By Wesam Bahrani

Another ethnic cleansing; West Bank after Gaza

August 28, 2024 - 22:18
Israel launches largest assault on Jenin and Tulkarem in 20 years as it goes ahead with genocide in Gaza

TEHRAN- Armed resistance in the northern West Bank has confronted the second day of a broad Israeli invasion, engaging in intense clashes that include detonating explosive devices at various combat points.

Reporters in the West Bank said the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) raided a town east of Tulkarm, where they deployed additional military reinforcements from the city’s north. 

Reports indicate that the current flashpoint refugee camp of Nur Shams, adjacent to Tulkarm, is being defended by resistance forces against the IOF. 

Elsewhere, the West Bank resistance forces detonated explosive devices against the occupation forces that had raided the Far’a camp south of Jenin, where the IOF stormed homes and demolished roads.

The Tulkarm municipal emergency services stated that the occupation regime is causing heavy destruction to infrastructure to cut services to the city and its refugee camp.

The IOF has kept a presence around Jenin’s hospital and is pushing new military reinforcements toward the city, according to the governor of Jenin, Kamal Abu al-Rub, who said that the occupation regime informed authorities of its intention to raid the hospital.

It has also been reported that the IOF is obstructing the work of medical teams and searching ambulances in front of Jenin’s hospital amid the ongoing aggression.

Palestinian media reported that the number of dead Palestinians from the Israeli invasion has risen to 11 in the northern West Bank, with six in Jenin and five in Tubas City. 

The Red Crescent stated that its teams managed to evacuate two of the dead from a house in the Far’a camp, while a woman was injured after an IOF attack in the village of Qarawat Bani Zeid in Ramallah.

The Palestinian health ministry confirmed it managed to transfer seven dead Palestinians to Tubas Hospital and two others to Jenin Hospital as a result of the Israeli onslaught since midnight on Tuesday. 

The ministry added in a statement on Wednesday that dozens of patients are currently being treated inside Jenin’s government, private, and charitable hospitals, warning that any raid on them poses a direct threat to their lives and the lives of medical teams.

The ministry has directed all medical teams in the Jenin governorate to head to the nearest health center to support doctors in what has been described as an emergency situation in the governorate, especially after the IOF began demolishing roads surrounding hospitals in the city.

It also called on the international community and the Red Cross to intervene to protect medical institutions while the IOF obstructs the access of ambulances, noting that this constitutes a gross violation of human rights and international humanitarian law and human rights law.

The occupation forces had blocked roads to two other hospitals nearby, and the headquarters of the Red Crescent. 

In the city of Qalqilya, reports emerged of a large-scale IOF arrest campaign. This is while Palestinian news platforms reported the IOF arrested 25 young men during a raid on the town of Arura northwest of Ramallah.

The Tulkarm Brigades announced that its fighters successfully targeted and downed an Israeli “drone” and targeted sniper positions entrenched inside a house in the Nur Shams camp, “bombarding them with bursts of direct fire,” resulting in injuries.

Additionally, the brigades detonated a pre-prepared explosive device against an Israeli military bulldozer in the camp, achieving a direct hit.

Another explosive device was detonated under an armored Israeli military bulldozer in the camp’s main street, rendering it out of service. 

The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Tulkarm have said they are continuing to engage in fierce clashes with the IOF in the Nur Shams camp from several positions, using machine guns and explosive devices.

There have been almost daily IOF raids in the occupied West Bank. The latest invasions on Tuesday and Wednesday are believed to be amongst the most extensive that the IOF has waged since October 7 last year. 

The National and Islamic Forces Committee in Gaza released a statement concerning the ongoing aggression in the northern West Bank, emphasizing that this is an extension of the campaign of extermination and displacement against the Palestinian people and their land. 

They affirmed that “the resistance is steadfast and will thwart the occupation’s objectives”.

The committee mourned the dead who fell due to Israeli gunfire and shelling, urging the Palestinian Authority to “fulfill its duties in protecting the Palestinian people”. 

It also called upon Palestinian security forces in the West Bank to “initiate action in defense of honor, dignity, and to confront Zionist aggression and settler mobs”. 

The committee also called on the Palestinian masses in all areas of the West Bank, occupied al-Quds, and the lands occupied in 1948, to “mobilize for an open confrontation with the enemy to defend the land, identity, and support our people in northern West Bank.” 

In a separate statement, the Gaza-based movement, Hamas, asserted that this aggression “is an attempt to implement the extremist government’s plans”, stressing that it, alongside the ongoing extermination in Gaza, is a natural result of the global silence over Tel Aviv’s blatant violations of all international laws.

In its statement, Hamas called for escalating all forms of resistance and confronting the occupation regime and its settlers “in all our occupied lands”, directing the call of the resistance movement to the masses, fighters, and rebellious youth in all areas of the West Bank to declare a general uprising.

Hamas emphasized in its statement that “the current military campaign of occupation will inevitably break before the steadfastness of our people living in cities, towns, and camps in the West Bank”. 

Other Gaza-based factions have also called on “everyone who can bear arms to raise them against the Israeli aggression”, as well as urging security agencies to engage in defending the Palestinians in the West Bank.

The West Bank-based Fatah movement affirmed that the aggression of the occupation army on Gaza and the West Bank “will not intimidate our people or diminish their will for freedom and independence”, pointing out that the ongoing IOF invasions in Jenin, Tulkarm, Tubas, and their camps will not achieve their objectives of displacing the Palestinians.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine stressed that “official Arab betrayal has reached the level of partnership in the comprehensive genocide waged by the occupation against our people, while al-Quds and its Islamic and Christian sanctities are violated, and occupation crimes extend to all West Bank governorates”. 

The Popular Front added in a statement that the Palestinian Authority is obliged to fulfill its duties in defending the people and halt all security coordination with Tel Aviv. 

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine has also issued a statement stating that what the occupation government and its settlers are committing in the West Bank is done with the complicity of some Western forces led by the United States.

It added that "amidst shameful Arab silence, the occupying enemy is empowered and emboldened”. 

Later on Wednesday the newly-born West Bank resistance engaged in fierce clashes and carried out “effective operations causing casualties among various units of the occupation forces participating in the “wide-ranging aggression”. 

The occupation forces acknowledged the intensity of the battles and their losses, the resistance said. 

The official spokesperson for the Palestinian presidency said, “This policy of escalation, destruction of cities, killing civilians, arrests, and colonization will not bring security and stability to anyone, and everyone will pay the price for these Israeli follies”. 

Critics have accused Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of clinging onto the Oslo Accords, arguing that the policy of diplomacy with Tel Aviv has only seen decades of more land theft, Israeli aggression, and war crimes. 

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