Israel must be sanctioned, Iranian diplomat tells UNSC

September 28, 2024 - 21:3

TEHRAN- The deputy head of legal and international affairs of the Iranian Foreign Ministry has called on the UN Security Council to implement effective sanctions against the Israeli regime following Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.

Kazem Gharib Abadi during his address at the 6th Ministerial meeting of the Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations pointed out that it is imperative that the rule of law is reinstated and that justice, which has long been delayed, is finally served. The UN Security Council must take decisive action by imposing effective sanctions on the Israeli regime under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.

The complete text of Gharib Abadi’s statement is UN as follows,

“Mr. Chair, Esteemed Colleagues,

I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for its outstanding leadership of the Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations, which has facilitated the Group's active and meaningful participation in various significant processes within the UN.

We acknowledge the focus of this meeting on the dire situation in Palestine, which is unfortunately worsening at the moment. The UN Security Council has been unable to halt this violence and horror, largely due to the unwavering support of the United States for the Israeli regime. 

The United States is complicit in the perpetration of heinous crimes; both the US and the Israeli regime must be held accountable for their violations of international law and for every life lost due to their actions.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has exercised considerable restraint in response to Israeli provocations; however, the Israeli regime continues its brutal campaign, now threatening to extend its aggression into Lebanon, which could lead the region into an irreversible escalation. Such provocations and violence will not deter our collective resolve to confront the Israeli regime.

Restoring the rule of law and ensuring that overdue justice is served is paramount. The UN Security Council must take decisive action by imposing effective sanctions on the Israeli regime following Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter. 

Furthermore, all States need to refrain from providing any form of aid, or assistance, or engaging in economic transactions with this regime to halt its genocidal actions and end its occupation. This aligns with the recent advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice, which explicitly prohibits any aid or economic dealings that could support the continuation of the Israeli occupation.

We deeply appreciate the Group's commitment to uphold the fundamental principles of the Charter amidst ongoing challenges and threats, particularly those arising from attempts by a few to alter the intergovernmental nature of the United Nations and from self-serving unilateralism, especially in the form of unilateral coercive measures. 

Such measures undermine the sovereign and inalienable rights of states to determine their own economic, political, social, and cultural systems without external interference or coercion.

We must respond to these illegitimate actions effectively and proportionately. We should strengthen our coordination and collaboration within the Group to counter unilateral coercive measures, guided by our shared objectives. 

Presenting unified positions in the relevant United Nations discussions the General Assembly's pertinent agenda items are crucial steps toward this aim. In this regard, we also recognize the Group's ongoing support for the Islamic Republic of Iran's proposal on countering unilateral coercive measures, which was submitted to the UN Charter Committee and revised earlier this year.

We are pleased to acknowledge the Russian Federation's decision to host the upcoming meeting of national coordinators of the Group. We anticipate productive discussions and exchanges of perspectives during this forthcoming gathering. Again, I would like to thank our Venezuelan colleagues for their outstanding efforts in organizing this meeting and leading the Group.”

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