By Matin Jamshidi

Bibi has nothing to say to Congress except his war crimes in Gaza

July 23, 2024 - 21:54

TEHRAN - It is quite clear that Benjamin Netanyahu, known as Bibi, plans to talk mostly about his disastrous war in the Gaza Strip while addressing the joint session of the House of Representatives and Senate in Washington on Wednesday. 

He has nothing to boast about except butchering, starving, causing famine, cutting water, indiscriminately bombarding residential houses, destroying hospitals, and many other indescribable crimes.

The speech will be marked as a disgrace for him as well as those fascist American lawmakers who will attentively listen to his regime’s genocidal acts in Gaza and clap for him while speaking.

People’s minds are still fresh of Bibi’s remarks in his first address to Congress when he was first elected as prime minister and said Israel would never allow the formation of an independent Palestinian state, and while uttering such remarks the lawmakers stood up from their seats to encourage him in jubilation.

Does Netanyahu want to proudly say that he has turned the Gaza Strip into a hell, killed about 40,000 (16000 of them children) injured about 100,000 others, and buried thousands of others under the rubble?

Most probably Netanyahu wants to notify Congress members that Israeli soldiers intentionally target civilians in the Gaza Strip

Does he want to boast about destroying the besieged enclave’s infrastructure, dropping 70,000 tons of mostly American-supplied bombs on Gaza, destroying and damaging more than 60 to 70 percent of buildings in the coastal enclave the Israeli snipers intentionally target civilians in response to the October 7 attack on southern Israel that left about 1,140 dead (many of them by Israeli forces) and capture of about 250 others?

The bombs that this racist regime has so far dropped on the tiny coastal strip with about 2.3 million population have exceeded World War II bombings in Dresden, Hamburg, and London combined.

The war criminal’s trip to the United States to address Congress was organized by the legislature's Republican leaders, who have ironically accused “genocide Joe”, a Democratic president, of not fully supporting Israel, despite the billions of dollars in American assistance sent during its war in Gaza.

He will again talk about “genuine peace”, but genuine peace is his devilish mind means an uninhabitable Gaza Strip in the post-Gaza war and the annexation of the remaining Palestinian lands in the West Bank. 

As usual, the bloodthirsty prime minister will try to demonize Iran in Congress. He is going to say that Iran is the main supporter of the Palestinians who are struggling to get rid of the Israeli apartheid regime and say that Iran’s nuclear program is first and foremost designed to produce nuclear arms.

Either way, the address to Congress will be remembered in history as the most disgraceful remarks of a war criminal and a shame for those Congress members who will endorse his vicious deeds and statements.

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