A shot at reform and international interaction

August 3, 2024 - 19:34

TEHRAN - In a note, Etemad addressed the purpose of the brutal assassination of the Zionist regime and the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh and wrote: The assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran can have several purposes, including signaling to the officials of other countries that Tehran, the heart of Iran, is not a safe place.

Also, Netanyahu took advantage of the absence of the American government, the electoral chaos of that country, and the passivity of the Western European countries. So, he carried out this assassination to prevent the possibility of a relative de-escalation of tensions between Iran and the United States and the West so that he might be able to block the path of the Pezeshkian government at the very beginning, and drag our country into a war. Unfortunately, whenever Iran intends to take the path of interaction, peace, and development, Iran's enemies stop this path. Now, instead of talking about how to respond to this terrorist act and getting involved in a verbal war, time should be used and by publishing the dimensions of this anti-human act, we should make a suitable campaign to show the bloodthirsty, warmongering and anti-human face of Israel and Netanyahu to the world. However, we must stand firmly on the chosen path and not deviate from our original path.

Javan: Zionists should wait for an operation more terrible than the True Promise 

In an analysis, Javan discussed the troubled conditions of Israel and said: Three days after the assassination of the resistance commanders in Beirut and Tehran, the resistance groups promised severe revenge against the perpetrators of this crime, and fear and terror surrounded the occupied territories. Netanyahu's cabinet tried to improve its unstable political situation in the occupied territories by assassinating the commanders of the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance in recent days and guaranteeing the safety of Israeli citizens, but these measures have backfired and the occupied territories are afraid of revenge of Iran and Hezbollah. Israel asked for help from Western and Arab allies. It seems that the Americans believed that Iran's response would be more powerful than the True Promise, which could make the situation difficult for Israel. So, they intend to undertake a part of the project to counter the attacks of the resistance axis. Westerners know very well that the existence of Israel is in danger at present and if it continues like this, the regime may not see its 80th anniversary.

Donya-e-Eqtesad: Eruption of geopolitical crisis in the Middle East

American officials claimed that they had no prior warning about the attack on the head of Hamas's political office in Iran. This issue can lead to a wider geopolitical crisis. Purposeful assassinations of Hezbollah and Hamas political and military officials in Beirut and Tehran have deepened fears of a regional conflict. The United States could find itself involved in direct war with Iran, something that both countries have tried to avoid during months of tension over the Gaza war. But this time, the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh shows that America's sensitivities were not very important. Tehran quickly blamed Israel and promised "severe punishments." Pointing to the lack of U.S. leverage over Iran's nuclear program, some analysts said Israel may have acted this assassination desperately because the West had not stopped Iran from allegedly getting closer to making a bomb. The analysts added that provoking a conflict could be an excuse to attack Iran's nuclear facilities.

Ham Mihan: The goal is only Israel

In a conversation with Seyyed Hadi Borhani, a professor at the Faculty of World Studies, Ham Mihan discussed Iran's lack of hasty reaction to Israel's action and wrote: The path that Masoud Pezeshkian has taken for Iran's new foreign policy is to strengthen relations with its neighbors, try for dialogue and understanding with the West and develop relations with the world are worrying for Israel. The best situation for Israel is to see Iran as an isolated country that has tense relations with the countries of the world. Therefore, if the reaction is hasty and we do not consider the goals that Israel had for this attack, the situation will become dangerous for Iran. On the other hand, Iran must show a definite and serious reaction to what happened. If we make the right decision that focuses on Israel, we have taken an important step in defending Iran and its security. If we declare to them that our target is Israel and we intend to defend ourselves and our security and create deterrence, we can prevent war while defending ourselves. If we react intelligently, there will be neither negative economic impact nor war.

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