DOE to adopt preventive approach in addressing environmental crimes: official

September 9, 2024 - 15:54

TEHRAN –The Department of Environment (DOE) will adopt a preventive approach in dealing with environmental crimes, the head of DOE has announced.

“Due to the broad scope of environmental issues and problems at provincial levels, the approach of the department in dealing with these problems has been so far reactive.

Henceforth, we will try to verify the feasibility of projects related to the environment in any aspect, and then issue the necessary permits to minimize the consequences,” IRNA quoted Shina Ansari as saying.

Moreover, the promotion of environmental literacy in society, particularly among managers and officials, should be put on the agenda to be able to further boost both social participation and compromise, the official added.

Environmental protection 

Tackling environmental problems requires the participation of the government, the private sector, as well as people.

Within the last decades, environmental problems have greatly affected nature and people’s lives. Air pollution, as a man-made problem originating from economic and industrial factors, accounts for millions of deaths every year.

Human activities with wide-ranging social effects have changed the environment adversely; by disturbing the balance in nature, some issues like pollution have become extremely critical.

The Department of Environment by developing environment houses aims to deal with the country's environmental challenges and needs through improving the process of scientific and knowledge-based research.

It also seeks to improve the individual, organizational, and managerial capacities of innovators, inventors, entrepreneurs, students, and academic faculty members of universities.

In industrial and densely populated cities, while identifying technological methods and providing local constructive solutions for maintaining the balance of ecosystems and preventing pollution and environmental destruction, the environment houses will help to reduce air pollution in the country.

Also, the DOE has increased penalties for wildlife crimes to deter offenses and strengthen conservation measures.

Offenses involve the illegal killing of wildlife, fishing, or hunting without permits. The penalties for these offenses vary based on the biological value of each species, the population crisis, and endangered status, whether or not the species is in danger of extinction.

To enhance environmental literacy, the fifteenth day of Esfand – the last Iranian calendar month, which falls on March 5, has been approved to be registered on the national calendar as the ‘Environmental Protection Education Day’. Education in the field of environment is one of the basic steps to preserve and protect the country's environment.

7th development plan on environmental issues

In the Seventh Development Plan of I.R. Iran, whose general policies were announced on September 2022 and the text of the bill was sent to the Iranian parliament (Majlis) for approval on May 2023, the “environmental issues” are mostly cited under the heading of "infrastructural affairs".

The importance of Iran's environment and protection is not taken considerably into account in the implementation of the 7th development plan of I.R. Iran, and we believe that various parts of Iran's life territorial stability, and national security will be exposed to more threats and gradual destruction. 

Drought, population increase, air pollution, climate change, industrial and agricultural production, sanctions, inefficient use of water and natural resources, and non-implementation of existing environmental regulations fuel the existing environmental crisis.

Inadequate water resources force people to migrate and the problems of big cities increase with marginalization. The aquifers are being drained. Air pollution has made living conditions in Iranian cities increasingly challenging.

Wind erosion increases the desertification of agricultural lands and creates a demand for more production in the remaining cultivable areas.

Biodiversity is under threat. On the other hand, the future of Iran's environment is greatly endangered by the development plans and annual plans that are implemented as emergency and urgent solutions one after the other.

Water transfer programs to the central plateau are a symbol of unsustainable development, and in addition to pollution and back-breaking costs for Iran's national economy, it will be the source of new environmental crises in the source and destination of water transfer.

The big challenge of the development programs in Iran is that without looking at a long-term strategic plan for the country and based on urgent and emergency cases at any point of time when the plan is being compiled, the list that according to the experts and executive managers has been reached as The clauses of the program have been paid.

Intl. environmental exhibition

The 22nd international environmental exhibition is scheduled to be held from November 19 to 22.

Considering the importance of environmental protection, the event aims to raise public awareness to protect Iran’s ecosystem.

It also seeks to persuade industries, mining, and petrochemical units to support the preservation of plant and animal species, and encourage them to take steps towards enhancing air quality, IRNA reported.

The event focuses on ‘economic environment, environmental economy’, as well as the importance of social responsibility in protecting the environment.

The main objectives of the exhibition include raising public knowledge and awareness of environmental issues and providing an opportunity for the exchange of expertise and experiences among experts, specialists, and environmental activists.

Introducing and encouraging the use of innovative solutions and advanced technologies to reduce fuel and energy consumption and preserve natural resources is the other goal of the exhibition.

Moreover, it aspires to foster communication and cooperation between institutions, organizations, and companies active in the field of environment and energy, promote the concepts of sustainability and social responsibility among the public, and encourage environmentally friendly behaviors.


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