Hamid Mowlana's "The Decline of America" appears at Iranian bookstores

TEHRAN- The book "The Decline of America," a selection of notes by Iranian-American author and academic Hamid Mowlana from the Kayhan newspaper from 1992 to 2011, has recently been published in Persian by Amir Kabir Publications in Tehran.
The book is a curated collection of Professor Mowlana's writings in the conservative Kayhan newspaper and the progression of these notes, along with their publication dates, allows readers to review the trajectory of America's decline through his observations on the cultural, political, economic, military, and social aspects of the country. It also provides an opportunity to evaluate some of his forecasts and speculations mentioned in his articles against the current context.
"The Decline of America" is the third title in Mowlana's "American Studies" series. In the previous two titles, "American Studies" and "The Ups and Downs of an Empire," which have been republished five times since 2011, as well as in "The Decline of America," first published in 2024, he articulates his analyses and perspectives on the current status and future of the U.S.
The book discusses the decline of the American empire as a major power. It says that this process has tangible, material, statistical, and physical causes, along with spiritual, intangible, social, cultural, and psychological factors. The decline of America is primarily the result of the growth and proliferation of financial, economic, social, and moral corruption, fragmentation within society, its system, and among elites, as well as fear, greed, and ignorance. Erosion of trust and reduction of legitimacy, lack of confidence in the future, economic and class disparity, leadership crises, the bankruptcy of the two dominant political parties, and increasing racial, ethnic, and religious prejudices are among the vulnerable factors affecting the American system and society.
Throughout his life, Hamid Mowlana has consistently engaged in scholarly and research activities, enabling him to achieve the highest academic ranks at a young age in prestigious American universities, becoming a recognized and prominent figure in international social sciences and communications.
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