Tourism in Developing Countries
October 9, 2000 - 0:0
Part 3 ADVANTAGES OF TOURISM A review of the literature confirms the role of tourism in world economic development, and gives sound reasons to develop tourism, it has been observed that for many countries tourism represents a significant potential for future development, while for others it offers a diversification of national economies.
It is now generally accepted that international tourism constitutes one of the most significant global trade flows as a conglomerate multi-faceted activity, it is difficult to be precis about the values of international tourism.
It is probably the biggest section in the world economy. The economic impacts of tourism are elaborated in an introduction to tourism by Lickorish and Jenkins, Chapter 5 pages 63-75 and the following factors are represented: 1- Balance of payment 2- Foreign exchange earnings 3- Government revenues 4- Employment 5- Income The above factors should be considered as the most important and significant economic factors.
Under the effects of these factors, the developing countries reflect extra interest and tendency, for comparing to past these policies are of high magnitude to them.
The plannings of the governments of the developing countries are also conducted under the effects of the tourism development policies.
According to tourism destinations by Davidson and Maitlane published in 1997, the economic benefits generated by the tourism development are indicated by follow: (Tourism clearly represents a source of potential economic benefits to the destination where it takes place, and those advocating tourism as a development option (e.g. developers, entrepreneurs and national and local politicians) commonly use tourism's economic benefits as one of the their most powerful arguments.
) The following factors are indicated as the economic benefits of tourism in the same book: 1- The balance of payment 2- Employment 3- Income 4- Multipliers 5- Regional development According to the above writers, the development of tourism industry while making the regional expansion possible (which itself is one of the most important advantages) is also representing the multipliers impact of tourism.
In tourism economic, physical and social impacts by Mathieson and Wall published in 1996, tourism economic impacts and the benefits generated by the tourism development are discussed, in page 40 of this book we read: Developing countries usually have low levels of income, uneven distribution of income and wealth, high levels of unemployment, and underdevelopment, low level of industrial development which are hampered by the small size of the domestic market heavy dependence on agriculture for export earnings, and high levels of foreign ownership of manufacturing and service industries.
) As we can observe the developing countries for releasing from such cumbersome conditions require developing strategies according to the conduction of the scheduled programs. Most of the developing strategies according to the conduction of the scheduled programs.
Most of the developing countries under such circumstances have considered a higher position for tourism development and envisage it as one of the most efficient economic sectors, while in the past decades the directions of policy services haven't been congruent with tourism development.
Now the study of the theories of the experts and authorities illuminate that adopting the tourism development policy regarding the positive and indicating impacts generated by its development is an important solution for the governments of the developing countries.
In conclusion, tourism is an activity important to the life of nations because of its direct effect on the socioeconomic, and environment aspects, which supports the case to develop and promote tourism in developing countries, where policy and planning measures are essential to minimize associated risks.
(To Be Contd.)
It is now generally accepted that international tourism constitutes one of the most significant global trade flows as a conglomerate multi-faceted activity, it is difficult to be precis about the values of international tourism.
It is probably the biggest section in the world economy. The economic impacts of tourism are elaborated in an introduction to tourism by Lickorish and Jenkins, Chapter 5 pages 63-75 and the following factors are represented: 1- Balance of payment 2- Foreign exchange earnings 3- Government revenues 4- Employment 5- Income The above factors should be considered as the most important and significant economic factors.
Under the effects of these factors, the developing countries reflect extra interest and tendency, for comparing to past these policies are of high magnitude to them.
The plannings of the governments of the developing countries are also conducted under the effects of the tourism development policies.
According to tourism destinations by Davidson and Maitlane published in 1997, the economic benefits generated by the tourism development are indicated by follow: (Tourism clearly represents a source of potential economic benefits to the destination where it takes place, and those advocating tourism as a development option (e.g. developers, entrepreneurs and national and local politicians) commonly use tourism's economic benefits as one of the their most powerful arguments.
) The following factors are indicated as the economic benefits of tourism in the same book: 1- The balance of payment 2- Employment 3- Income 4- Multipliers 5- Regional development According to the above writers, the development of tourism industry while making the regional expansion possible (which itself is one of the most important advantages) is also representing the multipliers impact of tourism.
In tourism economic, physical and social impacts by Mathieson and Wall published in 1996, tourism economic impacts and the benefits generated by the tourism development are discussed, in page 40 of this book we read: Developing countries usually have low levels of income, uneven distribution of income and wealth, high levels of unemployment, and underdevelopment, low level of industrial development which are hampered by the small size of the domestic market heavy dependence on agriculture for export earnings, and high levels of foreign ownership of manufacturing and service industries.
) As we can observe the developing countries for releasing from such cumbersome conditions require developing strategies according to the conduction of the scheduled programs. Most of the developing strategies according to the conduction of the scheduled programs.
Most of the developing countries under such circumstances have considered a higher position for tourism development and envisage it as one of the most efficient economic sectors, while in the past decades the directions of policy services haven't been congruent with tourism development.
Now the study of the theories of the experts and authorities illuminate that adopting the tourism development policy regarding the positive and indicating impacts generated by its development is an important solution for the governments of the developing countries.
In conclusion, tourism is an activity important to the life of nations because of its direct effect on the socioeconomic, and environment aspects, which supports the case to develop and promote tourism in developing countries, where policy and planning measures are essential to minimize associated risks.
(To Be Contd.)