Muslim convert: US future might look very different as Gen Z will influence political decisions

BEIRUT - Many cities in the United States are witnessing massive demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine and calling for a ban on sending American weapons to the Israeli entity due to its ongoing bloody war on Gaza.
These demonstrations coincide with the Democratic Party convention in Chicago, during which Kamala Harris was officially declared as the candidate to run in the upcoming presidential elections against Republican candidate Donald Trump. The organizers of the demonstrations and the anti-aggression campaign said in a statement that the matter is crystal clear that the United States must stop arming the entity immediately in order to reach a ceasefire in Gaza.
To discuss the matter, Tehran Times conducted an interview with Ali Salaam, a Muslim convert who lives in Iran. He is an independent journalist and the editor-in-chief of Basira Press.
Following is the text of the interview:
We are facing an unprecedented scene in the US. What is the importance of these demonstrations and demands to ban arms for Israel?
The importance of these demonstrations shows that the Democratic Party’s facade of being for peace and goodwill around the world is crumbling in the eyes of many. This was not the case even a few years ago. Even those who on the surface supported Palestine would still support Democrats.
However, only those who have an agenda to reduce the issue of Palestine to some humanitarian issue that can be solved at the UN, and that the route to peace is through negotiations and capitulation (similar to the treachery at Oslo), instead of through armed resistance to end the entire occupation and the entire existence of the Zionist regime, still support the Democratic Party, but they are usually the heads of NGOs who receive lots of money from George Soros and the Ford Foundation. The rank and file, the average person, is waking up and cannot stand by these heinous crimes.
In turn, the Democratic Party is giving lip service to Palestine, but it is important to note that the Democrats just want another Oslo and to humiliate Palestinians through non-military means, such as installing a puppet government in Gaza similar to Mahmoud Abbas’ fiefdom in the occupied West Bank, and to oust Netanyahu and replace him with a liberal Zionist in hopes that people forget the genocide, or place blame of the genocide on one political party within the Zionist framework, instead of the entire Zionist entity and its supremacist, Satanic ideology as a whole.
Why do you think those joining the demonstrations chose to hold them close to the Democratic convention?
American presidents are puppets of special interests, such as the Zionist-Jewish lobby and major banks.
The choice to hold this in the Democratic convention was due to the fact that this genocide falls on the shoulders of the Biden administration. American presidents are puppets of special interests, such as the Zionist-Jewish lobby and major banks, but still, that doesn’t excuse the responsibility of the figurehead and some presidents have shown a maverick streak and have been punished due to it, either with assassination attempts or being a one-term president.
The only decent president in the US entire bloody, arrogant history was John F. Kennedy, who sought to stop the Zionist regime’s nuclear weapons program and was taken out shortly thereafter. The Democrats want us to believe that Trump is the only thing that is evil about America and that voters must do everything to prevent his election. This hypocrisy and sense of entitlement is beyond belief and has astonished many Americans who are seeing a genocide being committed in their name by these fork-tongued hypocrite liberal Democrats.
Is it advisable to say that there is a real division within the American Democratic Party?
It is not just a division, but an exit. There is no salvaging either major political party, and even many alternative political parties like the Libertarians and Greens do not fit the values of those Americans who are waking up. The awakening that is taking place is something that is anti-capitalist/anti-globalist on the economic side, and traditionalist on the social side. There is no political party that reflects the opposition to liberalism, both in economics and in social issues, within America. More and more Americans are going from secular hedonism towards traditional forms of Christianity like Catholicism and Orthodoxy, or converting to Islam.
There is no “Party of God” so to speak that will advocate this trend within the US. Especially because the US was founded not as a Christian nation, but by Masonic liberals who loathed Christianity, so the solution to America’s problems may be to create an entirely new Constitution, preserving some of the few decent parts like the Bill of Rights, but making such rights be centered around God instead of from godless humanism and other European “enlightenment” values. There is discontent on both the left and the right, Democrat and Republican, and the most important thing for America right now is a spiritual awakening. Their political corruption is a reflection of the deep moral corruption in society, which comes from the rejection of God and the endless pursuit of lowly desires, such as money and power.
Can this movement and others affect American policies towards Tel Aviv?
movement within the two political parties may not be able to affect US policy towards “Tel Aviv,” because the US was created by agents of wealthy Jewish families like the Rothschilds. Alexander Hamilton was one such founding father who was a direct agent of the Rothschild banking dynasty, which is why he advocated so much to create a privately-owned central bank similar to the Bank of England. America is the first “israel” and was created to be an empire that would assist with the creation of Zionism. The center of Jewish power is not in tiny “israel,” but in Washington D.C. A small group of people could not have so much power without having the support of a larger nation and empire of non-Jews (“goyim” as they are called) who think similarly to them with the same supremacist mindset.
