By: Shima Naseri

Tehran's Palestine Square: a thorn in Israel's side

October 5, 2024 - 22:10

TEHRAN – The recent threats from a Zionist-affiliated Telegram channel to attack Palestine Square in Tehran were a response to the large public gatherings held there in support of Palestine.

These demonstrations were organized in reaction to the recent attacks by the Zionist regime on Gaza and the occupied Palestinian territories. Over time, Palestine Square in Tehran has become a symbol of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. Iranians consistently express their support for the Palestinian cause and opposition to the Israeli occupation through such gatherings in the square and across the country. The latest protests, in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in response to Israel's aggression, garnered significant attention both domestically and internationally.

The Zionist Telegram channel, linked to extremist groups, responded to these gatherings by issuing threats to attack Palestine Square. These threats are part of the Zionist regime's psychological warfare against Iran and other countries that support Palestine. The aim is to instill fear and anxiety among the public and reduce popular backing for the Palestinian cause. Such threats, often made online by extremist factions, are generally symbolic and lack any real capacity to be carried out.

Security and media experts in Iran see these threats as part of the broader Zionist effort to weaken public morale through psychological warfare. They argue that these threats are not actionable and are intended more to sway public opinion and intimidate supporters of the Palestinian resistance. Iranian authorities have repeatedly assured the public that these threats pose no real danger to the country's security and that public gatherings remain safe.

Following the circulation of these threats, there was a strong response from the public, as well as from political and cultural figures in Iran. Social media users, rallying under hashtags that called for support for Palestine and emphasized the public gathering in the Palestine Square, reaffirmed their solidarity with the Palestinian people and condemned the threats. Many viewed the threats as a sign of the Zionist regime's weakness and desperation in the face of growing global support for Palestine, asserting that such actions would not erode long-standing backing for the Palestinian resistance.

International media also covered these developments. Many Arab and international outlets framed the threats as part of the Zionist efforts to counter the increasing global solidarity with Palestine. News outlets such as Al Jazeera and Press TV reported on the widespread public support in Iran for Palestinians, analyzing it as a symbol of global solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

On the other hand, some Western media outlets and pro-Israel voices downplayed the significance of the threats, describing them as merely emotional and unfounded reactions from extremist groups. These outlets pointed to large-scale anti-Zionist protests in other parts of the world, particularly in Europe and the U.S., emphasizing that these threats would have little impact on the global wave of support for Palestine.

Politically and socially, these threats are unlikely to reduce support for Palestine. In fact, they may inspire greater resolve to resist the pressure from the Zionist regime. The Iranian people have consistently demonstrated that, in the face of foreign threats—especially from Israel—they become more united and determined. This solidarity is not limited to Iran but extends to many Islamic nations and pro-Palestinian communities worldwide.

In summary, the threats issued by Zionist channels are part of a larger psychological campaign intended to intimidate and diminish support for Palestine. However, experience shows that such efforts rarely influence public opinion in any meaningful way. On the contrary, they tend to bolster solidarity and support for the Palestinian cause.

Ultimately, the threat to attack Palestine Square, a symbol of resistance and unity with the Palestinian people, is a psychological tactic by extremist Zionist groups. These threats have failed and will continue to fail in silencing the voices of the Iranian people and other supporters of Palestine. The resistance and solidarity with the Palestinian cause will endure.

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