America won’t lift sanctions and Iran won’t trust America

July 26, 2024 - 1:15

TEHRAN - In a note, Kayhan addressed the difficulty of an Iran-U.S. agreement and wrote: Returning to the JCPOA will be on the table again after the U.S. presidential election in November.

Therefore, Tehran and the relevant world powers should discuss the possibility of creating a new political framework for Iran's nuclear issue. Assuming the parties can reach an agreement, JCPOA 2 will not be a complete agreement, but it will significantly improve the West's ability to monitor Iran's nuclear program and ensure that it is limited to peaceful purposes. From the beginning, the United States wanted to keep the sanctions as a stick that could be waived in exchange for the implementation of the nuclear agreement by Iran. It will not be easy to reach an agreement and the suspicion between Washington and Tehran will continue regardless of who is in charge in both countries.

Donya-e-Eqtesad: The role of Pezeshkian in the American elections

In a commentary, Donya-e-Eqtesad dealt with the impact of the role of Pezeshkian in the American elections. The paper said: Gallup polls show that millions of Americans - not only Muslims but many Jews - are against Netanyahu's extreme positions and may refuse to vote. But Masoud Pezeshkian, the new president of Iran, can also make a decisive change in returning these alienated voters from the ballot box to the democratic column. In a "message to the new world," Pezeshkian declares that he will welcome sincere efforts to ease tensions and will respond to goodwill with goodwill. This indicates a desire to reduce the risk of nuclear war by opening the way for international inspectors to visit Iran's nuclear facilities in exchange for opening global markets to Iranian producers and consumers. If Blinken communicates to Iran and joins Pezeshkian and declares that their countries are considering a new path for peace in the Middle East, the situation will be more promising.

Siasat-e-Rooz: Hearing the message of truth in the world

Siasat-e-Rooz devoted its editorial to the fear of the West after the message of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution to the students who supported the Palestinian people in the universities of the United States of America. It wrote: This message shows that human society is thirsty to hear the truth. Until now, the policies of Islamic Iran have caused many people around the world to become aware of the crimes committed against the oppressed people of Palestine and come to the streets. Such an event was accompanied by serious concerns even from the Western authorities. This message reached the hands of free people and those who have clear human nature. The heads and rulers of Western countries claim to support freedom and democracy, but they have implemented the most dictatorial political systems in their countries and do not even allow the publication of world events such as Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The impact of the Leadership's message proves that we have reached the end of the era of unilateralism and monopoly in the Western media. Censoring and distorting the facts and events of the world in the Western media can no longer influence and direct public opinion.

Iran: Fake news with the mask of human rights!

In an article, the Iran newspaper discussed the former human rights reporter in Iran affairs, Javid Rahman, and said: The UN Human Rights Council, in a strange action, approved a resolution under the influence and lobby of the United States and England, and it was decided that "special reporter on human rights" should be determined for Iran by them! The purpose of issuing this black resolution was to show the human rights situation in Iran. All Javid Rahman's reports against the Islamic Republic were the same as the claims of the anti-revolution media. He accused Islamic Iran of genocide in the 60s, but clumsily supported the terrorist group of the MKO and did not say that 17,000 people were assassinated in Iran. Javid Rahman had an interview with the terrorist media "Iran International" at the height of the 2022 riots to clearly show that he does not have a neutral position towards Iran. He even clearly supported terror and sabotage and the project of disintegration in Iran. The fact of the matter is that the West and the false claimants of human rights are the disgrace of the world today. If Western human rights were real, the U.S. should not have vetoed the resolution to stop the war in Gaza three times, but it became Israel's accomplice with the gesture of human rights, and laborers like Javid Rahman pursue their nefarious goals.

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