Almost half of Iranian infants exclusively breastfed

August 2, 2024 - 15:31

TEHRAN –According to the ministry of health, approximately 47 percent of infants in Iran are exclusively breastfed. Exclusive breastfeeding in urban and rural areas is 45.9 percent and 50.9 percent, respectively.

However, the figures have to reach 70 percent by adopting basic policies and measures that promote breastfeeding among mothers.

Breastfeeding contributes to several global goals including human survival and health, economic growth, as well as environmental sustainability.

Supporting and promoting breastfeeding is a cost-effective solution for ensuring survival; improving the nutritional status, growth, and development of infants and young children; safeguarding the health of mothers, and helping children to reach their full potential into adulthood.

The World Breastfeeding Week is being observed in the first week of August. This year, it is celebrated under the theme of ‘Closing the gap: Breastfeeding for all’.

The day highlights the significance of breastfeeding in improving children’s health and lowering their mortality rate.

Supported by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and many Ministries of Health and civil society partners, the World Breastfeeding Week as a global campaign underscores that breastfeeding is essential for child survival and health.

Breast milk is a safe, natural, nutritious, and sustainable food for babies. Breast milk contains antibodies that help protect against many common childhood illnesses, such as diarrhea and respiratory diseases. 

This year, the campaign is celebrating breastfeeding mums in all their diversity, throughout their breastfeeding journeys, while showcasing the ways families, societies, communities, and health workers can have the back of every breastfeeding mum.

The days of the week are named as follows.

Wednesday, August 1, the role of policymakers in promoting breastfeeding.

Thursday, August 2, the role of fathers in successful breastfeeding.

Friday, August 3, the role of clergies and religious groups in promoting breastfeeding.

Saturday, August 4, the role of family support law in supporting mothers and infants.

Sunday, August 5, the role of media in raising families and mothers’ awareness and skills.

Monday, August 6, the role of NGOs in promoting breastfeeding.

Tuesday, August 7, the role of managers and employers in promoting breastfeeding.


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