Israel's state terrorism: 

A step toward all-out war 

July 31, 2024 - 22:12

TEHRAN- By assassinating the martyr Ismail Haniyeh on Iranian soil, Israel put the MENA region on the brink of a full-scale war.

It is time for the United Nations Security Council and all the major world powers, including the United States, China, Russia, and the European Union, as well as all the major organizations and countries in the region, including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, and others, not only not to fall into Israel's trap, but also to save the world from the danger of falling into a full-scale war through a consensus and international cooperation against state terrorism.

Israel has not yet accepted responsibility for the operation. But who does not know that the only regime that has continuously planned and executed state terrorism operations since its establishment is Israel? For the past nine months, the regime has been engaged in ethnic cleansing in Gaza and has openly proclaimed and pursued the idea of destroying Hamas and its leaders. Undoubtedly, Israel's responsibility in this regard is accepted by all the intelligence and security services of the world.

How the Islamic Republic of Iran responds appropriately to this aggression and horrific act in retaliation, repentant, and security-creating measures is within the competence of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and its security forces, and this writer cannot deal with it. Hence, the focus of this note is on possible political actions. In this regard, it is appropriate to pay attention to the unbalanced political situation in the world in which we are living.

First, in the past year, Israel has become more hated and unveiled in world public opinion than ever before. Suppose the new generation has no memory of the crimes of this regime in the 1940s and 1970s, this time, by witnessing the genocide, women, and child killings of this regime, they have become quite alert. They have seen its racist, apartheid, and terrorist nature. And international organizations, including the International Criminal Court, have endorsed it. Moreover, the nine-month resistance of the Palestinian people shattered the entire myth of the invincibility of this regime. And this regime has become weaker and weaker than ever. Its regional expansionist plans and the normalization of its relations with other countries have been put on hold. Hence, it sees its only way out in starting a full-scale conflict and war in the region. The avoidance of war by other countries should not be taken as a burden on their fears. Rather, it is a wise measure by other countries against a wounded and wild boar. It must be contained, not striking by it.

Extensive efforts were underway to exchange prisoners in Gaza, which, if successful, could control Israel's warmongering in the region to some extent. Ironically, Martyr Haniyeh himself also played an effective and positive role in it. Most analysts believe that life will be difficult for Netanyahu himself after the end of the Gaza conflict because the time will come when he will be held accountable for the war crimes he has committed so far. That is why he is the most important obstacle to any negotiation and conflict management in the region.

The political developments in the United States after Biden's withdrawal from the upcoming presidential elections and the arrival of Mrs. Kamala Harris do not seem to be in favor of the warmongering Netanyahu. Therefore, it seems that he is looking for a measure that will put the United States in action. As a rule, those American politicians who do not agree with the United States being involved in a new war in the region are aware of Israel's provocative actions led by Netanyahu, even if they do not express it explicitly. Several countries in the European Union have absolved themselves of Israel's crimes, and the EU's foreign policy chief has repeatedly taken a stand against Israel's inhumane actions. China has recently entered the region and is on the side of the resistance as much as possible. Russia has also visibly distanced itself from Israel. All of this is a sign of Israel's weak political position in the world. The repeated applause of Congressmen in the United States does not change the external reality. Netanyahu's bold actions only add to the deterioration of the situation.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is on the verge of forming its new government with the slogan of engagement and balance in foreign policy. It is clear that one of the main goals of this operation, in addition to striking the leadership of the resistance in Palestine, is to bring the Iranian and Palestinian people face to face and to remove the government that is about to be established in Iran from the policy of international engagement and balance. Therefore, regardless of retaliation, Iran should seek active international diplomacy, seek the help of all global institutions and powers, and build a consensus against state terrorism.

World politics is in a state of unstable equilibrium at an unprecedented level. At any moment, the slightest recklessness could lead to a full-scale war in the region or even beyond, at the expense of millions of lives. We must be careful not to become a pawn in the hands of warmongers. I propose to register this crime at the United Nations and to call on all responsible official international institutions, intergovernmental cooperation organizations, governments, and civil society institutions globally and in the region to form a coherent movement against state terrorism.

By Abbas Akhoundi the former minister of transport and urban development of Iran


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