Iran rebuts U.S. allegations at UN Security Council over Yemen conflict

July 12, 2024 - 21:23

TEHRAN – Amir Saeed Iravani, Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, has strongly refuted claims made by the U.S. representative during a Security Council meeting regarding the situation in Yemen.

The U.S. accused Iran of supplying weapons to the Yemeni Resistance movement, Ansarullah, a charge Iravani dismissed as baseless and politically motivated.

In a detailed letter addressed to U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the President of the Security Council, Pedro Comissário Afonso, Iravani expressed deep regret over the dissemination of what he termed as falsehoods aimed at advancing narrow political interests and unjustly legitimizing such claims. This rebuttal was in response to statements made by the U.S. representative during a public session of the Security Council on May 13, 2024, under the agenda item "The Situation in the Middle East."

Iravani criticized the U.S. for perpetuating these accusations without credible evidence, emphasizing that Iran's stance on the Yemen conflict has been consistently misrepresented. He underscored Iran's commitment to supporting a peaceful resolution in Yemen and denounced the politicization of the Security Council platform to propagate misinformation.

The full text of Iravani's letter is as follows:

In the name of God, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful


I wish to respond to yet another allegation made by the representative of the United States against my Country in the UN Security Council’s open briefing on the situation in Yemen held on 13 May 2024 under the agenda item of “the situation in the Middle East” (S/2024/9623).

It is regrettable that, once again, the US representative used the Security Council’s platform to advance its short-sighted political interests and to justify and legitimize the US's ongoing illegal actions and military aggression against Yemen's sovereignty and territorial integrity by spreading lies and misinformation about the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the situation in Yemen.

The Islamic Republic of Iran unequivocally rejects these unfounded allegations.

Similarly, Iran rejects the identical allegations made against itself by the representatives of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France during the Security Council briefing held on 14 April 2024 on the same agenda item (S/2024/9602).

In the letters dated 15 January, 19 February, and 18 March 2024, (S/2024/64- S/2024/175- S/2024/244), the Islamic Republic of Iran has made it clear that it is committed to the Security Council's relevant resolutions on the situation in Yemen and has not engaged in activities in contravention of these resolutions.

Instead, Iran consistently advocates for the peaceful resolution of the Yemen crisis through diplomatic channels and underscores its dedication to maritime security and freedom of navigation.

I would be grateful if you would circulate the present letter as a document of the Security Council.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Amir Saeed Iravani
Permanent Representative
United Nations, New York

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