After all, the first supremacist was Iblis himself. America is the coalescing of the different supremacist forces of the earth, including the powerful Jewish lobby but also the godless liberal Anglo-Saxons. Therefore, to truly affect political change, this entire system created in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence and in the 1780s and 1790s with the Constitution and the creation of the American republic must be upended and replaced with a system that is based on divine values. For that, the American people must turn to God, change their worldview and values, and change their behavior. The existence of an unelected “deep state” in the US power structure is due to this deep-seated corruption. This deep state cannot be eliminated until the American people themselves root out Shaytan from their hearts, minds, and souls, and create a political party of Christians and Muslims based on routing out Satan from this ungodly, blood-soaked system.
How long will the Democratic Party’s support for Israel continue? What can stop it?
Republicans are racist liberals, and Democrats are cosmopolitan liberals
The Democratic Party’s support for “israel” will continue indefinitely, since their liberal values are a reflection of a war against God. American politics is inherently liberal, regardless of political party. Republicans are racist liberals, and Democrats are cosmopolitan liberals. Since “israel” represents a movement to establish the rule of the antichrist on earth, since they are very much opposed to Jesus Christ (just as the Jewish elites were 2,000 years ago), any force that is an enemy of God will support such a movement.
They are at war with the awaited saviors, Imam Mahdi and Jesus Christ, and Democrats just disagree with Republicans on the tactics of how to establish a global tyranny run by servants of the devil. The only thing that can stop both political parties is the expulsion of American forces from West Asia. A political “savior” from within the US is not going to come — rather the US needs to be humbled by the men of God from the outside. When the US is kicked out of West Asia and Africa, and they lose in Ukraine, the US dollar will collapse and thus the main tool of the Zionist-Jewish banking dynasties to purchase the souls of those who are easily tempted by Satanic whispers will become greatly reduced. Once the US dollar collapses, they cannot afford to be an empire anymore and will be forced to become a republic that minds its own business and solves its own problems. Therefore, the hope for stopping American imperialism and global Zionism comes from the Islamic Resistance Axis, not any political savior within America.
Even Robert F. Kennedy Jr, whose father and uncle were both killed by Mossad and CIA, shamelessly supports “israel” and desecrates his own father’s blood. The Resistance Axis knocking America off its throne by expelling its military and cultural forces (such as NGOs which spread liberalism, selfishness, and homosexuality) will then enable the decent people of America to take back their government and establish a new constitution based on divine values. The American people have no chance so long as their government has all this power derived from a global empire, whose primary fuel is the power of the US dollar.
How committed is Harris to her election platform regarding Palestine and West Asia?
The Republicans prefer hard power and being openly hostile, while the Democrats put on a fake smile and extend a treacherous hand of fake diplomacy.
Harris is definitely committed to maintaining American hegemony through soft power means. The Republicans prefer hard power and being openly hostile, while the Democrats put on a fake smile and extend a treacherous hand of fake diplomacy. For example, while Obama was negotiating with Iran for the JCPOA, he was stabbing Iran in the back by creating and supporting ISIS. They do not want the resistance to become a powerful actor in the region, because that will enable countries of this region to become more independent and sovereign. However, the resistance is already powerful, so the US cannot stop the resistance but attempt to limit the resistance through more schemes and conspiracies.
However, they continue to fail with such schemes and conspiracies. Islamic unity is more tight than ever and the fitna of Daesh cannot be repeated so easily. However, since the Democrats put on a friendly face, many naive political forces within West Asia may try to claim that we can negotiate with the West and achieve results. These foolish people should be prevented from placing the sovereignty and independence of nations in West Asia in danger and the US should not be trusted. Any negotiations should be from a position of strength, not beggary, and should be from a position of deep insight, understanding that Harris, Biden, and Obama are not friendly, reasonable people. They are the nice face of a Satanic empire. After all, when Satan wants to tempt us with sins, he tries to make them seem pleasing to us — he does not tell us “please destroy your life in this world and the hereafter with this useless act that brings you no benefit.”
Why do the American police resort to suppressing demonstrations in support of the Palestinian cause?
