Telerehabilitation program to target underprivileged areas

TEHRAN –The State Welfare Organization is planning to start a telerehabilitation program to train 1,618 children with hearing and physical mobility disabilities all over the country.
“The plan will be implemented in underprivileged areas in 31 provinces,” IRNA quoted Fatemeh Abbasi, an official with the Organization, as saying.
The target population has already been identified; it includes children under the age of ten who have not received any rehabilitation services before, Abbasi noted.
To implement the plan, the families of these children will be given tablets through which the training will be provided to them under the supervision of the provincial departments and in cooperation with the non-governmental sector.
Currently, the tablets are being distributed among identified families, the official noted.
Training in the telerehabilitation program is mainly provided virtually. However, in some specific cases, it is essential for the therapist team or the family to provide and receive the training in person.
Virtual training does not replace face-to-face training. In fact, it is a complementary method, she stressed.
In the beginning, the training will target hearing-impaired children and children who are physically disabled. Families will learn how to behave with their children and what measures to take for follow-up treatment.
They will be taught how to take care of their children with disabilities or, for example, what measures they should take to help the child be accepted by society. Sometimes it is necessary for the rehabilitation team or psychologist to accompany the families.
The program will also train activities of daily living (ADL). Essential daily life skills will be taught to families with physically disabled children.
The official highlights the significance of early interventions which can prevent further complications for children with disabilities.
In case of success, the pilot program will be implemented nationwide.
Community-based rehabilitation covers 95% of rural population
Some 95 percent of the country’s rural population with about 450 thousand people with disabilities are covered by a community-based rehabilitation program.
The CBR program started in 1994, aiming to reduce poverty, IRNA quoted Abbasi said.
This program is carried out through the joint efforts of people with disabilities, their families, organizations and communities, and other governmental and non-governmental entities, especially in the fields of health, education, livelihood, and social affairs, she explained.
Currently, the activities of the community-based rehabilitation program are mainly focused on the access of people with disabilities to services in the fields of health, education, social empowerment, and rehabilitation, the official added.
She went on to say that these measures are carried out in cooperation with the ministry of interior, the ministry of health, the ministry of health, the ministry of sport, and non-governmental organizations, as well as the participation of community members through voluntary work or the formation of village or neighborhood CBR councils.
“For the time being, 1751 non-governmental institutions and 9176 community-based rehabilitation councils are cooperating with us in the implementation of this program.”
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