‘Know your brain, your brain is your entire body’

TEHRAN –National Brain Awareness Week is scheduled to be observed from February 22 – 28 in Tehran to promote cognitive sciences and brain health, as well as raise public awareness of the structure, function, and capabilities of the brain.
Supported by the headquarters for the development of cognitive sciences and technologies, Brain Awareness Week has been celebrated in the country since 2015. The tenth edition will be held under the theme of ‘Know your brain, your brain is your entire body’ by holding several educational programs and conferences at schools, universities, and other cultural centers.
Improving, and maintaining brain health and empowering it is a basic need in any society. The headquarters for the development of cognitive sciences and technologies in cooperation with institutions, scientific and research centers as well as non-governmental organizations, is trying to increase people’s awareness of the structures and functions of the brain and help them learn about brain disorders, their early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
The global World Brain Awareness Week is held on March 10-16. It was founded by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives in 1995 and is coordinated by the Dana Foundation. Strategic partners include the Society for Neuroscience, the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, and the International Brain Research Organization.
It aims to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research. It unites the efforts of partner organizations from around the world in a week-long celebration of the brain every year in March.
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