The police of America see themselves as a class of elites above the people
Zionism is very crucial to the American power structure and so they view Jews as a “chosen race” that needs protection from any and all criticism, even if that criticism is based on their actions and not their race or ethnicity. Most normal people don’t care about the Jews’ ethnicity, but their corrupted beliefs and the criminal actions which stem from such beliefs. People cannot change their race, but they can change their actions, and accusations of “antisemitism” are just an easy way to dodge the main issue which is their criminal actions. Two ideologies in America treat Jews as a sort of false idol that they bow down to: Freemasons and Protestants. Freemasons, because their symbolism and ideology is derived mostly from the Jewish Kabbalah, and their opposition to Christianity and Islam is something shared in common, and both groups prefer a society in which man is free to pursue his ego, instead of the concept of fina’ in Islam, which is the annihilation of the ego so that the human being dissolves in Allah and is nothing but Allah’s instrument on this earth.
Protestant Christians on the other hand have an obsession with the Old Testament, which is not even the original Torah, but an imposter book which has been altered by the hands of corrupted rabbis thousands of years ago following the end phase of the major prophets of Bani Israel, namely Nabi Soleiman (as) whose death sparked a civil war due to disagreeing on who his successor is. They also believe greatly in the “chosenness” of Jews and thus the Christian Zionist movement is primarily comprised of them. Most anti-Zionist Christians are either traditional Catholics or Eastern Orthodoxy. Therefore, the defense of Zionism is integral to American ideology, because the US empire’s primary goal is to wage war against Imam Mahdi and Jesus Christ.
They are afraid that some American people will accept the Mahdi and Jesus upon their return and declare loyalty to them. Therefore, they must stop the American people from waking up to the horrors of Zionism. It is also worth noting that all American police belong to a special Freemason fraternity sect specially designated for police called the Fraternal Order of Police (FoP). Therefore, the police of America see themselves as a class of elites above the people, rather than humble servants of God and thus humble servants of the people by extension. That is why they can be so brutal towards the American people, due to this arrogant elitism.
Is it possible to witness a decline in Israeli influence within the White House in the future?
If America repents, turns to God, and totally removes the Satanic, Zionist “deep state” from power and establishes an entirely new system, we may see an America free of Zionist influence and also one that does not arrogantly pursue global domination. However, the foundation of America is Satanic. That foundation needs to change. Even if there are one or two decent politicians, such as US Congressman Thomas Massie who got in trouble for exposing the Zionist lobby on the Tucker Carlson show, they cannot make a difference due to this sick and wicked foundation.
Whereas in West Asia, a divine system like the Islamic Republic of Iran and wilayatul faqih has a good and divine foundation, so even if there are problems and shortcomings within Iran, such as the liberal fifth column that exists within Iranian politics, it is easy to overcome and solve these problems because the foundation is good. Like any house, if the foundation is good, the house can be saved even if it has problems. But if the foundation is no good, it cannot be saved. The Satanic foundation of America must be replaced with a decent foundation. The fastest way this can happen is if the American military and their cultural NGOs are kicked out of West Asia as soon as possible.
How long can the occupation leaders ignore the global outrage denouncing the crimes committed in Gaza?
The occupation’s arrogance has blinded them, but the smack in the face of the resistance will cause them to become defeated, humiliated, and eventually facing a court of law run by the Palestinians and given the appropriate punishment relative to the severity of their crimes.
“The Hill” indicated that the events in Gaza created an American generation opposed to Israel, especially among university students. How will this affect the American political decision in the future?
The young generation is much different than the older generation. They have no hopes for jobs, home ownership, or even getting married and starting families, especially as many Americans have realized that the culture of promiscuity, dating, extramarital relationships, and to make things even worse, LGBT ideology, is something that does not make them happy and only destroys society, because in the past few decades westerners saw no value in marriage, but now that many are returning to traditional and divine values, the economic reality prevents them from realizing their dream of creating a stable, loving, and God-centric family unit.
Therefore, they do not see any benefit for their dreams in supporting “israel’s” genocide or the war in Ukraine. Many young people are connecting the dots and seeing that the major usury-eating bankers who have ruined the economy are mostly Zionist Jews, and so they have even less affinity for Zionism. Therefore, the future might look very different as they will influence political decisions going forward. That is why there is such a huge attempt to silence people who oppose Zionism, including new laws which will criminalize their speech, much like the laws of Europe which jail academics who question the official narrative about World War 2. I myself am one of those young people who grew up in America and then realized everything I was told was a lie, so I can testify to this phenomenon. It is still not a large enough number to reach critical mass, but it still is enough of a problem that the US government is desperate to prevent people from discovering the truth and spreading the truth to the masses.
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