Araqchi highlights potential for cooperation with Japan amid illegal U.S. sanctions

August 23, 2024 - 19:50

TEHRAN – There are significant opportunities for cooperation between Iran and Japan, particularly in the energy and economic sectors, said Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi during an interview with Japanese media. 

"Japan can play a more significant role in the energy, oil, and economy sectors of Iran," the top diplomat stated on Wednesday. 

Araqchi expressed optimism about the prospects for cooperation, noting that the relationship between the two countries has the potential to stabilize and benefit both sides. He remarked, "Expanding economic and trade relations between Iran and Japan seems a natural and logical option," indicating a clear path forward for mutual interests.

Addressing the challenges posed by U.S. sanctions, Araqchi outlined the new Iranian government's commitment to improving relations with East Asia, specifically prioritizing Japan. "The new government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has set establishing relations with East Asia as a fundamental goal of its foreign policy," he said, highlighting Japan's prominent position in this strategy.

The Foreign Minister also touched upon the ongoing efforts to “revive” the 2015 nuclear agreement, stating, "The goal of the Ministry is to revive the 2015 nuclear agreement and terminate the sanctions." He emphasized that serious negotiations are essential for overcoming obstacles that hinder cooperation.

Moreover, Araqchi acknowledged Japan's historical relationship with Iran, characterized by "friendship, trust, respect, and mutual understanding." He expressed hope that this foundation could facilitate joint initiatives to tackle global and regional challenges.

As for Japanese companies, Araqchi welcomed their involvement in Iran's oil and energy sectors, stating, "Iran welcomes Japanese companies interested in working in its oil and energy sectors." 

The Iranian parliament overwhelmingly approved Araqchi as Iran's top diplomat on Wednesday, granting him their vote of confidence. Araqchi has served in different ranks of Iran’s foreign ministry for the past several years. 

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