By Zahra Akbari

The escape path of a mini evil empire

August 31, 2024 - 21:56

TEHRAN- On August 17, 2024, The Wall Street Journal published an article titled “Israel’s Approach to Iran May Be Getting Bolder” by Reuel Marc Gerecht and Mark Dubowitz. The following points will discuss the content of this article.

The primary reason for the publication of this note in the Wall Street Journal is likely this: despite the substantial support Israel receives from the West, it has a limited capacity to engage in conflict on multiple fronts. Consequently, it is essential to alleviate the pressure on this regime. In recent months, proponents of the Zionist regime have openly discussed aggressive actions, such as "cutting off the head of the snake" in reference to an attack on Iran. However, the discourse has shifted towards more pragmatic approaches, indicating that it is now time to consider more nuanced recommendations.

In this note, one of the authors, a former CIA Iranian target officer, recommends utilizing the capabilities of subversive groups associated with the Zionist regime to equip Iran's internal opposition. Referring to America's actions during the Cold War, the authors wrote: “Subvention in the form of foreign anticommunist labor unions, publications, intellectuals, civil-rights activists and journalists were more effective than most behind-the-Iron-Curtain operations, which led to the deaths of many agents and a few officers.”

The text suggests that more investment should be made in the mentioned groups. The authors' proposal for the future approach of the Zionist regime towards Iran can be summarized in this sentence: “Jerusalem is doubtless aiming for a ripple effect and good timing: Its actions might amplify eruptions of discontent, which have regularly shaken the regime since 2009.” 

None of these recommendations are new to us; similar actions have been taken against Iran many times before. Throughout various periods of unrest in Iran, the Israeli government has consistently used its resources to support the opposition. Currently, various Israeli media outlets are helping this regime maintain its power. The Israeli government is backed by countries experienced in overthrowing popular governments. These countries have redefined the concept of "the people." According to Western politicians and media, "the people" are those who act in ways that protect Western interests. Anyone who opposes this view is not considered part of "the people" and is seen as lacking human rights, making their deaths seem unimportant. An example of this way of thinking is the authors' reference to the 1953 coup in Iran and the overthrow of the elected Prime Minister Dr. Mossadegh: “The natives, not the Americans, were the decisive and sometimes singular players.” Sorry, Mr. Writers, but the published CIA documents say otherwise!

At the end of the text it is written that: “No matter what happens, Americans ought to remember that, as in the Cold War, the struggle ends only when the evil empire falls.” Yes, no matter what happens, the struggle will end when the evil empire falls and the occupation of Palestine is over.

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