Atlas of biosphere reserves, endemic fish poster unveiled

TEHRAN –During a ceremony held on Thursday, the head of the Department of Environment (DOE), Shina Ansari, unveiled an atlas of the country’s biosphere reserves as well as the endemic fish poster.
The event was held on the sidelines of the 22nd international environmental exhibition, which kicked off in Tehran on Wednesday and will conclude on Sunday.
A total of 13 biosphere reserves have been so far registered in 11 provinces of the country, covering a total area of six million hectares.
The biosphere reserves are namely Arasbaran, Arjan, Parishan, Kavir, Turan, Miankaleh, Urmia, Kapeh-Dagh, Tang-e-Sayad and Sabz-kouh, Genu, Hara, Hamon, Golestan and Dena. They are internationally designated natural-biological protected areas for the conservation of plants and animals.
The atlas book introduces Iran’s 13 biosphere reserves in two languages; it has been done by the FOE in cooperation with the United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO) National Commission and the UNESCO regional office in Iran, DOE website quoted Hamid Zohrabi, an official with DOE, as saying.
The DOE highlights the key role of public involvement in the protection of the biosphere reserves. Therefore, promoting the use of international standards, and legislating laws and regulations specific to the country for the management of biosphere reserves is on the agenda of the DOE, Zohrabi noted.
The official went on to say that in the next step, the DOE will make its best efforts to draft a bill on the preservation of biosphere reserves to be presented to legal authorities for approval.
Referring to the endemic fish poster, the official said there are 86 native Iranian fish species in the country, which represents the value of habitats as well as the richness of the biodiversity of the country. It also highlights the significance of preserving these species.
Biosphere Reserves are designated under the intergovernmental man and biosphere (MAB) Program by the Director-General of UNESCO following the decisions of the MAB International Coordinating Council (MAB-ICC).
UNESCO has approved the designation of 11 new biosphere reserves in 11 countries. With these new biosphere reserves covering a total area of 37 400 km², equivalent to the size of the Netherlands, the World Network of Biosphere Reserves now totals 759 sites in 136 countries.
Each biosphere reserve promotes innovative local sustainable development solutions, protects biodiversity, and addresses climate disruption.
They also support local and Indigenous communities through practices such as agro-ecology, water management, and the generation of green income.
Biodiversity is one of the components of a sustainable environment. People depend on natural areas and biodiversity for survival. Public participation along with governmental organizations’ efforts play a significant role in preserving biodiversity, and the environment.
Intl. environmental exhibition
The 22nd international environmental exhibition is being held with the theme of ‘public involvement, green economy, sustainable future’.
It focuses on ‘economic environment, environmental economy’, to highlight the importance of social responsibility in protecting the environment.
Preserving natural resources, fostering interactions and cooperation between institutions, organizations, and companies active in the field of environment and energy, promoting the concepts of sustainability and social responsibility among the people as well as encouraging environmentally friendly behaviors are among the other goals of the exhibition.
The event also seeks to persuade industries, mining, and petrochemical units to support the preservation of plant and animal species and encourage them to take steps towards enhancing air quality.
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