive efforts of the friendly and neighboring government of Qatar in organizing this great event, I would like to point out the following six important messages from holding the Iranian Cultural Week in Doha:

1- The importance of direct narration of Iranian Islamic culture:

The narration of Iranian Islamic culture and civilization cannot be conveyed remotely and through intermediaries. This narration must be done in a way that engages the eyes, minds, and hearts, and in other words, conquers them. The holding of the Cultural Weeks event in Doha has proven this proposition in practice.

2- The importance of the position and capability of Iranians living in Qatar:

The cooperation and participation of a significant number of Iranians living in Qatar in organizing the recent extensive cultural event in Doha clearly shows that the Iranian diaspora in other countries and various geographical and cultural ecosystems in the world is not simply a "passive compatriot", but rather should be recognized as a "huge capacity" in organizing cultural weeks and presenting a clear picture of our country's authentic culture, history, and civilization. The fact that it has been repeatedly emphasized that each Iranian living abroad is potentially considered a cultural ambassador of our country in their areas of residence is not a compliment or claim!

3-The special position of creative industries:

The widespread reception of Iranian creative industries by Qataris and other audiences shows that we not only have talent in this field, but also have style. Creativity, capability and originality of Iranian culture and civilization are all components that must be combined with each other and show themselves in creative industries. The focus of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization on introducing the achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially in the field of creative industries in recent years, has been based on the level of effectiveness and power of influence in this field. The foundation of creative industries is knowledge, ability and culture. In this field, maximum use should be made of new technology and tools and special investments should be made in fields such as animation, computer games, etc.

4- Iran's advantage in the field of cultural exports:

Cultural exports are a concept that, unfortunately, has not yet been comprehensively understood. Cultural exports do not mean an economic view of the field of culture and the displacement of the underlying position of culture and its derivatives in the field of governance of the country, but rather a census of the country's cultural advantages and an opportunity-oriented view of these advantages in the economic and export fields. The holding of the Islamic Republic of Iran Cultural Week in other countries, including the one we recently witnessed in Qatar, clearly shows that Iran's artistic and cultural advantages are so attractive to foreign audiences that they are willing to pay to benefit from its manifestations and examples. Undoubtedly, one of the important tools for developing culture is to economize it.

5- Transnational dialogues in the context of culture:

The Islamic Republic of Iran Cultural Week in Doha, like other events of this kind, is a good point for establishing effective, sincere and continuous communications between nations. Experience has shown that no matter how expert the enemies are in the field of manipulating world public opinion in the field of economy and politics, when they are faced with the unparalleled civilizational, discursive and cultural power of a great and magnificent country like Islamic Iran, their hands are tied. Dialogues between peoples in the region and the world, when guided through the channel and core of culture, will definitely be more sustainable, deeper and more genuine.

6- The importance of cultural diplomacy:

One of the main messages of the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran Cultural Week in Qatar is the proof of a proposition that we have repeatedly emphasized: using the enormous cultural capacities of the Islamic Republic of Iran and presenting a comprehensive and inclusive image of the Islamic system that simultaneously displays discursive, cultural and technological dimensions has a profound impact on the audience. Public and cultural diplomacy has found different forms and formats in the international system and in the 21st century. This difference is due to the "advantage of countries in telling their own stories". Elites, artists, owners of traditional and creative industries, and even audiences in the field of art and culture are undoubtedly the best storytellers in the field of cultural diplomacy.

The above six considerations show that the fruit of the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran Cultural Weeks abroad has much deeper dimensions than holding a ceremony, exhibition or a temporary event. This importance and effectiveness must be understood and subsequently, its innovative and creative dimensions must be strengthened.

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