America's triple goals of the big missile lie

September 10, 2024 - 20:14

TEHRAN - In an analysis, Jam-e-Jam discussed the goal of spreading lies that Iran has sent short-range ballistic missiles to Russia.

It said: American media claimed that Iran has sent short-range ballistic missiles to Russia, which can be a game changer in the Ukraine war. The purpose of this propaganda was to spread a lie that Iran was stepping up its support to Russia in the war with Ukraine. Considering the simultaneity of this issue with issues such as Iran's alleged interference in the U.S. elections and the repetition of the IAEA director general's political game about Iran's nuclear program, some points can be pointed out. First, it seems that the West is seeking to involve Iran in a series of crises to force Iran to accept its ambitious expectations in the form of a new agreement. Secondly, to hide and finally justify the recent step of granting tens of billions of dollars in military assistance to Ukraine, false accusations against Iran are considered the best way to divert the world’s public opinion. Thirdly, by repeating this propaganda against Iran, the West is clearly trying to dissuade Tehran from taking revenge for the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh and prevent the Islamic Republic from becoming a successful model in confronting the hegemonic system.

Hamshahri: What are Grossi's excuses?

In an interview with Abolfazl Zohrevand, a member of the Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, Hamshahri sought answers about the repeated usual claims about Iran's peaceful nuclear activities by the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency. It wrote: At the beginning of the quarterly meeting of the Governing Council, Raphael Grossi repeated the previous claims that Iran's uranium reserves are increasing by 20% and 60%. He continues to create a political and non-technical atmosphere against Iran under “Western-Zionist” pressure. What has become more evident in the current situation is the pursuit of the "carrot and stick" policy by the Western parties. They have now passed the stick to Grossi. The point that Grossi does not consider is that such pressures have not produced a favorable result for them so far. They must understand that the policy of "pressure on Iran" is no longer effective. Iran has continued technical cooperation with the Agency within the framework of the Safeguards agreement and is still ready to continue such an approach. But if it is based on unilateral expectations  from Iran, the Islamic Republic will not obey such an approach.

Iran: The West afraid of the decline of the dollar’s influence  

The Iran newspaper wrote: The fall of the dollar’s dominance is something that Donald Trump had previously described as the defeat in a world war. This view is expressed by a person who during his presidency had started the project of weakening the hegemony of his country by stopping implementing the security and economic commitments of America and restoring the economic sanctions against Iran. In this regard, the countries that have been targeted by the wave of American sanctions in recent years have turned to monetary agreements with partners and allies to neutralize these sanctions. Iran, Russia, China, India and Brazil, as members of BRICS, have taken steps to reduce using the dollar in their foreign trade. These countries are trying to gradually omit the dollar from their international trade interactions and become a model for other countries that are always worried about U.S. sanctions as Washington is using the dollar as a weapon.

Kayhan: The false claim of Iran's interference in the U.S. elections

In a note, Kayhan discussed the claims of Nikki Haley, the former representative of the United States in the United Nations during the Trump administration, regarding claims of Iran's interference in the American elections. It wrote: Nikki Haley claimed that there was a threat of interference in the U.S. election from "foreign enemies" such as China, Russia, and to some extent North Korea, and there was also a claim of threat against her life by Iran. This false claim is made by someone who has obvious close relations with the Zionist regime and has a hostile attitude toward Iran and the resistance groups in the region. In response to the claim of Iran's attempt to influence the American elections over the past few days, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran has considered these repeated claims as "baseless, biased that are made for domestic political use in the United States". However, Nikki Haley has considered claims about "threats from Iran" against her life and her election campaign as part of a foreign influence operation.

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