Tehran reiterates firm opposition to geopolitical changes in South Caucasus

July 19, 2024 - 19:18

TEHRAN – The Iranian envoy to Armenia spoke on the territorial disputes between Yerevan and Baku, saying Iran respects international law and opposes any unlawful geopolitical changes in the region.

During an interview with Iranian media, Mehdi Sobhani emphasized Iran’s support for the territorial integrity of both Azerbaijan and Armenia, adding that his country would firmly stand against any changes in international borders. 

"Our position regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh issue is crystal clear. We support the territorial integrity of both Azerbaijan and Armenia and are against any changes in international borders or any geopolitical shifts in the region. Security and stability in the region are in Iran's favor,” the ambassador expressed. 

The Nagorno-Karabakh region, a territory officially part of Azerbaijan but predominantly populated by Armenians, has been a source of conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia for over three decades. 

In 2020, a war erupted, resulting in Azerbaijan regaining control of a significant portion of the region. On September 20, 2023, Azerbaijan claimed full control of Nagorno-Karabakh after local Armenian forces surrendered.

Shortly after the last major Azeri offensive against Armenian forces last year, Azerbaijan and Turkey proposed the establishment of the "Zangezur Corridor," a land route connecting Nakhchivan (an Azerbaijani exclave) to Nagorno-Karabakh. This corridor would traverse the Armenian province of Syunik, effectively severing Armenia's land connection with Iran. Both Armenia and Iran have strongly condemned this proposal.

The realization of the Zangezur Corridor would require a new Azerbaijani military offensive against Armenia's internationally recognized southern borders, potentially escalating tensions further and raising concerns about regional stability.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Sobhani noted the strategic significant of southern Armenia for Tehran. "Southern Armenia is a strategic area whose security is intertwined with our country. The main route for Iranian trucks passes through southern Armenia." He said, adding, “Iran's relations with Armenia hold significant importance due to the countries' geographical and strategic positions. As one of Iran's neighbors, Armenia plays a crucial role in enhancing regional security and stability. The secure and stable border shared by Iran and Armenia has contributed to bilateral cooperation in various fields, including economic, energy, and educational sectors.”

Moreover, Iran has been actively engaged in regional diplomacy to address the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, the envoy mentioned, pointing to the country’s proposal of the 3+3 format, which aims to foster dialogue and cooperation among regional countries. "Iran proposed the 3+3 framework, and holding the first session of this platform was one of the achievements of the late Ebrahim Raisi’s administration," he stated.


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